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NO FEE!! 1 EsTiBLisHïD si. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER Í OETROIT.MICH ƒ Block. srSir The Regular, 01d-EsUblihed L_:;.1 PHTSICIAJí & SURGEON J8KILL AND SUCCE88 YOUNGmen.middie-aged men and all persons who by their own acts of Imprndonce or olly at any pcriod of life have brought upon tliemselves, the evil effects following closely upon the heels of transgresión of 'the laws of nature, should consult the celebrated Dr.Clarke at once. KememberlNervous dlseaes(with or without drcams) or debllity anti loss of nervO power trcated seientifically by ncw methods with never fnilin success. -It makes no diffcrence what you have taken or who has failed to cure you. jCe-Vlie terrible poisona of Syphilïs and all bad blood and skin tliaeasefi, completely eradicated without mercury, Komember that tnisone liorrlblo dlsease, if neglccted or improperly treated, curses the present and coming gcncrations All unnatnral discharges cured promptly vnhout hindrance to business. No experiment. ïtoth sexes consult conülntlnlly. Age and experlence Important. A written euarnntca of cure given in every caso uudertakeu, jFfe-SuflVrers from any cTironlc dlsasewrite Ilistory and Symptomt of your case - phiinly. CftMt solicitcd wliich others have failed to cure. ÏH?"Scnd two stamps for celebrated works on riironir. Nerums and Delicate Distases. Vou have an exhaustivo symptomatology by which to sttidv your own enne. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the old Ioctr. Thoiisands cured. Office and parlors prívate. You sec no one but the Doctor. Fïcforc confiilintf your case consult DU. CLAHKK. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffering and shame and add golden ycars to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure from exposure. liuurs, 6to 8; Sundays, 9 to 12. Addrcb, F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlck NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURIFYÍNG THE BLOOD. It has heen in use for26 yoars and bas proved to bo the best preparation in the Market for Sick Headache, Pain In the Side or Back, Livor Complalnt, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all Biseascs that arlso from a disordored Llver oc impure blood. Thousands of our best eople take it and give it to their children. Ph ysicians prescribe it daily. Those who use it once recommend It to others. It is made from Yellow Dock, Honduras Sar8aparllla,WildCherry,Stllllngia,Dandelion, Sassaf ras, Wi ntergreen, and other well-known valuablo Roots and Herbs. It ia strictly vegetable, and cannot hurt the most delicate eonstltutlon. It is one of tho best medicines in use for regulating tho Bowels. It is sold by all responsible druggist at one dollar for aquart bottle, orsix for flve dollars. Sample bottles 50 ets. free on reoeipt of prlce. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. W When you have trial all the SanaprilUu, and htm tietn diippjinled, trv Juhnton'$. M.ii-tiiu-4' Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in tho condllions of a cenain indenture of mort fageexecated by.MtcbaeJ Phelan and Sarah 'h. ]iii. his wu'e. ui the Villaje of Dexter, WiiMiii'inw ('ouiity ami State of Michigan, to l'uiiick Gallagher, ol the Township of WetXler. III Mild OOUIIty mul slate, Ijearlug date 211 h ilHy if Octolwr, A. U. elghleen nandred and vénty-evn, and recorüed in Ihe office ol the Ueglaler of DeecU for sald county ol Wasliliuaw, in LiherüOof Mortga, mi pase UB, mul by which defaulttne power of sale oontajpea in saul mortgage Iiavint; beooine op rative, and nosult or proceeiiings at law ur in rhancery havine been institute 1 to recover the nmount due on said inortgHe or Ibe uote accompauy ing the same, and there belng mow cluimt'il to bedueon saiu unto and niortyij;e. the suin of slx hundred and eigbty-two dolían and thlrty-eight cents l$82.:), Notlce is therefore hereby given, that the tald nnrtgam wlll be forecloseii on Saluiday, the lStb day of June. A. I). lt6, at ten o'clíick u the ioreiiooii of that day, by a Kalt at public nuctlon, lo the hlghcst bidder, at the Kast door of the Oourt House, in the city of Ann Arl(r, in the county aforesaltl, i-.i'i.I Courl House belng the place for boldIng uie ("tiruit Oonrt fot said county), of the inortyaged premisos desorlbed in said mortgage, or so niuch thereof as inay be necessary to latlsfy tbe amoiint of principal and interest ramalulng unpaid upon sald mortgage