A Mail Pouch Robbed

About the mo3t MCcHing thlng tliat has taken place in pólice circles 11 this city for some time was tlie mail robbery tliat occurred on Snturday nijfht last at tlie Michigan C'entrnl depot. The train from the west tliat passes liere .isually at 10:09 was behind time a little tliat night, and insU'iitl of passing west liound train at Vpsilanti the tw passed hert. Each traiu cairies a mail pouch for this city. It is customury fat the baggageman to take these ponches and put them in the room whore they are kept until the next morning, when tliey ure taken to the post-offlee and distributed. Tlie bug;a;eman was extremely bnsy tliat nighr by reason of so many students going away, and so he gave lttle heed to tlie mail bags, and as the tr.iin3 were Bot accustonied to pass here he tliought very little of puttinj; only one mail bag into the baggage room instead of two. It tettni that some one or ones found the one tiiat was thrown off tlie west bound train, tole it, went to a room, rausacked the contents hnrriedly, took out all valuablcs and then dumped the bag, letters and all, 00 the river bank opposite the depot buildings. The torn ends of tbe envelops all being ia a wad by tliemselves giyeseyidence that the letters were not opened where foutnl. About 1,000 letters were In the bag and many of tliem contained money, as this is the time of year studeuts are receivine: retnittances from home. But few cliecks or P. O. orders were taken, aud one letter that had been opened still contained a $5 bilí wind, had been oveilooked. Some of the letters were not opened at all. The Couriek office reoeived one letter that had not been opened, and otliers that had been which contained cliecks for yarious amounts which were left as valueless by the thieys. The responsibility we understaml, rests wlth the Michigan Central railroad comp.iny, as the mails are in tlieir keeping until turneil over to the cari er who has the contract for taking the same from the trains to the post-ofllce and retarr. The postmaster la only reponsible for the mails while in the office. He receives the mails at the post-ollice door and delivers them to the carrier at the same place. We are told Ihat tome two or three weeks ago a mail pouch for this office was fotintl on the track wost of' this city a mile or so, having been run over by the cars btit nothing stolen. It is supjmed that the bag caught in the trucks toot way when thrown off and was carried thal far before f'alling off. The incident was not given general pub! city at the the time. But it goes to show how carelessly the business of the government muil seryice is sometimes done by the servants who have it in charge on the railroads. Postmaster Duffy tliinks tliat tliere is a good chance to flnd out who tlie tli'evis are. At the regular iiiontfily meeting of the Uoard of Healtli Monday evemiif, it was proposed to Imvc tlie ordiiiauces of the city relative to liealth reuulations publl8hed, and a corumittee was appoiutcd to have the same done. A couimittee was also appointed to confer with the M. 0. R. 11 authorities relativo to the construction of a sewer from tlieir grouods to the river. A complaint was considered relative to the outlet of tlie Universitysewer.and a resolution adopted to the effect tliat the sewer should "be ontinued to the river current or eontmU0U8 washing of the outlet secured." The Sanitary Inspector was autliorized to make the best arrangement practicable for the regular disinfection of the privies in the business portion of tün city, and that houseliolders jrenerally be advise to thorouglily disinfect privy vaults and yards. The Health offlcer reported that he has acted npon about üfty complaints, and in nearly all cases the iiuisanees were promptly abated. The Sanitary Inspector aUo reported liaviog investigated several premises whcre I sanees were reported and when not lromptly abitted reported the 8ame to the Health Offlcer for formal action. The Ibllowlng slandrr is gnlng the ranada: A Michigan farmer wrote to a eongn-ssmun thanktag him for hls efforU in behalf of the o)eom;irg;irine bill, and wound lip with the fnllowiiig exhorta tion: "Give it to 11111 make picli dnrty olyinurgerii in aysfuc Mtitin and eet what the onust i'arinrrs claini." There whs h üttle (liMrulty hout tbtpelllag I bilt he had the idea all rlgbt.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News