
IMPORTANT ETIDENCR. Drrlpt1on of a l)lm n Wltlrli In Cuunterartlnx Ilir Terrible t.llmmlc EtIU. (Detroit Correspondence Chicago Intcr-Ocean.) Michigan has always been lookecl upou by the inbabltants of other State, as u particularly unliealthy región. And indeed the oflicial reporta oí tlie State Board of Health show that such is in fart the case. SVhatever the cause may be, it is certain that rlieuraatic, neuraltclo nd broncliial troubles have been and are to-day fearfully prevalent In every portion of the stato. It stands to reason, therefore, that whcre io mnch aufferlng exista, tbere should be acorresponding endeavor to relieve the sulTering, and we have to-day in the itate of Michigan probably the best lnstitution for lurtherinp t hls end that can be found anywhcro in the United States I refer to the HibbardRheutnatic Syrnp Co, of Jackson, whlcb It hat been my privilege to investígate recently. I not only ascertained bevond a doubt that the goods they manufacture are absolutely pure and runde from tb best poasible materlals luit also that tlie remedy il produclug resalts really wonderiuL The following are a fwof very auiij facts which carne under DiyobserTution: Mr. C. D. Denlo, a grocer of Jackson, was o overeóme by sclatic rhcumatism, that hU right arm, leg and slde, were paruljzed and shrunken. He could not walk and sutfered intense pain, which could only berelleved by morphine. Today lie ís well whoUy through utiiig the Kheumatic Syrup. Mr. A. E. Stockwell, manafter of the Newago Furniture Co., of Grand Rnpids, told me that his wlfe was o afflicted by poiionous rheumatic hnmors tlmt heitace became disflgured, her left side paralyzed and her general health undermined. the was never so well in her life as to-ilay and aicribes It wliolly to H1Lbard's Kheumatic Syrnp. Mr. Geo. W. Kennedy, Sccy. of the Electric Light Co., Jackson, waa wholly cured of a terrible rheuumtic troubl by th same means and says lts blood pnrifying influence is wonderful. Hls experienca Is also conflrmed by Deputy Üüerill Geo. H. Mann, of Jackson. I could go on and cite niany more cases but it isnot necesary. I myself have a dear frteud who canie near dyiog by neuralgia of the heart, and who was saved just in time by the prompt use of tnji remedy.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News