County And Vicinity

A foundry is wauted at Dextcr. Saline has caught the craze and orgaD.etl a baso ball club. A 3 ft. 3!b. cel caught in Shafei's luke ear Saline receutly. The white bat einze has strtick Dextcr. t taket 'em all. It's sure to win. snm of $12.11 was oleared by tlie reent Khooi ixliibitionat C'helsea. CheUea buyers claim to have purchased 00,000 Ibs. of wool altogether, this seaon. Trof. Hoyt, fonnerly of Saline will (each lie Grass Lake high school the coming ear. Up at. Cbeltea lliey propose to have butwmilk in place of beer stands for their celbrntion. Lf-andcr Tleheoor of Chelsen, bas gone o Whitniore Lata witli eight boats for lensureseekers. Tlie farmers are now haying and the uallty will lip as jjood as usual, but the uaiitity mucli less. - Echo. One of CtwlaM'l young men, Geo. E. Mrlluuin, graduates from Aun Albor igh school lliis ycar.- lleiald. Many Saline poriple will take la the celbrationat Ann Arbor.- Observer. That's glit. Come on, the more the merrier. Willis Bou ch ton, of Ann Arbor, is esablishing a circulatin; lilirary in Saline. Ie is making a success out of this bram-h f business. Our neighboring village of Saline has a Mkdidate for the county treasurership on he republlcan ticket. That's Hgfat, we're going to wie this time. A nuisance: the rose bug in tlie clover ï'Ms. Spare the .-mail birds or the bugs vi 11 drive U8 out of the country. - Nortu Lake cor. Dexter Leader. Xorth Lake proposes to let the eftgle (r some ciowt.) scream on the Fourth. nd to have some music by the Frog iand, saiel lo be an eutirely new iustrunent. Ann Arbor news sheets are more than loomiiig the coming celebration, July 3d. - Dexter Leader. Yes, you bet. Just :ome down aml help us boom the celeiration. Mrg. Lovina Tichenor, of Cbelsea, died m tlie Hltl) inst,, ged 17% years. She iad been married but a fc-w months, and ler death cast a gloom over inany sorrowig lrieuds. A. A. Wood has tliree seasons' clips, Rinountlii}; to 12,000 poumls, of wool on tand, the greater p:irt of wblcli is merino. Jessup Wood bas also three clips, 5,000 pounds on hand.- Saline Observer. Per cent. of attendance at the high school for the spring term 95 ; per cent for the entire year 94. - Dexter Leader. We venture to assert that but few schools in the state can produce a better record of attcmlance. Ifthere is a baseball club in the county that bas any conceit filed away in its bopom about playing ball, the Chelsea Junior Club would be pleased to have a chance to pound it out of them witli bat and ball. Their average age is 10, and weiifht 115 lbs. A line looking delivery wagon thopatentod property of an Ann Arbor maiuifacturer. was exhibitefl on the street thia week. Iu elegance and convenience it is hard to beat, and we should judge it would be a valuable acquisitlon to any dealer. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Tbis pear story is not equal to the first apple story ever told, but the Dexter Leader says lts so; " Two of ourcitizensW. H. Lane and T. Burn?, have each in, their garden a iear tree upon which are pears half grown, and blossoms which opeued last week." Mr. H. B. Wyckoll', of Lyons, Iowa, a retired legislator, and farmer, was in the city thil week, on a general tour through the state, visiting relatives and acquaintances ut liirh he has many. Mr. W. was a resident of Ann Arbor, nearly flfty years ii gn, and linda houses that he built there still standing.- Ypsilanti Sentiuel. The same oíd story told over and over again, comes from the Leader : "llenry Ncib and fainily, who a short time ago removed from the township of Dexter to Abllene, Texat, returned lastFriday night having come to the conclusión that althoujrh Michigan may not be the best country in the world, it is certainly not tl worst.'1 Work on the Corporation is finished for the seasou. Our streets have been greatly Improved: also the park fence. windmill, and band stand. Nothing will iinprove the sirccts like gooil gravel, and public fenccs and bulluulgl like good paint - a fact tliHt our street committee seemed thoroughly awure of. Let us exteiul to them a liearty vote of thanks. - Dextcr Leader. While on our way home one noon lately, w found a ten-year oíd using a toy pisto) to fire caps amonjt a beyy of rirls. A little tarther on we found a five-year old using one in much the saaie way. Will sonje one be kind enough to teil us what the law of Michigan says regarding these pistols? We understand that some of our inercbants haye thetn for sale. - Herald. We are sorry that the Chelsea folks have deckled to have a celebralion July 3d. Ann Arbor bas ahvays been obliyring nbout keepinjr out of the way of other places in the county, and now should be glven the liearty cc-operation of tlie whole county in tsefforts. We should especially like to see the wide-awake and progressive citizens of Chelsea down here to he)p us celébrate. The old pioneer fumiliarly and affection alrly known here as "Uncle llilly" Wil8on, died at Rockford, 111., Tuesday, and the reniains brought to this city, the funeral lieinj: held at the residenoe of J. M. Cliidcstcr. Mr. Wilson was in his !)lst year, and had lived in this city and vicinity more tlian tifty years, gtnng to Hockford t live with h relatlve aftcr the death of his uitc, two or three years ago. - Ypsilantian. The coinpany's cl evator has been repaired soine, and was opened last Tlmisdij for business again. Wheat began to move as iHiial at 76 ets., thouizh Dciroit niarket and all the marki were dull and lower. Tliere is no prospect of anythlng bette thati 75 or 76 cents for the balance of tin ctop. Thost' who carrlt-d wheat over tin winter muilu a great mistake this itmfl In tact it is ncarly always a mistnke to do so. - Chelsea Echo. Chas. Laubenjrayer, living on theUran II rniid, reports that while ïvturning home l'roni Ann Arbor, Tuesday night, he Wa set upon by three men in the "bigswamp" and robbed of all his inoney, about f7 lic a ihr robben irere two colored aiu MM white man, and tbey seemed to bc in walt for anothsr man. - Saline Observer Hut trunips must nol be prosecuted aiu sent to piison, you know. lt Is belter by far that every man in the county shouli be waylaid and robbed. Of course it is. James Taylor returned latcly from a three weeks sojoiirn Ín Toxas. He says lint tliey are havingdry times tliere, that yerything s parched with drought, and iver beds dry. The inhabitarits have carcely seen any rain for nearly a year. - Chelsea Echo. The commencement exercises of the Saine high school occurred Friday evening, nne 25th. There are but three graduate's. Lnna C. Tuliver, colored, read an est.ay, Masón ü. Ilarper delivered an oration, 'Avoid Extremes," and Eda M. Clark delivered the valedictory. Clark'a orchesra furnished the music! The Rev. Aloses Smith of Detroit aüdressed the class. In the council proceedings published Isewhere is given tlie details of' a plan of lo Michigan CVntral railroad to buiKl a rack from a point bet ween Lincoln mid tiver streets to the Ypsilanti paper mili nd prosepctively to connect with the otlir mili and factories on the river south of ): railioul. It isan enterprise thatseems o promise much material bcnctitto Yp.'ianti and it is very necessary thatourcitzcns, business men especially, do all la lielr power to encourage the project. The nterests of our milis and manufactories iré closely connected with all business inerests in our clty, and any enterprise that crves to build up and assist in the develnpment oï the forme r will necessarilv
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Willis Boughton