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The London Police

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ïlicrc are two varietios of tho Lonlon pólice. Tho city of London proper is in'area about tho stee of Washington (leavinsr out the southeast división of the tíational capital.) Tho pólice in this section, ORlled the City Polioe, are in charge of á ('ommissioner with the military rank of Lieutenant Colonel in tho army. (His offloe ka at 26 Olil Jewry - ealled thns bccauso it is the part of the city that was tho Jewish qoarter ander Kihg Charles I.) ïhe salary of this official is $10,000 a year, and he baa under him one ohief, cjnc head of detectives, twelvo inspeetors of tho equivalent to the American captain, fourtoen sergeants of the first class - whom we WOtÜd cali lieutenants - sixty-eight lergaantl and 804 men. ïho Metropolitan Pólice of London, which controls praotioally a city thirty milos long and fifteon miles wido, is a small army cor)s. It grew into its present magnitude under Sir Richard Mayno, who died a few years agO. The head of this f orco is Colonel Sir Edmund Henderson, K. C. B., Koval Bngineers, and boside his pay as an otliccr of the English army, he receives $10,500 a year as Commissioner of Police. He has onder him three Assistant Commissioners, Lieutenant Colonels in tho arm}', who receive $7,500 a year. Theso officials are appointed by tho Homo Seoretary in the Cabinet, and tlin places are hclil to bc verv desirablc. Tho force proper consists of a superintendent, with tweaty-foui aslistantfl holding the oornlativc rank of Major. 636 insiectors (captains of pre olncts), 1,180 sergeants andabontlt,000 men rank and lile, witli a battalion mountcd about 800 strong. The pay of a London polieoman is about $40 per


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News