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OCR Text man wlio saya the w r.d owes him a Uring is B bard creditor. K. O. T. M. meets to-night for initiation and election of delegates to the State Tent. With the compliments of TheoJore Nelson, Superintendent of Public In(tructlon, we have received that ofllcer's report for the year 1885. A little scven year's old child of Mrs. Theo. Pa;k, residing in the Unity block, run over by a ciirrlage this morning on Buron Street, but not seriously injureil. The T. & A. A. R. R. will sell tickets to and trom local stations on the 3tl and 5tb of Julj-, good to return not later than the Gth, for one fare for tlie round trip. So aü can come to our 4th on tlie 8d tor half fare. Tlie dry goods mcrchants of tliis city have all entered into ai) agreement with each other to close their storts at 6 p. ín. on and after July 5th, except Saturday erenlngl, and the two weeks before the first day of Jnnuary, and two weeks before college commencement. The Agricultural College at Lansing, has issued a buil in relation to the use and valué of ashes as a fertüizer, and recommends wood ashes as dressing on lljfht soil, and also for fruit trees and fruit beaiing plants having a woody stem or body. The proportion Is from thirty to fifty bushels of ashes to the acre. The rotten stone walls of the new Chicago court house are being treated wTth a preserving cliemical that has been tried succes8fully on other Chicago buildings. The Washtenaw supervisors will eilher do soinethinL to preserve the cruiubling stone in their court house or eee lt in the course of eight or ten years conderaned. During the last seven and a halfvesri there have been eighteen newspapers started within a raidus of 26 miles of Ann Arbor, viz.: Six in Ann Arbor, 2 in Milan, 2 In South Lyon, and one each in Saline, ('helsea, Dundee, Clinton, Stockbridge, Pinckney, Northvillo and Tpsllanti. Paper3 have iucreased in numbers but the people have not, the last census showing a slight decrease. At a meeting of the Ladies' Decoration Society, held at the residence of Mrs. ,T. B. Saunders, the fol Iowing otHcers were elected for the ensuing j'ear: President- Mrs. Amanda Wood. Vlce-prestdent- Mrs. Boudlsh. Airs. J. B. Saunders. Treiumrer- Mrs. N. Balley. The next meeting of the society will be lield at Mrs. Bailey's house on Broudway, the evening of July 9th. AU ïueuibere are requested to be inatte ndance, as business of importance is to be transacted. Sheriff Walsh picked up a stray boy about 10 years of age, one day last week, who gave bis name as Chauncey Stage, and said that he was on his way to New York where hi-í motilar liíti'. A little inquiry developed the fact that the boy was one who had been indentured from the State School at Coldwater to a famlly near Worden Station, and had run away from the folks he was living with. He was returned to Coldwater yesterday by öiiperintendent of the Poor.Davif. The wool clip is practically all marketed for tliis season, about the quickest work n that line ever knovvn in this vicinity. Mack & Scliraid have taken in about 200,000 lbs. and expect about 50,000 lbs. more. Mr. Mack tells us that the qtiality of wool this season has been superior and there ha been little or no docklng. They bought three clips the past week amoutitint to over $500 each, viz. : thoae of E. Cranson of Webster, Wm. Aprill of Öcio, and Leopold Blaess of Lodi. A learned physiclun recently sought to prove that rnun's memory was not what it formerly was when wholc volumes were committed to memory and in that way handed down from generation to Keneration. All wrong, as the following will prove. About three years slnce, E. B. Hall lont 8 rcsideüt of the city $1 la cash. Soon after the man moved away and the debt wu not puid. Last Tuesday a. m. what was Mr. Hall's surprise to receive a letter containiog not only the $1 but two stamps for interest and an apology for not sending it before!


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News