High School Exercises

Fiklay, a. m., at 10 o'clock the Baptfct church was orowded to ts utino.-t eapncity.and inore too, to listen to the exerc'ses of the gruduating clas of the Anu Arbor High School. The floral decorations ia nml about ihe rostrum were very (ne indeed, and ferns, daisies, roses, lillies and so on were arranged in a tnsty manner together with the rarious shados of green foliage. The Germán letters forming the words: SBie bie ?trbcit, fo ber 2of)it, tlie class motto, were composed of flowers and placed in front of the organ TUe ruiling of tlie gallery which nearly encircles the chnrch, was trimmed with class colora of "80 and '87 the whole having a very pretty effect. On the stage were seated the menibers of the school board, Profs. Perry and l'atteogill, Dr. Angelí and Rev. Mr. Ramsay. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Ramsay. The music for the occasion was furnished by tlie Chiquamegon orchestra, and was of high order. The followlng are soine of the thoughts as expressed by the 8eakersa-:d essayists: Ract Problctm in Amerca. By James K. AnKeil. A nu Art r. Krom lis fjirlicst Infancy the government han been trylng to provkle for American liiiliiin. bul in the past lts methods have boni harhurous aiul contempttble. If the ]Sgro race coutinues to Incrense with the sume rapldlty lt ha tor the paal years lt win entlrely overruu the Southern slales, and the time inay come wlien thls tiatloti will be shaken for a seco ml time with civil slrlfe. The t 'iiiiiiiumii is unfortunate In belng able to work for leas ttian other workingmen, and tima excites thelr enmttv. The goverumeulcanuol recognlze mob law. The miissacre of the ühimimen is far underestlmated by our people. The murderous bomb-throwlng anarchist Is a vlper striking at tlie heart of our govern ment. The details will take care of themselves lf the great central principies Is rlght. Broken Line: Hy Helen A. Atklns, of Ann Arbor. A battle field is plctured out with two opposlng urmles In battle array, as the contest rages the field ís covered with dead aud dyïng, bul us is strtcken down a brave companlon takes hls place, untll flnnlly word Is passed along from rank lo rank "the enemles Unes are broken ! the day Is won ! " How inany times have those words annoum-ed the fate of nations? We plan in llfe uiuch tlie same way and do what we may tome of the lines of life are broken, and disappolnteil we must needs begin anew. Though we may never hope to attain perlectioa we may approach very near to lt. Drudgerlti. By Llbble Bartlette, Dryden. In uil work whlch produces resulls, nlne tenlhs Is druilgery. Qrass will grow over the deserted foot-path. AH work, from the highesl to the lowest, raii mily be accompllHhed by luceusaut Indi.strjr. Vei little work is done on the mountaiu, but in the valley below. By dolng each day's work faithfully, the one to come is accompllHhed with greuler ease. Interdependence. By Edwin M. Coolldge, Winnebngn, Illinois. The hlstory of the human race is one of unlly. We are but children and lieirs of the past. AlthoiiKh perfectlon Is never reached, we uncea-singly strlve to that end. Modern lnventlons have made one ncighborhood of the whole world. Pollticlans look at the papers to ascerliiln the curreut dlrectlon of public opinión and 'put their ear to the ground," before aunounclng their "pollcy.'r Aut hors take the people for thelr source of knowledge and hlstory is thelr storehoiiüe. The greater part of the world's work Is done by assoclated effort. How easy when work'ng wlth the great to beoorne great. Tu rise oue must excel bis greatest eflbrts. Whatever one's occupatlon raay be we are lndlssolubly linked together; we can bave tio lsolated exlstence. Unirme Talk. By Katharlne Cainpbell, Ypsilanll. Tne gia of languase Is one of our greatest lilcsslngs, but do we In our general conversail' ui get Ik'Iiiw -iurface thoughtsf Asconversation Is our greatestsourceof enJuvment, thougli we may not nlways be