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Mñmi NO FEE ! I I e.stibli.sded uil ) Morríli UNTIL BETTER ƒ DETROIT.MICH, ƒ Block. ( Th6 Reeakr' Old-EstaMlshed L I'IIYSKIAN' & Sl'IMiEON SXILLAND 8ÜCCE88 YOUNGmen.middle-aged men and all persons who by theirown acts of Impnilifiirc or Folly at any period of life have brought upon tlicmselvcs, tlic cvil effccts following closely upon the heels of Iransgrcssion of the laws of nature, should consult tna celclirnted Dr.Oarke at once. RminberJNervons dleAeiifwith or without ítreams) or debílity and loss of ñervo power trcatcd scicntifically by ncw method-, witli never failing success. #ll makcs no diffcrence what you have taken or who has failed to cure you. ffr-T'.it terrible polnnnq of Sypliilin and all bad blood and skin disensos, completcly eradlcatcd without mercury, R'ineinber that tliisone horrible dlnease, if ncglcctcd or imprnperly (rcatcd.oursof the present and coming generutions 49AH unnntural discharges curcd promptly Without hindrance to business. No cxpcrinn'nïs. Itoth toxesconiiult conftl ntliiUy. Ag mul x peni mi Important. A written nanMt96 of cure kív' in cvory cuso undortaken. jy-Sufferers from any chronic dlsease write lliHtory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which otben have failcd tocurc. ÏTlScnd two stamps for crlrbrfttrd Works on Chronlr, Norvous and Ocltcate Dissascs. You have an nxbaufttive Bymptomatology hy which to stmly your awn caso. Coiualtmtíon, personally or by k-ttcr, free. Consult the old Doctor. 'I hoiismiris cured. Otllres and pnrlora pri. vate. You sec no onc but the Doctor. lïcforc confidinff your case consult IK. CLAKKK. A íriendly letter or cali may snve future suffcring and shame and add pohlcn vcars to life. Medicines sent Terywhen secure from ezposiire. Ilours, bto 8; Sundays, y tu i. Addrc-., F. O. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mick NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURIFYINGJHE BLOQO. It has hoon in uso for 26 yoars and has provcd to bo the bost preparation in the Miirkct for 8lck Headache, Pain n the Sido or Back, Livor Complaint, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all Biseasos that arise trom a disordrrod Liver or impuro blood. TbousBDdl of our bost pooplo tako it and givo it to thoir childron. Fhyaiclans proscribe it daily. Thoscwbouse it onco reeonnncnd t to othcra. It is made frotn Yollow Doek, Honduras Sarsaparilln.YVililCIierry.StillinKia.Daiidilion, Sassafras.WIntorirroen, and othcr wrll-known vnluabli' Bootfl and Merbs. It Is strlctly veKCtahlo, and cannot hurt the most .IHiciitx constitution. it is one of the baat raedioloei in uso for rcifulatiiiK the Bowele, It is sold hy nll rcsponsililc drnsrifiHt at ono dollar for aquarl bottle, or si] ror Ove dollars. Sample botUea 60 ets. ir rooelpl of prloe, W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. I? fVhrn ynu luin: trird all llie Sarëtiprillaë, and have been dteoypoteted, U-yJohntten't. Miirliiiii' S.ilo. DBFAULT haring been mMetn tho omiiiiions oi i ct-rirmi indeiitai'd of n ort rageexecuted by Mlcliael Phelan and Sarah Plielan. liis trlle, o( the VMIiik of Uezter, Wiixliieiiiiw Coonty and Hlate of MlcblKan, li) riit.ikk Uullugber, ol the Towushlp t Webster, In iüiiii oounty and utale, bearlng il:itt ilic 2ith iiny oi üotober, A. ü. elghteen hondred mul sevenly-seven, and reoorded In il moe ot iiif Reglatr r Deed tor sald rounty ol Wnshtenaw, In Llber 60 of Mortgaee, on page 108, and by which deraultthe power of s:il i'oiiIhíiumI In lald mortguge havlng beoome operallve, and no snit or prooeedingsal laworin clmncery hnving been iDBtitoted lo recover the amoanl 'Iih on sa ui mortgageor the noteacooinpanj Inathesaiae, and Uien belngnowolaimed tobedneon saiii ooteand mortage. tbe suin ol six hajidred and elghty-two dolían umi thlrty-elgnt oeoU Noiifc is i htTt-ion1 hereby gtves, tlmt the sairl morlgase III be foreclosfnl on SjiUinl.-iy, tbe llth dayol Jone. A. D. 1886, at ten o'clofk In the forenoon of thal day. by a snit at pabilo aoetlnn, to Llie hlsheRt bidder, at tbe Bast of the Cnnrt In the city of a n ii Arbor, in ihc coanty aforesald, ' (siiid i'ouri. Honse belng lite plaoe for holding tbe Circuit Ooart i Haidcounty), of the - mortgaged preralae deacrtbed In naja mortgage, or bo mach thereol rh may be necegsary tosatlsry theamounl ol principal and 1 est remalnlng unpald npon unid mortgage wlth reasonable cohUi nul expenses, togptiier wulian attoriieyfee ..i twen ty-flve dolían; wblob prciniscs ai' deaorlbeil in sald mortgageM tollows, to-wit : Belng lot Hl i; in hlook hwe (3)Jn the VIIlage ol Dezter albresaid, acdtrrting té the re ' eorded pint thereol, and bounded northerly by the Michigan Central Kailroad. i Uuted, Hareb 131 li, 1888 PATBIC'K OALLAOHRB, NoktoaAi k. K. I). Kinnk, Alfy for Uortgagea, I30Ü Real Estille Cor Sule. