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Mn Looa.n IntrMuard i bilí In tho Seokta on the 8lh Hpproprlutin.' . I ".'' 1t tbe rad ol n tjiiim.ii inr dlaabled y,,iunu-er solilii-i'i wi-si ui tin Kook) ftountain. Mr. Morrill ri'poi'tüd a Mil rreatlng au Mistent Socretury ol tbe Treaaun In the House purt ufthp SHsslouwaa Uikt u un by aspeeuli of Mr. Kulluy crJUolsinit Mc lutlar miuck iiKdvrin M Stairton. The Lcílalativo, Kxiicutlve Hinl Judicial Approprjutluu lill whs eoosMsred. Hii.i,s wito passed n thn Somitr on tdo th tu l-tfulio the Incorpobition r aatioiurf tTKlM naton; toproblbM thotranam nlon of lottery circular throuirli the mi N. and cv eral bilis tor private rclir .. In the Houao the timo mi occupled In illscuaslnu tho Legislativa, Bxetutlva an.i Dunlieial Apui-o prlution hlll. Ma. McPhkiis.i.n iilKiuiiicrl ii MU la the Sonato on the loth to Iihichsc thr naval os tahllBlimont; it appropriato H,43t,00a The bill prohibitin maaiben to mm us attorneyi of lamí -Krant rallroada and the Airrioultural Approprlntlonbill tren paasod. andtheNortbsrnPaaiflc li!l tvax lurther consM(;reil In the Houae tbe Bdjnundj Antl-rolyiramjr bill was reportfed frOm the Juciicnni Comnrtttne, wltti n-commerfflatlons that tbe chartnr of theChurcta ol Lattor Ojt Balota be revotted. Tha Lejrlslatlve Appropi unión bill wus rurtber dlaoossod. Mtt. Locan reportod the Arm y ApproprUV tlon bill in the Báñate un tbe lltb, and the Northern Paolflp Rallwaj Land-Forfe tnre bill was turtbcr iMaouaaed. Mr. Spooner, of wisoonsln, üeltvered ¦ touoalftK tribute on the death of Ron Joaeph Rankin, lati a Kop ri'Scntativn in Congrene Ir ilmt si uc In tha Houae tho Seuuw ihii lojrallzing Inoorporatloti i Nntioniil traifea nnlons wius pusaed. A Iciny and acrlfn .1 - illncussiun took place upon Letrlxlntive, Bzooutlre and Judicial Apinoi.ii.ilM.n l.i.l. OOMESTIC. Harmnvi & ('i.' nróulen-mili nt Stnmford, Conn., was destroyed by Ore on thu StU, tho loss hciiiis $22S,tXM. lx a quarry near YounRstqwn, O., a dynamito llast, wbicli ras being redrilled, exploded on the Mb, killipf; two imm. Font Itaiinns woro aiTosted in New York mi sth chargsd fitb mskinj cOTntorfoit silvor munoy. The strikiiiR furnitiiro-workors n Chicago m the sth declaro! the eight-hour ystem a fiiilni, and feigaiflad thnir wiUingnoss to return to worh al the old hours. Rawi.kv BPiukos, Vá., gummer resort, iis out hy lii-o po the 8tb, tho lialtimore H.iuse hping tho only resort left stutidiafr. TIjoIosíwi iHl.iWO. ADVicB frjm Fort Daris, Tuk., say tbtit the t)U iTiontlu' drouijlit u Presidie County. tl,n '.hábfi-gtowfej sectioti of thal tut", M brokeo on tho Sth hy beavy rains. Conntlea thonsamis of bbup piiishcd hiriiiK tlm drooAt ÖoWAr'd ftÉMPIS tgad six ynr; ;in.l Artiu Addick, agad ton yemn, got uto n ininrii-l on thp sth ut Akivin. ).. ini.l Hou ni-d wmit nro the jol liis l.ii I,.m lii.stol and si,.,r Arti ¦ fatnll íuh irusirn.s di iiiiiinina (JOllege, nt New York, haw ,l,j-,l"il to n.linit tvoinen in futuro on Me Mme Fobfl a, mea. VtuiM.K nn i., i at Plttsbnrh, Pn., olí the Sth ngumst Mastnr Worknnn Hii-lun.i i ¦.un,l.., of tbe Kiiighl iol Labor, and