
Un. W. W. Whitlark, of Monlrenl is visiting in tlic city. Herman Hulzel returncd Friday morninj; from Streator, 111. Mrs. M. E. Qny attended the American Opera in Detroit last weck. Dr. E. C. Rogerp, of Quincy, Mfch , is visititiof friends In Ann Arbor. Mis. Itnbeson and daufrhter Opal leave for thcir liome in Ohio, Saturday. Mrs. Wm. N. Stevens has returned from a two weeks' itay at Whitmoro Lake. Dr. Taylor mul rife net Ma Huil, of Menzoniii, are in the city visitiug friends. lleiiry C. Qregory, Dexter's popular yminir bankcr, was in the city yesterday. E. Terhune, onc of the old residents of the city, liviüg on State 8t , is dangerously ill. J. C. Watts of Eust SaRinaw, carne to the eity yesterday to witness Will's unptials. Mrs. Purcell, nee Mary Moloney, of Toledo, is visiting her BOttor on Fountain street. Mrs. Dean, of Itliaca. N. Y., is visiting hei sister, Mis. S. G. Benham, on East Huron st. Mrs. N. ü. Preston, of Corunna, has been visiting trieuds in Ann Arbor the past week. Misses Jennie aud Malie Potter are to spend the summer in the northern part of the península. Will F. Stimsoii left lust evening for Hastinirs to attend tlie redding of Mrs. Htlmton! sister. Miss Myrtle Berimrd, of Muskegon arrived 11 the city yvsterday to attend tlie wedding to-day. Mrs. J. S. Uieketts and fuinily retiirned from a visit to her sister Mrs. Uoyce, at Farwell, Mondar. Mrs. C. M. Putiiiim, of Nash vil Ie, Mich., is yisiting at (Japt. J. H. Palmer's on Jcfteraon street. Kcv. Mr. Earp and wlfe went to (irand Rapids Monday to attend the funeral of an old parishioiicr. Mrs. E. O. Xichols and two children, of Kochcster, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Nichols on N. Ingalls st. D. A. Horner, ouc of Curo's successful merchants was a caller at the COURIKB office yesterday a. m. John Dieterle and Fred Meyer have retumed from the St. Louis Theological Seminary for vacation. Mr. MoDowell, the overseer ot' the county farm who has been ill for the past tluee week, is improving. Miss Katie Hawkins of Ithaca, X. Y., ia the guest of Mrs. Phebe Martin for a few days, on Washington st. Ma U. J. Kintner expects to return to Ann Arbor for the surnmer soon, Ieaving Washington next Thursday. Mr.. G. M. Hodges, nee Miss Annie Wliitlark, of Montrcal, Canada, is visiüng Mrs. D. L. Gates of' Pontiac st. Hev. ,T. Neumann has gone to Cantón, Ohio, to attend a meeting of the Synod of the United Evangelical church. Supt. D. B Green, of Ypsilanti, whose iijuiy was noted last week, is getting along is well as could tie expected. Bert G. Henion and bride are in the city on their wedding tour, guests of Mr. H 's prent, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Henion. Miss Laura Ballinger and a lady of Cleveland, will spend commeDceraent week at J. C. Knowlton'g on Huron st. Miss Matle Wilson, of Lapeer, is expeeted at Capt. J. H. Pahner's to-morrow to remain during commencenient week. Dr. David Finley and wifeof Clinton, Ia., have spent a week in this city visiting old friends and will leave to-morrow for their home. Mrs. Ben. II. Martin of Bay City, who is well known in this city, has been dangerously ill for a few weeks past, but is slightly better now. Mrs. G. Powers, of Grand Ripids, hccompanfcd by her daughter, is visiling her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Benbaa, and other friends in the city. Mrs. C. M. Jones, of Charlotte, and Mrs. G. T. Jenklns of Flint, are visitiug their sister, Mrs. B. F. Watts, and other rclatives and friends in the city. Cliief Kngiiieer Hawks of the M. C. R. 11., witli a party of railroad officials carne up yesterday on a special to look over the exciivattons on the new depot grounds. O. F. Webster and duughters, of Owos si, are expected in tlic city this eveniug. Tlie daughters will remain for two or wei ks, but O. F. wlll return home in two or three days. Julius Werner, of Afton, Minn., lormerly of thia office, is home tor the summer vacation. He is studying at the Lutheran seminary at thut place with the intention of entering the ministry. Mi'8. L. J. Liesemer will attend the Normal School Commencement next Wednesday, she being a gradúate thereof, and from there will go to Hudson where she formerlyjheld the position of precitress of the school. Mrs. J. J. Reed, of Cliicago, 111., is visitiiiK a her father'g, Daniel Hiscock. lier husband, who is engaged n the manufacture of paper bottles in Chicago, will join her and they will start for a European tour soon. C. A. Conover and Harry Parker of Coldwater, J. E. Holcomb and Jay Moore of Jackson, arrived yesterday lrom their homes on their wheeU. To-day they continued on to Detroit to attend the state " meet " of wheelmen. Mis. Morse and famlly left Saturday for Alpena to attend the funeral of Mayor Richardson of that place, who died very suddenly while on au eastern journey for his health. Mrs. Morse Is a sister-in-law of the deceased mayor. Mnster John Burg gave a lawn party to about one hundred of his class mates last Frlday, from 5 to 9 o'clock. The grounds were brilliantly illuminated by Chinese lanterns, tables were set therein, and the sight was a beautiful one to passers by. Henry K. Cocker, wcll known to Ann Albor people, bas been advanced from secretary of the Star Coal Mining Co. to be general business manager of the same with full and entire control of the imsinrsH. He is at What Cheer, Iowa.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Mary E. (Moloney) Purcell
George M. Henion