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Michigan PrENTgAT The Miagara Falls (Route. Central Mtandard Time. Time Ublc takirin clli-ct Maj SOth, 1885. CHICAGO TO DETHOIT. slss %- GS T5! 8TAT.0NS. L &Ö. "o S.J ü g tt& l!i!íLIii A.M, 1.. P. II. r.M. P.K. r ¦ 1 M Chloaeo.I.v. tf 51) 00 380 400 8 15 551 " Michigan Utly ÍK II 11 6 17 632 10 18 U02''.'" Nltai V SU 12 16 14 7 50 II H íao! ' Kalamazoo...1217 150 72 9t0l236 S 03; 6 is Batllr C'rci-k.. Mis a 27 801 130 850! 7si „„„,,„ I Ar. LSB 2. 'O " Marshall }Ly ,M ;j ,() g -¦- ¦-. .... Albion 2n 332 8: S23 4401 8u JwkMM 3 10 4 23 9 15 3 15 5 25 9 15 GrassLakc.... 3 37 . 647 ú iï ¦ hel' 3.58 i!. 608 968 Dexler 4 13 2210W AnnArbor.... 4 33 530 100P .... 45 B4010S peilantl 4.50 5 45 10 21 ... 4 52 55: 10 41) UayueJnnc. 5 15 605....... 5 15 717 1108 r''r"l'....Ar. 800 45 II 16 6 00 8 0,1146 DETHOIT TO CHICAGO. TI i i = 9 .TaT.OH.. I jyS fi S %" U _s_ _ c e fi á 3 A.M. A..M p. p M. P.M. r.M Detroit.... l.v. 700 9 10 130 4 00 800 815 WayneJnnc. 7 40 953 20S 4 45 8 40 9 55 Ypsilantl .... K( 10 12 2'Jli 5 14 905 1021 AnnArbor... K li 102 2: 530 9Ï3 1038 DVxti-r 85 5ki 955 ... t'heln-a H 4.x 6051009.... líiwUke.. Mío S7I10W . Jackíon 935 11 33? 7 15ll055 1203 Mnrehnll 10 3M 14 45 4 22 842ll55 104 Battle Creek.. 11 03 1 Oh 4 40 8 5214 22 1 30 A.' Kalamazuo. . . 11 SS 150 5 15 451 1 12 i 4 44 Nlle... ...... 147 IH 635 303 4 1 8 40 MlchlganClty 3 10 4 3Ü 782.... 4 S5 5 40 8 0 Chicago.. ,Ar. 545l40 9 0 7 00 805 1020 4'Hlluda DIvlalOB. DKTRoiT To BurrAi.o. -Standard Time. ¦- u y.H1!1!! P. M. P. M. A. . A. M. Detroit. ...Lv 735 1126 500 6 10 13 05PM Wt.TbonusAr 1110 2 40 10 00 9 45 3 40 _ ¦ r. m. Toronto...Ar 9 05 8 25 .. OtUw. pm.A5 4 38 Moutrcal 10 00 8 98 Quebec a630 r. u. a.u. m.Thomas.Lv 11 15 ! lí 1 00 9 553 45 Waterford.... 12 3I 3 5 3 04 1118 5 01 Weiland 153 5 17! 5 12 1546 27 Kalls View 5 45 129,6 55 N. Pull, Oct. 2 22 6 48 13.16 58 Susp'nBdKe. 2 35 5 59 150.7 10 BurrALo to DKTHoiT- Standard Time. STAT.ON-S. - hS L__!L!!_!l A. M. ,. tf. Phlladel'a..Lv 9 00 p. ¦ g' jo New York. .. 10 30 6 00 9 6 Boston, 8 : 3 00 7 XI Worceter... 9 50 4 80 8 % Sprinfleld... 11 35 6 05 10 60 Albany 8 OOpm 10 06 % 16a Utica 5 45 Ii33m 5.5 Syracnse 7 40 2 00 7) Korhester... 55 4 00 10 00 BufTalo ...Ar 12 15 5 50 12 15p a. ni. a. m. Buffalo... .Lv 11 aipm 5 45 05 00 U 35 N. r'allí.N Y a.m Snsp'nBM'ge 12 31 6 43 u 38 N. Falld.Ont. 12 51 7 00 la 56 FallB Vitw 7 08 105 Weiland 1 16 7 2S 7 10 10 15 1 . St.Thimia Ar 4 10 '.I 55 III 15 1 10 4 36 tiuebec....Lv 2 30 10 00 Montrual, 9 10 9 (JO Ottawa. n 40 [13 28 Toronto, 8 10 1 1 06 St.TbomilsI.v 4 15 10 00 2 65 1 15 4 45 Detrnlt....Ar 8 05am 1 Oópm 7 30 5 ÜOpj 8 o t Stops only to let off paosengrre. : Stops only on sitúale. O. W. HUOOLK8, H. W. HAYKS. G. P. & T. Aent Ai;t.. Ann Atlwr. Obleado. T cd.., Ann A r luir A North Mi. Iiíiímh lUllwar. riMK 8CHEDULK. To tajee eftect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sutitlay, September 27, 1885. (Southern Uirlsion.) Tralns ron by Standard Time. QOING NOKTH. GOINQ SOUTH 6 4 2 f 3 5 - fca. t. -5 I 2 STATIONS. L-fl q s 7 a ' á á. m. v. m a.m Lettve. Arrlve a.m p.m. pm. t 50 +3 40 7 05 Toledo 9 S0'6 00 5 00 íirl ;45 7 14 Manhattan Junct'n 9 26!4 65.. . l10 00 3 52 7 23 Alexis Junctlon 016J4 47 .. 110 07 4 00 7 35 Hawthom. 9 I0I4 40 .... ¦Id i: Mirr 7 4ti Samarla 9 00'4 30.... ,10 4r 4 10 8 06 Luu. S47!4 20.... 