Uui'o athern for comipiracy and Intirniilutioii in áounoctiou witU the recent rtnai-aac ItAke A i. u ¦ re reolTd in WsihlnpAn 011 the 9th frotn Rniinral Mi leí stating lii.u for thirty-xtx itaya Uta t pa had bn parraing tbe bontile A.pao.hes uní n,.it, they would be givon n mst nntil cxpturM. Sini-fl tlmy iitiirmi tli. Unill Slatoa Ifer ritory tbe Indintu liad kili-l thirtoan pfcrSOll-. A ckiíat dood irivH!vd cm tbu Sth nt Arknnstis City, ICuu , owini; "i -i risa n tli riv.r. i'hp ñlmi.i .¦..iniliy was overfiowed, anJ fclie dain.i a to oropa wofcld be imniniiso. Ín reíorence to tlii' niai-yn tbnt CWcajro aldermun Im.l !,....ii t.yiini Nrtli CJhirnK" ' ¦' ¦iii.uny. Mayor UaiTison ,,M , '., In.lkiidwii a dase wfi.nj ilitrilutd amorío tlm ni,!.., ,n mi :i:.,l Hutt Uti hirnsnlf COulll llltv tl...t)J l'l-dlll til ¦¦ U, ¦!,.,, i lodiao Compauy aud $ii5,00U from the Chicago t Braoston. H. l. Davis, local mastiT 'vorkmau Kn(ílits of Lalior, w:is con iotéd al Union, Mu., on tlm ytli of obtructlqg tlm track uiirmg itie raiiroaii strik, aml 'ïiloucod to two yi-ui-s in r.lip peuiloittiary. A WATKH-.IMI-T buril orer Marshall, N. C, on the yth, an.1 a (W.l folföwinl, prbieh wrecked bótueg, aro woed caltle and rulned the crops. Mus. Wii.i.iam Si.oan-, of Stanfonl, Vt., on tha 9th drowned ber foi:i-y'aic)!il sou, as sho confesSod, to spile lier lnnl.and, of whom slio was nsailoly jwaluus. Tlio sh..,k Diado Mr. Sloan insane. A pisi-vn il of tlio 'Jtli from Sioux Falls, D. T., stateil tliat tLo heat iu thnt saction' cotnpelled farm laborera to abandon tbair work. Tuf whpftt harvest was n progresa on ''til In Soiitliern Illinois, Missouri and Ki-iitiirKy. The OTop wus al. ovo tho aTcnt'i'. Ooii) was disoov(uv.,i „n tha lith on tho farm of Atuos Burrows, noar ftrio, Pa. Tin: maier4ilden of St. Louis, employing one tlioiisaiul men, l"iilu.l on t ilo Bth to discontinue tho oiglit-hour plan iuaugurnted May 1. Tho oniployus doclarud tbeir intcntion to strike. JOHN Coaki.ev, a deputy slinrifT of St. Louis, roceived a on the 9th offering hicfi CIO.UÜU if he woiilil peïmlt thjBjsaaape of Maxwell, tho m'urderer oï I'rollor. IOmibi.ï tbe first man evor arrostnd In Kpiitnrky for playing poker was Kli.-is Op pnjihcinior, of Lonisriltai who was caj)tBrml on tlie 9th uudur the new Stute law malcing gamblins a felony. Ur thn lit:hiiiff of r freigit train the othrdny noar Klkhorn, Nuli., thi-eetrpmpg stenliii){ Miiüir passage woro insUuilly killed. At ToiiHwanda, N. Y., thn MozartThoa tr, a s:il(inii aii.i idomotbtr rtrnoturoa mere deftroyed by lire on the luth, aiul u umi perlihod In the liainiis. It was roported on tli lotli t.liat blotMlhounda would probably ba tued to pwana tlin boatfle Apaqbo A watkksi'oi't on thn lOth at Marshall, N. C, ilnrastatod property and destroyed crops. At the naaioD of tho International TypoKrqilMral Union at I'ittsliurgh on tho lüth tho Cummittee on Strikes presentad a ruport aniending the laws so that all strikrs shall bo iiiTii.stigfitid and arhitratod by an executiTo council composed of the president, nhiof organiior and vice-presMout or Btate dopnty. Tuk Masiinii' (Jrand I.odse of