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- ¦¦¦ ¦¦in- ¦¦¦¦ - ¦ :nnw MOST PERFECTWAÜE Prcparod wlth spoclnl rcpard to health. Nu Amini'iii:i, Linio or jYIum. PRICE BAKItlO POWDER CO.. CHICACO. 8T. LOUIS. pi SPECIAL JZ Hextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Purvst and strnm,-. -t Natura! Fruit Klavors. ViiHilla, Lomon, Omne. Almon.l. Kow, cU, fluvur u dellcatfllj and uaturully U fruit. tuitivo, price Baking Powder Co. st. lou& Invalids HoteliSurgicaï Instituto BTJFPALO, KT. TTOrganizrcl wlth a f uil Stuff or eighteen Experlenced and Skilirul Physiclans and Snrgeon for tbc trratment of all t'hronlc Dignases OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronlc Nasal Catarrh. Throat and Luns Discaxes, Livir and Kldnrj DiaeaKCfi, Bladder I ¦ - t-;i- ¦-. Disonsea or Hom. 11, Itlo.xi Discascs and Ncrvous Af feciioiiw, oured bere or at home, withor without soi ing the patiënt. Come and soo us, or sond tt'n cents in stiimpB for our "Invalida' Cuido ook," wlncu gives all partk'ulars. (___- NervoiiN Iti'MIil}, linioI nrimiTr I tcncy, ( lili nal LotiSCH, CATE land all ITIorbid Coiidttionx , Iranml by Vonthlui FolIIICPKrC I iil" and Pernlctous Soli[UlOLnOLO. ,ary praotlccs are (peedliy ¦¦ and pernmiu'utiy cured ny our Speeialiats. Book. pcat-pald, 10 ets. in stainpg. !_______ IC lipt ure, or Dreneh, radiYn I eally cured without the knife, I KI1PTIIRF I without tni8ses, without imin, I ""' '""" and without dunircr. Cares ¦¦¦ naraulccd. Uook sent for ten cents in stampa. PILE Tli.nOBS and STHICïT'ItES treatcd under jfiiaranteo to cure. Hook sent forten cents in stjimps. Aiidrese WORLD'8 Dispensaky Mf.dicai, Association, 663 Main Stroot, Butfalo, N. Y. ______, TIn' trratment of mnny n,,....,.. „_ thousande of cases of those UISEiSES OF Jiseass peonliai to WnMFV WO3VIEN nUBlLll. at tnc invalids' Hotel and '"'¦"¦ Surtfical Institute, has afforded larjre. eiperience in adiiptint; remedies íor their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is tho result of thls vast experlence. It Is a pnwerful Rcstorative Tonlc and Ncrviue, imparts visor and streiifrth to the system, and cures, as i f liv miyric, I.eucorrhea, or "ïvhites," cxcesslve flon iiiK painful meiiHtruatton, nniiatural iuiirc8ioiiK, prolapsus or tallinu or tho uteriiN, ucak back, aiitcvorsion, retrovcrHion, bearinRdown fieiiNatioiix, cliroilic cipiiuctlon, lul 'lam mal ion and nlreration or tho muil, ï ui lam mal ion, pain and tcndcmeKN In ovarios interna! beat, and "fcnialo weakucss." It prompt ly relieves and cm res Nausea and AVeakiuss or Stonim li, Imlim .- tton, Itloaliiiti, Nervous l'i-nsi i-al iin, aud SleeplCKKiiexs, in vitltcr sex. DDIPP C I fifi OR c OTTLKS rnlbt 5)1. UU, toe s.oo. Scnd ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's lartfe Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFPALO, N.Y. gL SICK-HEADACHE, tF HÉL nilious Ileatlaclie. IV F Dlzzlness, Constipa. - sU' Ib ti 011, Indigestión, '¦Étk TC Ïj. ail1 Ililio"N AttackH, fB TIkJNw promptly cured by Dr. jf ¦ vir' Pierce's IMoanaiit jHL Br Purgativo PolletN. .í ¦ cents a vial, by Druggists. AHMUNITYfromANNÖYANCE f t , 1 & . ËWJ rH E I "'t m W-iEH III sV0J ' H (i ¦ Pat. OctSOth, 1883. ff ƒ 31 ade onl.T of the finent andbcstqnality ol .lass for H itli-tuiuiinu beat. Every good thing is Counterfeited, and consumera are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. JMiuiila'turel OSLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. PlttMbnrifh l.cnd MaM IVorks. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. „S l'MVKRSAL fc."i. 01 Vipor md W.UrÍC Wolfalt Rtlail. Old Hxthi UelieweJ. ? Snj tor CirruU. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPLETE AUKAENOMENÏ FOB Physiciaa and Families. Neater and Cheaper AND MOKE consrvEOsriEisrT THAN A 8TATI0NAKY BATH TUB, WITII NO EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTUKES. HALE'S HONEY s the best Cough Cure, 28, Wc., IL CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and bcautifics, 25c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corns & Buafaa 25c. HILL'S HAIR A WHISKER DYE-Black & Brown, 60c. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c. SEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS iré a sure cure, 60c


Ann Arbor Courier
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