No Flies On This

One of the finest bits of base ball literatura tUat has come to bat this season 8 furnished by Miss Fannie DtWIlii. he aeeomplished dnughter of Post Datter Stearns of Adrián. It carne to he píate nt a class social at the driun lügli School in response to ho toast, " The High School nine, " and t made a hit, for all the bases and the gate receipts. It is as follows: "Among all the sports of our country here are none In which is centered more ntercst than the national game of baseball no well regulated college or high school s complete without a base bail club; and among all the organlzations It is difficult o tind one which has a nine grentlv superior toours. Indeed the only reastjn why he Adrián High School Base Ball Cluo s nota member of the National League is -ecause so much of thelr time is oocupied d games wlth bootblacks. On account of tlu-ir far-famed battery, the government is seriously consideriug the advisability of adding them to the military force of the United States. The nine is better )osted than any similar organization in he country, and they know so much about the game that they have, very fre[Uently, to correct the umpire, altho.ugü, of course, they always do so in a courteous and gentlemanly manner. Our nine young athletes have by hard work won glory and renown for themselves and the educational institution to which the are connected, and they merit the thanks of not only the High School, but the public at large who support the schools, and who can look with pardonable pride upon our High School Nine. May your 'pitcher' never become full of beer, nor your catcher ever wear a muil'. In all your pursuitsof life you never getlirst on errors, be compelled to slide for second or try to steal third. At Thanksgiving it is safe to make a 'foul fly,' and easy enoitgh to see that you know it. In wrong doing it is best to be a good 'short stop.' In study may you always have the best 'score' and always be nine. In business I tni9t you will make a good 'piek lip' and a 'safe hit to right.' In society may you ever be regarded as a 'good catch.' ïn politics I bespeak for you a safe 'run;' and in love - ah, blush not, ye brawny wielders ot the bat - in love when vears shall strengthen thy mature judgnient, if you see your 'daisy' in the 'right field,' then 'catcher' at onee and ask some minister for an 'assist.' But remember in the meantime when you go to see her, and her father at 10 ó'clock wants to 'cali the game' on account of darkness, don't dispute the umpire or wait to 'go out on strikes,' but proceed to make a 'home run' belore you are 'rielded out' on a 'doublé pl:iy.'"
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News