Wiiconsin On the lOth expelled John W. Woodluill, who was a dofmilt-r for ¦ oonsidsrable amount whilo serring as rand semotary. lie now resides in Uakota. HiitA.n O. Wadswoktu, of Holler. N. Y , Jumpad ii.M, Goal lslnn.1 bridge il tb lOtb uu., tbe rápida nuil wns swept urr Niágara Falla. J. J. Dcncav, a leading citizen of Scott County, Tenn., soventy years oL ago, eloped on the lüth with Mrs. Foster. who left a husband and nino childran. At the sossion of tho Railwuy National Yardmaaton' oonraatíoa at St. l'aul on the lüth the oonstitutiou was amc'iidod to provide that "any membor who sli.ill M gage in the saloou Im-im-s-. or soll intoxicatthg Uqaor shall forfeit his meraburliip " A section was also adopted providi"i-' thnt ' 'iiiy momborwhu shall enguge in a strike or who shall eDcourage others to ongage in one shall be expellod f rom and shall bo forever debarred from beconiing a member again." ASTMM of tho lOth from Cheyenne state that during a sudden flood a faniily named Arantrong, oonaiaHng of husbaud, wifo, two sous and one daughter, were drownnd hl a tnbutiiry of Clark's Foik of tho Yellowstone. WnEATsold on tho llth in Chieago at ¦ nis. the lowMtprioekaownfortwBty-four yean. Kont lmrsc -thicvoi wero lynehed by vigilnntos on tho llth near I.imostono, Idaho. In a farm-house noar Columbus, O., two doputy marshall on the llth captured ono of tho most expert counterfoiters in tho (Tnlted Stntos, named J. A. Brown, together with his accompliee, Oeorgo Miller, and thcir tools and coin. Trin general imliistiial situation throughout the country was on the llth suid to be improving. Of the 200,(WO who racelrsd oonoesaiooi as to shortor hours with fnll pay one montb ago, loss than 140,000 ra l:iiiicil tbeie ndvnntagos, and tho prossuro of competition from ten-hour workers wos breaking rlown most of what was loft of he movement. I.iii iinii.ii, Conn., was damagod by flro on tlio I lth to the extent of $200,000. A wixi) and laln-storm on the llth in the Aberdeen (D. T.) section groatly damaged wheat ticlils A sevhhi-: earthquako shock was feit at Bandy Hook on tho night of the llth, which laited ¦ minute or two, causinfr the tower to shake tensibly and the winJows to rattle. Tin: Si-c rotary of tho Kansas Stata Board of AgricnltBTC on tho llth Mtimatad the winter wheat orop at 11,000,000 bushela, or fort y por cent. of a live yoars' average. TiiüiiE wero 180 business failuras in tho United States and S9 in Canada during tho sevcii il.iys eiidod on the llth, against 1S7 tho prerlooa seven days. Tuk syuod of the Reformnd Church, In SAssion on the llth at New Bninswick, N. J., declarad for tomperance, but rejocted a resolution in favor of prohibition. At a mootinp; of the Boston master-masons on tho llth it was unanimously voted to return to tho ton-hour systein. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. V. U. Winstov, of Chicaco, Unitod States Minister to Porsla, has resigned, and lus rosinnation has been accepted. Rrv. CHtmcn, D.D., one of the most prominont clergymen of the Baptist (Umoniination, diod on the iïth at Tar. rytown, N. Y., aged eighty-four years. Dr. Church was one of tho proprietors of tho New York F.zaminer, the leading paper in the East of his denomination. Kkv. John W Nevin, D. ü., LL. D., wh.iso book.i are among the standard theological works of the world, died on tho 7th at Lancaster, Pa., aged eighty-three years. Tin: President and hin wife roturned to Washington f rooi üeor Park, Md.. on the 8tb. '"i.onei. Kk'iiakd IC Hok, of New York, sonior memberof the wull known prlntlngnesa liim, diod suJdonly at Plorouce, ltily. on the Sth. N. W. AI.DRICB (Rep.) was on tho 8th re-elected (Tnitsd 8 la te Senator by tho Rlid'lf Island l"K'slatiiio. Loc ai. option electloni wro hM on tho rt si man] poinr.s in North Carolina, and tli' J'rohibittotiists were suecessful in tWl'lv toWIl. Tuk Ulcbigan (ireonbackers will hold tlioir Btate conventlon at Grand Kaplds August 17. At a nippting of the International Typographfcal Unten at Pittsburgh, Pa., on tho Kth Williain Amison, of Nashville, Tenn., was pk'.t.-ii president Tuk BapnJUcaoa of the Second, Third aád Foorth Mainn distiicts on th 8th renominatod Messrs. Dingloy, Millikou and Boutullü for Pinnnmilimu. Mits. 1,1 III.E.E YSKL'LT DUDLKY, who Rhot O'Doiiovan Rossa in New York in February, 1SS5, was on the 9th plaod in the asylum for insano elimináis at Auburn. Ummkiciai. returns on the th from evory county in OregOD cxcept two gare Hermaan (Rep.), for Congrea, on), and J i-iin. -r i li.-iu )t tor Cioveruor, l,bU(J majoritv. The Maine Rtato Reublican convontion assemlilcil at Lawiaton on tlie Mband nomInated J. lt. Bodwell for OoTSrnor on the ürst. ballot. The platform oondemni freo trade; declares that labor and capital should be iu harmony; indoi-sos the Prohibition law and cítíI sorvice; fa vors penrionlng soldiers andsailoi-s; declare that tho National domain sunuld ouly be conTflyod to citizfiis, and favors homo rulo for [reland. rY me win of J. V. Folsom, of Buffalo, N. Y., mudo public on tho th, the wife of President ('lovoland roceives 8S,O0a, Thomas A. Doïi.b, for over eighteen years mayor of Providencie, R. L, died on theüthof parulysis, aged fifty-nino years. Tiir State Anciilturul AssociuUrm of Arkimsas raat at Linio Rook on tbe lüth and noininated Jobn U. Kletc-her (Dem. for Governor. Tm; Demócrata of tba Becond district of Mu .ui tii. inth iiiiriiiii.'it.'.i ax-OoTemor QarceloD for Cooktmumui. Fnrii:uicK Em.isom, of Iniliiina, ivcontly ppointi-.l IJiiitc.l States Consul at Asoen sino, Pnrap;uay, on Iba lm h kendared hls ic"iK'ili"ri, and it was ocoptMl. Tuk mwnbera, past and present, of tho MfchiRiin Legislatura, openod tbcirSntrsnion at Lansing on tha Itlth, a constitu li.m baing adoptad and offloen eleotad. Thi Obio Demócrata will hold their Btats DOBTentlon at Toledo Augoal ls. Tuf Amorican Agricultura] Associati.m on the lmli issiii'il au addraa to tke ilaiiy people of tho ooantrr, gisting ihat tb bul torino men wore repraieDted in foroe al Wa .liiiiKtuM, and with barrels of mnov rert worklag for tba dnfuut of the uiuo margarine bill. The Louislana Sonnto on the llth paued [ha llonso bill prohiliiting the opuning oí ¦toras, saloons, etc, on Bunday. Tin Republicana of Arkansaswll] hild thoir