benetit-d by lt, why not ciotlie our tbougbts lu pure language? Uood wrlters are never gullty of uslng slang. lt l the pure and noble thoughts of wrltlng t hut influence us for good, that lend to Illt us up, and not only mak e our own llves better but eunobles the llves of tliose around us. Wiat Ihey Say. By Katharine N. Falconer, Ann Arbor. He whodrlfts wlth public opinión Is made of different stuff than lie wlio wlth braiu and liiind marks out hls owu course. The greatest Journalist thls country ever had (Ureely) was great not because of Intel lect so much nu because he had a conRCleuce and wrote up lo tliat consclence. HU llfe was valuabl becanse he had somethlng to say and siiid lt. To-d.-iy the world Is loud In pralse of lts héroes, to-iuorruw bitter In condemuallon. There Is a greut deal of bllnd-followlng In thls world and too much of blind-leadlug. Many people adopt ready-made thoughta. The true way Is to thlnk for oue's self. lt will not do to show a reckleus disregard of other people's oplnlous and eay "I don't care," for we do care. True courtesywlll glve to otuers proper respect. The eye that reaches back lo the spirit is the eye we care for - the beart-eye weighing the soul. Labor and Capital. By Harry Jenklns. Ann Arbor. On I one slde Is the laborer organlzed to protect himseif Irom the encroachmeuts of cnpltal, on the oiher is the capilalisl prepared to reslst all deinands of labur. A strike Is the m- uit. organlzatlon of labor may be a heneti t, butltcompels all to reinalu on acommoii level. oiH-inusi not presume torlseabove hls fellows. (A mistaken Idea). Itlsthe privilege of everyone to work for whom and whal he pleases. The demaud of labor to share the protlts of cnpltul and enterprlse was termed unjust - llkew si the buylng up of Judgis and legisla lors bv milllonalres, and arbltratlon was brought out as the panacea of all the Hls the labor eluiiu-iil llave to bear. I,i-i ub tuen bope thut the contest between labor and capital wlll soon cease and [luis the welfare or the wuole world be promoted. tíod'i Hand in American Hittory. By Loulse K. Kanclolph, Toledo, Oblo. Tlicre are many events that seem to affbrd no explanatlon when they occur but beoome Intelllglble when thx llght of hUlory la thrown upon them. Partlcularly Is thls truiIn the hlslory of America. When the time had come God rent the vall that Beparated America from Europe and gave to tho world thls land for I.lberty. In the lOth centnry tbe Keforinatlon gave Liberty what lt most needed, a new religión. The Prench and Indiau war and the war wllh Frunce were training Hcbools for the col-mist of inestimable valué. Then aro.ne W'asliliiKton. the leader of the people. Th-u the revolutlon burat forth- and luw van II that it carne at tliat critlcnl period ? Uod governs ín the nü'.iirsof men. Tbe issiir of the great clvll war sbown that uur country was establlKhed for one whose destlnleH should be the llght of Ihe natious, the glory of the world. Aneient and Modern Civilización. By Wra. L. Page, Anii Arbor. Man N the only crented being wlio luis wttlilti hiiiiself the elementa of creatlve genius. Rome excelled In military power, and In Jurlsprudence Itniue sllll relgns. ChriHttHiiily Is the iuundatiuu stoae of all J modern advancement. The great lnventlons of the world are all due to the dtgnity f labor. Power ccniecrated to selflshuess bringa war and decay. Uhrlstlanlty and Science, hand In hand. are gradually accoinpllshlng the grand work of civlliziug the world. I 'llle. By KateSpeechly, Ann Arbor. In thu country tltles mean nothlng. A maker of soap and a dancing master are each called "professor; " and a man who flres ofTa gun at a celebratlon Is termed captain, and the tltle clinjrH throuKh llfe. ' . i 14.