Perfectly Harmless

Bill Wilberly, a lawyer, made application to join tho Knights of Labor. "They won't let you in, Wilberly," gomo one rcmarkcd. "Why?" "Bocause you are a lawyer "ïliat's against me, I admlt, but tht: master workraan of the isscmbly whieh I want to join is a ereal friera of mine and will do any thing to help rao along." Wilberly wa admitted. Shortlv aftcrwards, meeting the master worknian togethor witli a number of otlicr acqiíaintances, Wilberly said: "John, did you have much tronble in getting mo in?"' "Not müch." "Objections were raised, of course." ¦aid WUberly, glaneing at his frisada. "Yes, several mon got up and olijected to you because you are a lawvt-r. " How did you qulet thamP "Well, I say, yi 1, 'boys, he ain'l lawyer enonyh to hnrt nothin";' and thej withdrow thelr objeetíoni. wübertjr (uta wlthdrawn from the order. - Arkansnu' Traoelcr. Of the 28,X)O acriH in the town o1 Newtown, L. I., l.Hl'.Mir.' oocupled bj cenietcrit'S. A mi llioit bodiei are now buriiil in these plnoea, and (lie aunual iuturiuiiuts ainouut to 8,000. A llttle sulplmte ofpotassaaddcl to PW serves prevenís fermentatlon.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News