Ktalc conventlon at l.ittle Rock Jnlv 2a Tiiom vi Si:a ñus Qominataa forGorar nor mi the Ilili IjyMio Alabatna Deaioerats .n thu iliiiiy liisi ballot Tba resolnUom i ladotM Mu iriiiiiistnitloii Piealdeftl " I I li'Vl'lllll'l FOREIGN. FmTnsa rioting occurred on the 7th at i liilfiist. Irelaud, betweeu Protestant and Catbolic inobs, and nmny were injurod on both sides and sovoral koOMt woro wreckad. Duiirxo the four dnys snded oa the 8tb the ileatbs from chulora iu Veuire averugud twonty-two daily. In the oloctions held in I'. mm on the Bth to replane outgoing inembera of the l'hamber of Doputies the Catljolics gaincd Oleven seats. Tus British Cablnet at n mooting on the 8th decided unanlmously to appaal to tha country, and to recoramend to tho Qiuwn an immediate dissolution of I'nrliamont. In the single-scull race on tho sth at Toronto, Can., Leo won, with Hanlan íecond, Conloy third and IloNmor fourth. At Bulfast, Irelnnd, on the 8th a mobof Orangemen wrucked ft ntimljor of housesof Cathollcs, siivoroly injiiriiiK somih of tbnm. Tuk Socialist, líorprond, who waa tho lnador of tho strikes in 1885, has been expllod from Bwlla. Advicf.s of the üth from tho famine in Coroa were to the efToet that fivo hunrliod porsons had starved to doath in ons city. A ruin la Montrnal on the Oth destroyod tho glHsn-blowing factory of Ward f). Yul, corering threo acres of land and eniploylng llvo hutidrod man. The Iosü was $HU,000. DisPATcnES of tho 9th say tbat tho Orangomon of llulfast liad wreoked noarly oue hundfod housos, buniin two of tho imiiilii'i'. The polico killed niño por-sons, among them a widow with two chililnii. Tiik marriapo of Adelina Patti and SIgnor Nicolini took placo at Bmossa, Wnl(s, on the Btfa. Mu. (íi.aist(ixe receivpd a telegram from Queon Victoria on the Oth Riving her siim'tion to the dissolution of Parllumont on June 36. On the lOth a sorvant-girl and two children of Mr. Lorigan, at St. John, N. B., were fatally burned by an attempt of tho domestíc to start a flre with kerosene oil. Tiie physlcians appointed to examino King Lndwig, of Baruiia, on tho lüth roportnd him as insane. Tuk emigration into ICanitoba this yoar was on tho lOth said to be eight timos greator than in either of the last two Oí turno yoars. Additionai. doaths woro reported on tho lOth from the lielfust (Iroland) riots. Tho pólice forcé had boon largely lnoreased, but a reign of terror MU preTsJled. AnvicFS of the lüth from Auckland, Now Zonland, tato that at Ttirauora thoro had been a volcanic araption preceded Ijv mi Nuiii(iiuke. Muiiy nutivu-c and Europeaaa perished. Choi.kka oontinusd to rage in Vnnice n tho lOth witli uiutliiititil Tíratenos, n vi afe of twenty new oases umi tan demthl iii'currinK duily. Tiie Frenofa bark Micluil Knul was run down in fórelgn watars on tho Ulh by tho Britilb bark Canova, and sovmi of the iCmilo's crew werft drownoJ. In tho Franeh Chamber oí Dápatiea on tho 1 1 tli tho liill pximlliug tho Prlucos wns pnsst'd. Fi c in Kit advices on the llth from AurkInnd, Now Zi'iiliind, tated Umt the v.ilraiio ut 'l'nru vvcra ilstrtrd entira villages in tho itisii'ict hy Bwiftly buryfnjt fcbom in aaoea Tweuty-8lx daad tniis had been rocoviMi'd f'iiuri tile rnins. IIkavi ralaa had caused graat damaga thiouli..ut Uu btand i Jámale. In Kingston the loss was estimatod at ?!