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" ttOOÍYlAB'S DRUG STORE Ho. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Anieles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Specialty Made of Plivsieiaii's IVpaá ieri(i(iiis. Cali anti sec lis. J. J. Gocdyear. - ,4 g CENTS r - ; I "FOR SAMPLE PTJL- 'L 1. T COPYolTHIS AGWAw'1 Blli'KKÍ.'tlIÍLHcíCL VikTVAi'S' fiinl Stnllment ol Every W 'C V Flowtr and Shnib. HOOI _SLVlr; different kind. Alo all „ Vr 'Vv - Known Ruletol Fllrla! A4Vn lio un ii Clovt. Paratgl. I V Cf 'V Handkercfcicl and Fin. It V tND isilHmoit conpltlt crk of thi' knul ever inif .P.VIUA Hutaed. aend Fifïe.-n rLIRT INC ;"¦- ,;.¦¦ ,,-vx ,:;;? s gg- '" ¦= lo iienti. Agenta I... ¦ ' ¦ w Hiitt-d evemwtiirt. Ad. AMERICAN PUB. CO.. 17 Norih Ttuttt Stfttt, PfcHid'i, Pa. miRfi SINCER ZAl UUn JVB'i TUIS STÏI.E U? I l fiT= I p. DAYS' TKIAL. MT 77jr 1 A Kuil Sot of B fiSrl lw Atlnclinn'iil. vüVlIMt1 WAIIIUMI TJNBHth U Tears. Senü for ftKïS8f21 '¦ "WE CO., ¦jgjil1 '''lZaN.OtliSt., l'liiln., Pa, IWAÖAME MORA'S CORSETS. -(w MOST OOMFORTABLB AND fcfcMSpiRtk ' ' ': ': : ¦ -ij thy (rive bttter fBBUPppatL-T;nti')ii f han any corstt HHfM they cvlt a hl. liifs-jmiikerrf Cw$ jr nconiDU nd thera furtbeirfloe Gff -f Bhate. 1 tinnot lircok ovor W" , jr i,IIH. Ari, paitioularlj Itked ö tóiü. ?Lr ïtliejof fuU Aerare. The "4ONAZürfT ''' R" ' "AMINh." j havt'tli'l'ATi:NTTiiir].KlÏAC'K, i A f V whicii ooT#ra th opi a ipaoa rrá? 3S3íEk LlS VAILS BTDXJk wliifh V. V-"" V E-KillHilnitHlitly # Ont, WITil"lT CITIINO UR JWmRÍmL M Ali.vMK MOUV" 011y '¦' " s! I -. o otherl hnve the K? - " ¦ '' t iVi eU-hiHt4-it Frtix-h C.rri B V4ïimi iïi"l. Ik'wnn'i.f lmititt : m xttsi'IM oir-if(i ti. .Ier. iv. ¦(,-¦ i.niilic. U ' 5HSf "r -'l I'V "11 l.-iulins iiu.lW I 'IDTmB ilanu(fturnl by Madame M on 's Contour. L. KBACI 4 CO., Mídame Mora's La Reine. BiniiiiigliMn.Ooiin. Madame Bora'j Aldine. C. Fiup.trl.-k : A .. Madame fiora's Comfort Hip. 71 Uum-d Bt., N. rl rl W ÍW W n n K ÍW NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Too are allowed afree tríalo thírty cïay of the ae of Dr. Vye'i Celehrntcil Voltalc Belt witn Electric SuspciMory Appllaneo, fur the fpMiy relief and permanont cure of Acrrow7J tiltt'. loss of Yitality anil ilanhoart, and all klmlrcd tronóle. Also for many other dísf-aR1. Complete rt-ttoratlon to Health. Vigor and Mantinod lusraoteea. So risk U lncurreil. Illustratcil ramjihlet lniuíd mvetope mnlletl free. by adilrcasltiK VOLTAIO BELT CO., Marshall, Mich MACKINAC. The Molt Eellghtfol SUMMER TOUR Pliw Stoamer. Low IUte. Tour Tripa par Week Betwean DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Ivery WHk Dy Betwean DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlt. for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contin Fnll Fartioulan. Mailed Tnm. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Oin Pas. Agt.. DETROIT, MICH. UK BURDOCK ""BTTfffeRS! Burdock Blood Bitters Thai Ache in 'email of Back. Burdock Blood Bitters Weary, Aching Bones. Burdock Blood Bitters CUKSS Dyspepsia. Gehts:- I ieel it mv duty to say repecting Burdock Blood Bitters, that it is the best medicine I ever took. I Btiffered two or three years f rom stomach troubles and dyspepi,B8 well as from liver and kidney complaint. I was not able to attendtomy business. My wif e v?as afflicted in much the same way. We read of y our Bitter in the papers and made up our mlndsthat we -would ry Am. Thercsult is my wiie and I began to improre at once, and I m now able to do more hard work than bef ore in ten years. It relieved my kidney troubles as well. We botti wibb y the makelt. Godspee Chelsea, Vt.


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