-1 n . r itrm Hiiniipini lu luiBn n III uil il - raent t a Brit Mi npy In the hope of pleaslng Engllsh anstooracy. It Is a dlsgaace to our country Unit siich a tblng was ever thought of. Dally we meet poople who are proud of referrlng to our frleud, Judge 80 and So Wi ¦111.11, I mu glad to gay, are exempl Irora tltles. Tbere comes a time when tltles are valulesa. The death-bed strips thora of thelr worth. In 80 far as a tltle Is Jast and rlghl so far should lt be grunled, but uo rurther. On tht Fence. By Martha D. Taylor, Ann Arbor. Howmanythere are without pronouaced oplnions of thelr own on auy subject but are I on the fence. When asiied thelr opinión of the Lnbor Questlou, of the Irlsh (ih-nMoii. etc., they wlll answer: "Well, I don l know, what do you thlnk about lt? A young man, asked hls opinión of polltl - cal partles Is olen undeclded and on the I fence, "waltlng for lt to be clean ¦ u one slde or the other." Kven the yentler sex, usually HO llrin in thelr opliiloa ou politics, are fouml vu n-iii in uciety .umi i.i.Miion nuf women dlffi.T frorn meo. When one come I down from tlie fence uil the otliers fotlow. (Jncof the saUdcsl ol slKhta Ih to wr the ui. wi wlici rumului) ¦ n fence of luatriiiiony. ('iii.hiis of thls free country, where every man Jias hl owu ballot, get dowu oif the I fence. üld bachelors, where there are so many malds. old and youns, Jump down off the iciici' luto the i'lysiini ili'iiis. Two HUtoric Ftguret. tiy Wullace H. Steele A nu Arljor. Ihe world has geen bilt few Keat men. Twosuch men appenr al the saine hour of deNÜny: Puul before Nero. W il 1 tbe world, In all Hh ages proUuce ot liar Nor,, y lluu v world ear HMM ' i lik" nut,, Paul di vil 1 wo ver nee UU i'his jU-i:. was lürgely desorlptlve of the scène of aul's trial before Nero. It wiw wi'll deltvered. and reoelved mucli pralse. 1.0'qfelUnv't Villaje Maidens. By Susle Whe'Ion, A nu Arbor. oh. who would laúd a city dame, Kudowcd wltli wealth auü noble name, Wllh suiii.is -rt-tii of wouür4U8 fHine, Wliu woo lier fir lier dower T Who would nols'niror Muiden fair, W luwe homes re Oud' free open air. The villttge malden free from care Aud falrer than a flower ? rioasnnt lt Is to read a happy tale Of youthful love, where Ioiik flilellty At last Is crowned wlth sweet aud biest reward. And sad Is lt to red of those who Mustsay furewell, but knowlntr, though they pari, Thelr hearU wlll stlll be faitliful to the end. lint suddest u( all slorles touehlng true, Whlch teil of love undylng. tender trust. Are those whii-h speak of peerlewi fair ones, who Walt for the untrue lover who ne'er comes.' ? Who Is thls ragKed, black-eyed chlld, A rauged lltlli' ypsy wild, Wllh tungled locks of ml Inlght halr Whlch wlll defy the saucy air. Oh Martha Hllton ! Fie, Oh fie! Thus paNNlng genlle people by ! In roxuUh volee [ lie;ir her say, "I'U rlde In my own cuach some duy." And Ho Nhe dtd, for Rhe became A lady of a noble name. And In a carrlage dld she rlde As Governor Wentworth youthful bride. ? , Amerlca's own bard has sung Of other maidens, graceful, younit. And pure In heart. Hut all too long Would be my simple rhyme, If I attempt to wrlte of each. Thelr 11 vre, a uneful lenaon teach, Our country'R daughters how we each Can makeour Uves sublime. The orations nnd essaya taken ns s whole were of superior orJer. EhcIi one had evidi-ntly jriveii considernble tlioujilit and 8tudy in the pre:irtion of their orutionsor essay, mul rlu; nmniier of delivery reflec-ted mucli on-dit up Ibelr instructor. Added to that was the tact that not a poor volee was fijuud HDtwng thuiu. After this portion of the program was completed. the srradnates, 7'J In number, carne forward and wcre presente'! thulr diplomas as Mlows: GRADUATINO CLA8S. Clattical Vvurse- Jamoa R. Aogell. Kilitli EAtklns, WtUlaiii D. Buil. Benjamin P. liouiland, Dougald lirown, Katherlne Carapbelli Herben M. Frost, Edwin F. Uay, Jame H Harrls' A Judson L:idd, Oecrge E. Mcllwaln, WUUam L. Pa8e. WUllara B. Ramsay, Cuas. J. Search, Martha D. Taylor.- 15. iAitin Vourst- Anna H. Adama, Helen A Aiknn. Catlierlne üarapbell, Ablgall (Jaudern, Kdwln F. Oay, Lottle A Jacknou, Walter L. Munn, Loulse ,F. Kuudolpb, Ueorgla Rallibone.