(.),- 000. Soveral bOUMfl had hi-ti dBHtroyed Tin: Hritish OoTërnment nu the llth placed the distrteti tei-rtu i.d by ni... In Ulster under martiul law. No fnrtber riotint; was raportod. McKknzik, AiniTiran 'i.i--i '..nsul at Dublin, Ireland, shot hts wtte with a revolver on tlm llth whiln temporarU) uHiinn, and tliin killud hlmself. LATER NEWS. liv tlie iipsottinp; of ¦ aail-boat on the I8th in ilit livor at West Borgmi, N. J., thé uil.. nl Andrew Doran, aged twenty-five, Qeorgo, lier ehfld, aged geren, and l.nimi Koefor, aged twonty-two, Mrs. Doran's sister, ere drownad. Ovkk une bundred nativos nntl ten Engüsh penooe lost tljeir lives throogb th recent ampUon of tlio volcmio of Tarawaera, in New Zuiiland. At tbe cloaing geulon of tho Internation. al Typographical Union at Pittsl.urgh on tli llth tbe report of tho special oommlttee on tbe use of ilute mattor was adopted, and it was voted to liold tbe next mootiiiK at KulTulo. N. Y. Ovmt two buudred Amoiicnn wbolesale (TOCera aailad trom Nuw York on tbo lUtb for a year's tour in Kurope. A TEKitiFio wind storm passod over Crookston, Minn., on tbe l'Jtb, wrecklng tbieo botéis, a chureb and soveral other bnildiDgs. Eight penODI weru injnrnd. It was definitely deeided on tho 12th tliat tbo dissolution of tbo British Parlinnumt should take placo on tho Ith inst. T. T. Hbnobickbh, (Jutbolic Biabop al Rhode lsland, died in bis arin-chuir at Providnncf on the ïath, from paralysis of tho Innjca. At twenty-six leading nleariiiK-houscs in the United Statos tbo exchangM dnring the week ended on tbo 12th aggrogutnd t878,499,t!93, aguinst sc,s, 118,70 tli previoua wook. As comparo I wiUi tlm corrospondinsweokof IHój, tuj iucroasj amoontj lo por cont. Mu. Üi.adstonu, la a manifestó on tbo lüth to tho eloctors of Midlotbian, It&tea the issue to bo whntber Ireland símil be Bovorned by coerción or allowod to manage hor o wn ulfuirs. nu standing ,,f th National Leagoe base-buil clubs at tlio close of tho week ended on the lüth was as follows: Detroit (KHiuds won), 98; Chicago, 34; New York, 21; l'liiladlphia, 17; Itoston, II; Kt. Louis, 11; Kansas City, g; Washington, 0. Wii.i.iam Somkukai.b, agod oi)hty-fl vo, and his wife Mary, a;od gerenty-eight, wore burned to deatb on tho lüth in Now York by Mie upsotting of a lamp. Tuk Chillan bark I'oiulicliciiy went ashoru at Valparaíso a fow days affo and became a total wreek. Tblrteen of hor crow periihed. A heavy wind on tho 12th at Hun ter, D. T., blew a farm-liouHo to piucos. One man was killed MtrightaBd Mveral othen woro seriously lnjured. In the Uultod Statos Sonoto on tho 12th the Army Apiropriatiou biil was passod, as was also the bill authorizing the roraoval of the Southern Ute Indians in Colorado to the Territory of Utah. In tho House the Legislativo Appropriation bill ., was further considered, and at the evcming , session thirty-five pension billa were ' passed. ,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News