She Will Dust

He liad a back-load of feather-dusters w ho rang thé door-bell on Montealm strcet easi j esterday, and whcn a ivoiiian oponed the door about two nchcs and said that nothing was wanted he inquired: "Madam, wDl yon kindly tnform me who lives iu-t door?" "Noxt doorP" she qneried, oomlng mit n tlir itn "Wny, it's a new family and 1 don't remember the name." "Lady puts on a good deal of style, docsn"! snef" "Rather." "I thought so. That's t!ic w;iv witli those tori f pcoplo; thoy put it all on their backs. I aufid her it' slio didn'1 want a dnster to dusl off hei apholsteied turniture and brio-a-brac, and she shiimncd Uw door in mv face. Bhe didn't have :mv tO dost, yim MC IVople who liavc plush funiitiui' :md articles of virtu and taste always nt my goods. pleasant day, maaam!" "Y-c-s. Wbal did mui iay the price Scvcnty-IUc cents, madam, and the woman next dool it peering tlirougli the parlo r blinde at os." Is iheP Well, ril take one, and if there should be anv other invention to diist bric-a-br:u; and oil paintlngs you might cali around. Yon may alto liring me a box of polieh fox niy iUvorware." - Detroit Fret Press. - A crazy man from Cambridge, Mass., set out to Ui-s all the WOHMQ In met at Pawtucket, K. I. As hc had red hair, the State ras evacnated. - Chicago Herald. The more you sa3-, the lesa pcople re nicmber.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News