1030 ! S, 8 15 Monroe Junctlon 8 424 14 .... 1037 4 33 8 30 Dundee 8 3014 04 4 04 11043 4 40 8 37 Macón 8 264 0U.... + 1047 4 ir. 8 46 Azulia 8 20[3 54.... tliOO 4 55 8 59 Milán Junctlou 8 09IS 45 S45 a., 5 00 9 0! Milán S06341PM. 5 08 9 22 Urania 7 528 SO 5 23 9 32 Plttsneld Junctlon 7 40 3 24 6 Sa 9 50 Ann Arbor 7 27 3 lo 6 55 10 40 1. land 7 12,2 50 tö 05 10 30 Worden 7 062 40 ti Al 1U 46j Soulh Lyim .6 SO 2 46; Onnnoctiona: At Toledo, wlth rallro4t dlrerxing; at Manhattan Juuctlon, wlth Wheellng á, Lake Erie R. R.; at Alexis Junctlon, with M. O. K. K., L. 8. Jt M. S. Rv. asd V. A P. M. R. R.; at Mouroe Junction, with L. S. .t M. S. Kv.; at lnndee, ith L. S. Jt M. 8. Ry.. M. & O. Kv.; at Mllau Junction. with Wabaeh, 8t. Loáis & Paclflc Rj. at Pittfleld,with L.8. A M. S. Ry,; 11 Ann Arbor witb Michigan Central H. K., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lanaing & Northern R. R., and Mlch. A. L. Dlv. of Gruid Tronk Ry. Train 6 aud 3 runs bf twecn Detroit and Tolfdu. dttlly exet-pt Sunday, vla Milán Junction; No. 6 arrivés at Detroit 12:00 noon. No. Sisares Detroit at 2:86 p. m. KlatíHiations. + Daily, except Sundayt. 'l'rdlnt do not stop, H. W. A8HLEY, Gneral Sapt. W. H. BBNNETT. Gen'l. Paos. Aeent. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. capitalT$6O,ooo. Oreanlzcd nnder the General Banking Law of tbls State, the stockholdors are indivldually Hable for an additlonal amouut eq nal to the stock Mil by them, thereby creating a Ouaraiitee Fund lor the benefit of Depoaitors of $100,000.00. per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savlngt Deposito of one dollar and upwards, accordtng to tbc ra bl of the Dank and Interest comp.iunded si-mi annualiy. Koney to Loan on uniucumbered rcil -tule and other good ecurity. DIRECTORS: rilKISTIAN MACK, Wm. D. HARRIMAN, W. W. WINKS. DANIEL U1SCOCK, WILLIAM DKCBEL, WII.LARÜ B. 8MITH. DAVID IlINSEY. OFFFCKRS: C. MACK, Pre. W. W. WIN BS, 'ce-Prn. i. A. HISCOCK.Oashler. The most popular Wkly nwippr davoUd totcienca, mecnanic. engineering dUcoTWiei, ibventions and patent! ver published. Ef ery number illuIrtfd with plendid emrraTiniia Tbn publication furnishpsatnostTaluADleenofclopadi of tnformatioD whicb no peraon ihnuld be without. The popularitr of the SriKNTinc AMU1CA is uch that its circulttion nearlr equal that of all other pupén of its claucombined. Pnce. 93.30 a year. Discount to Club. Sold by all ¦wsdealers. MUNN A CO.. Publiihers. No. S61Broadwa7. N. Y. ¦¦ a aaw r" ai I aaB f% Maan Co. ha ¦ ¦¦¦¦awBiBBBw prActic# bfor Hl ha Patent Offlce and have prepared ¦ more thsn One Hundred ThouHaand appHcations lor patenti in tüe LHF United SUto and foreign countnei. ¦F Careats, Trsde-Marki, Copjr-nghti. ¦AMnünmentK. and all other papen for ¦ lecuring to inventor their righu in tb ¦ United Statea, Canada. Enflsnd. Franc. ¦ (Irrnmny and othr foriD eouatriM. pr¦ pared at short noticeandonreatonabletermi. I Information as o obtatning BatnU ehr¦ (nlljKiven without charge. Rand-booki of ¦iinfonnalimn enl fre. PaUats obtained throuirh MnnnlCo. ar notioed in the Scientiio American in-e. The adtantag of sncli notie well undermlood br all persons who wnh tocUal"B-íL"ffi{Kt CO.. O Scmrm Anillii-1. XI Broadwa;. New Vork SERRY BOXES;"" S..4 hr Ulutntea ( .iIot ¦ dDAvkETx .tolbj tr..,BtoHarr.Ilca. DA0IM. I 0


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