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CooDty of WnshU-naw, ss. in matter ol tbe estala t il.nry Onicliser, deceaueri NOTIOE is herehv piven, Ihat In pntsii anoe of au ordur icraiiled lo Ihe a Uerelgued iif llieeatnle ol unid Hcni v f', liy the llon. .luiliícoi Prol tale fnr the c.Minty ol Waahtenaw, m tbe lOtb day oí March, A. D. ixso. Uierewlll besoldatpublie venilue, li ihe limhrst bidder, al 1Ii.',-.-ii Iroiit iliiurnf ilM'i-diirl I w, I ti Iha ctty ol Aun Arlmrin Iba ('niuity Of WalbleilftW III saiil Btate, on MMurdiur, tne ID h ny of Jane a i lfiSíi, al in o'cl(-k ni Uie Forenoou ol iliat iluy (Habjecl in all nnoninbntnoefl lis mortnge or otherwlne exlnilng al the lime of the ilruili r sulcl iliTcüSfii iiu' followlug descrlbcd ltt'ul Bátate, io-hii : All that oertain tncl or parce! ol IhikI lyii g nn1 l)'iu' tb ci iv "i Aun Arlutr in rimiity of Wachtentwand Blata ol Michigan, knnwnaod deacrilu-d rollowa: Ponr acrt'a oflaid tobe taken bom the nnith end ol ihe rast imii ,.t iba weKt huir of th' Konlbwest qunrier ni Heatloo NuniiMT Twt'iny, in lowu iw.i, noutli i.i range ¦Iz fiist, bj a iloe imralU'l wiiii Norlh llneol ald lt, and Klxtcen rocN xniíci therelrom; Alo iin'He-t huir "i thi' wet hnlfof tbaaoathweataartiTof ücrtion Nomber Twenty, in town (S) -cnitli ol range x (6)eaat, contalnlnx Tortr arrei or lnd be tbe ame mor.' or leu, exccptlng nd rencrrlni; tbareirom abonl elftal aerea of land la tle -ouihwest Gornei of tbe ald furty aerea heretofore (lecih'd liy Hlerome liooil-p. ci] uoá Wllltara Jones toKlnneth Darldton, umi Vo exeepüng and ra8i!iyliu one acre of land ootlifl east íldoofaaM Uavidion'H .-"lii ere, fold nd co&veyed bv Rail C. )o"(I-k ud toJovcpb VVIlMin, abjecttoall riKhtí mul prfvllo cu nf a road fir hit'hwiiy on Ihe rai aideof Ihe uüd pleceof land cranled ti w llliam Jdin-K by AMuail '. lioodsnerd byüerdeed n.-iicii, Muruh lilh, 18811 W11XIAM W. WHKnON, I2!77w Ailiiiiiilslratnr. Cliniiccry Sale. In pursnanpp nnd hy virlne of a doeree of the C'ln-uit ('oiut for tl ooanty oí Washleimw in Chaucery, BtaU of Michigan, mud.' and enterad on the twenty-nlnth dayof Beoember, A. D. 1885, InacerUln oaoae therain pending, wncreln Krank 11. Kllls hy st,.pli,.M il. Kllls, hls guardián, mui next frlemi la oomplalnant, and LeaterS. Pryer and sarah M. l'rycr are defendanta. Notloe is hereby Slven that 1 Bh all h.-II at public auollou er vendue to the blgheat bidder ai th noutli front door of oouri hniiso. In the city of Arm Arlior In sald rounty mul stntc-, OO the Ililrletbdayof .huir, a. O. issn. at in oel)ek in theforiMioon of aald day, the eqoal undlvidcil one-hall Intmesl or (jéster s Pryer in all tnat eertaln pleoe or pnreel of lnd siluated In the townxlilp oí Aun, oonnty of Wutitenaw and Htite of Mlchloan kimwn ' m,i deacrtbetl aa follow: The earn balf of , tin' souiiiwi-st qnarier ofseollon ihree iuil Uie v,-si, hall al the w.ulheiwl qnarier of lec 'Ion three, townsliip numrwr fwo outh ol range six mt Dated, .Muy 10, 1880. I'ATIUCK McKl'KN A N, ircuit Conri. C mlKalohVr I WrulitcnaW , üoanty, Michigan. iAWYER d KNOWLTOW, SnlIetOTi lor Cnm. , pllülülllls. IL1ISHI i - - ¦ 1 , c (hnn nnn f """"¦ ml I -v !"a '; ¦"" uil: "" " " ' ' ? mliif. itmt u i] t ir ron in rorktkal willai brlni; von ia woo-y fnui-r lian anytblDg elti in Am-rlea Uil thool tbe iio.ikkIiii preai-nU wlth i-.irli ln. ¦...-i.i ¦nnt.'rt , verywbere. of lihrr -ex of II ai' fpriiHihe line, amparo time nnly, u mlc ir iif attholr, wohome. Portoni- lm all nlwolntel} ¦nred. Don'l dlny. II. IUli.mti a c i,,rt. nul, Maine. TinTf7TI Sl'"'! ¦' ''''"J r"r tftHfr I UU IL oi recelTe rree, a eontly bo 4 11 I ¦ P "' ""'":" whir'i III h"l ynn _ X X lXjJJ1iomonlmoni'yrL'lii Kpaythn - injtaina ole In world. E 11, of toar hm, Mu -e,-, ii irom lirHt hunr. The rond mad In lortunr opena beton tbc werken, ulntel; rare. At once diucas. Tkiik & Oo., Ufe'UHia, Mainv. c


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News