witli reaaonaplfl mli mul expense logether wtthan att(rttey fee of twenty-flve dollars; which preralsea 'are desoribed In sald mort:mt' as lollous. to-wlt: Belng lol six (0)ln hlook three (8) In the Vlllagfl Ol DrTlor nfnrraiilrt. n.fifinn1mg lothereoorded plot tbereot, and bounded northerly by tin' Mkhimin Central Itailroud. Da led, Haren ISth. 1886. PATRICK OAI.I.AOHER, MokK.AGItK. E. 1). Kinkk, Att'y for Morlgagee, UU Sheriff '8 Sale. Nbtlce U bereby giren that hyvlrtueofa oertaln rrl( of Kien Kacias lssuud out of and DudeT theneul of tbe Ulroult 'ourt, for the County Watiliunaw, in favor of Henry 3plKlberg pialnliil', and aualust tlie goods, obattela, lands and teiwmenls of Cari Schllmmi'r.deii-iilaiil to me dlraoted aiul ilelivered, I lui on tbé 21sl dy of April. A l. issti, seize and lew opon all of the rlght tille and in ter est ¦! Uu'sii.i Carl In and tothe followliiü deaorlbvd real esUtte, lands and premisas, that is! UihI certaln pece or paroel of land .sitúate In the couuty of Woshteoaw and late of Mlotilgan, dcNcnbed lus folIoWK, to-wil : The nortlieiuit quarier of sectlon nliifti'en (18) lownshlp onr I souili. range six (dj eaat. In tbe tuwnship ol Northfl.Ul. iduiny of Washtenaw and state of Mienlgnn, all of which I shall exposé for sale ut public anotton or vondue ti the highcst bldoéral soutli front door of the court liouse, in the City of Ann Arbor, In said ooanty (that betng the place of holding the Circuit Tourt forthesald county of Washtenaw i, on tueSBtb day of July.A.I). 1S8, at the hooi Of ten o'clock In the forenoou of sald day. THOS. F. IEONARD, Deputy Sheriff. Dated, Ann Arbor June, Itith, A. D. l!S8:. Cliancery Sale. In pursnance and by vlrlue of a decree of the t'iriuit ('ourt for the con n tv of W'ashteiimw in i 'liaiict'ry. State of Michigan, made andenteradoa the i ¦¦niy-inntii day of Deoember, A. l). 1885, in aoertaln cause thereln pending, whereln Krank 11. Kllls 'y Stephen n. El 11, his gnardlan, and next friend Is complalnant, and I, ester s. Pryer and Harah M. l'ryer are delrndanlB. Nottce Is hereby glven Ihat I sliall sell at public auctlon or vendue to the blghest bidder at the Kouth front door or court house, in the city of Ann Arbor in said i'onnty and Ktate. on the tlilrietli dty of June, . I). lsmi, al 10 o'cloek In the forenoon ot sald dny. Ibe equal nndlvided one-halt Inlareal of Lester Pryer, in all that cerlaln ]ieee or paroel Ol land situated in the township ol Ann rlxr, coonty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, fcmiwn and desorlbed as folrow: The east half of thesouthwest gnarler of sectlon three. and the west halt of Jhe soutlieast qaartei of sectlon tliree. township number two soulh of range liz east Dated, May 10, ISsii. PATRICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Cotnmlssloner of Woshteuaw County, Michigan. sawvkh A Knowi.ton, Solictors for Complalnanls. 1288-04 Chancery Sale. Staie of Michigan, the Circuit court for the county of Washtenaw, in Chancery. In the case t'liereln pending, vbereln Martha A. Smlth. Is ComplaliiHiit, and Emily N. Smlth, Archlhald II. .Smlth and Kinusley Calklns, guardians of Archlhald H. Sinith are defendants: In pnrsuunce and by virtue of a decretal order made in the above cause on the fourih day i{ May, A. l 1KX(, I shall Heil at public auctlou lo the hlghest bidder at the eant front door of the Court house, in sald county, on theüBtfa day of June neil at ten O'alook In the forenoon, the foHowlng descrlbed lituds and pretnises, to-wit.: The west half of the sonllieast quarter. and the ¦OUthwent iiuarter of the northeast quarter of sei'tlon seven In town one south of range seven east, contalnini; ono liundred and twentv acres of land. more or les, and belng In the'towushlpof Salem, Washtenaw county, Michigan. Dated, May KUli, MM. rii ank josi.VN, Uircult Court Commlmloner In and for Washtenaw oounty. Michluan. Ciiaiii.ks J. HUMT, soiicitor fur iroinplalnant. rasM I 1 I send u rn-fiit p'iatugr.ond 07l I by mail ym wlll Il fMê % lll I packee of giKMlB Ol le UUJUUU t1u.-, tliat ill (Uri you lu nork that will at once lrinu' von in ioonv futer thmi anything elee in Anu-rlc K iiont the JHO.IMK) In preuDta wlth each box. Aircntv wanted cM'iywhere. of elilirr hcz of uil Mr, lor 11 the time, ur i-pare time only, tn wotk f. r uc t thelr. own Homes. Fortunen lor all workcru Ixolntely as-med. Don't delay. H. lUixriT C, land, MtiiDe.


Ann Arbor Courier
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