- 9. Kngtiëh Orara- Mary M. Humes, Francés A. Barbar, Fred W. bIhüod, Kllxabeth J Cow ,n, Elbert K. Cone, Klora M. Kberbach, Oeorge M. Ktr.lul 1, ( hurlrs T Klug, Olen V. Mills, I,ucy a Parker, Alien 0. Moutlmrd. AuÜUHtn Walier, J. Howard Wetmore Iillllan M. Wlisou.S. Averill Wllson.- 15. 8citHtiJie Coune- John B. Alexander, Helen K. Ames, HeleD A. Atklns, Llbble Bartlett. May 8. Breakey, Chas. H. Howen, Burt Boylun.Ok Button' Allee Crlppen, Jean Cllmle, CdwlD M. Coolldge, Lydfa C. Condón, Mlunle A. Drahe, Harry Jerikins, Matle L.Ormtt, Sraoa E. Halioer, Lucy A. Parker. Kate Speechly, Walter H. Steele, Helen A. Hmlth, Wellliiton C. Tata. Artbur C. Tu?Ke. Irier F Taylor, liorn K. Ulber. Susle U'lieilon, Jeunle L. Wlnes, Oeorge M. Wood.- 27. Knginetring Course - Ernest K. Conrad. líusic Coarte- Carrle J. Buil, Katherlne Falconer.- 2. Commercial Course - Kinll Baur, Jr.. Ponald O. Douglas, John Dowdlxan, August Ecker, Richard L. Jiidson, lírm-st P. I.utz. Edwlu Popklns, Frank W. Rane, Fred K. Rice, Cone E. Sperry.- 10. Tlieu curne the singinj; of thu fol lOWlBg CLAS8 SONO: By Catharlne Fatconer-Time "Uit old Ojkea Bucket." Fond Clussinales, to-day with eacli other leaviug. Are ltRvlug tne nee nes we shiill ever bold dear, And many the tieurls llmt are lnwardly grieving, To go frora the voloes we've long loved to baar. Hut wlille ever by us the monieuts are sleiillng, W 11 lllng from our hearts every 8hadow and care. Allowlnii bul mlrth and the best of good t. i'llug In (Jlass Day, Coraraencement, and partlng' to s hare. Rtfraln. Then, dear 86, Oh. our brlgbt "86. We will bid tlie larewell, happy daas. '86, Today we wlll Joln in a trlumphant measn re, As In memory's bark hnppy thojghts with us stay ; All school tusks are ended, we slng It with pleasure, Though faln would we from wlsdom's halls not away. But as we look back when our years are decllnlng, And roses and niirtli frora these faces have fled, TwlllbeMe, '86, who a bright golden llning Wlll glve every cloud oer the palhway we tread. Refrain. Yes, to thee '86, Oh, our brlght '86. Happy thoughts will return evermore, 'ISO. At the altar of frlendahlp, our love never endtag, Wlll burn wlth a brlght, wltli an unceaslng llame, Though pattis far apart may be glven for oar wending And s enes round about as remaln scarce the NHIIlr' And we know that forever the ful rest of ¦qo licht From our heavenly home will stream glorlously down TUI work shall be flnlslied, llfe's school tasks all ended. And pure 'W siiall have galned lts brlght crown. Rerain. But, now '8fi, e'en now 'm We munt bid thee farewell, happy clnsg, '6. The benediclioQ was usked by Kev. Rarasay umi the nieinbers of tlie class of '3U closeil forever their conneclion whli the Aun Arbor Hili School. In the evening the alumni exercist-s were held in the Baptist church paiinrs, and a batKiuet served by the Baptist ladies. The attondanix' was very fair, but not larjre. A meniber of the school board infoims us th-tt it s probable that a proiostlon will be submitted to the district to ereot a new building east of the high school building for the granimar department, the two to be united by a passage way. The second story of this new building it Is proposed to iinish off uto a liall capable of seating 1,200 or 1,500 to be uscd by the school in ils exhibltion, coinnieuceuient exercises, etc. This scheme is one worthy of consideration. A new graramar school building is already a pressing necessity, and the experieiice of using a chiirch f r the pa-t few years for the graduatin}; exereise., und thcn ;iccommodatiiia- o ily about oiie-halt the penple coming, shows how uecessury it is (tor thts district to próvido other and hetler hall facilities. Th8 proposilion kills two Ijinla with one slone, aiul there woold be no outlaj' tor a new lot (o erect the building on. The new time card of the T. & A. A. R. R, has on chauge that will be tpprechitfd. Tlie cvening train goinj? nortli [ leaves Toledo at 5 p. m , aud arrivés In Ann Arbor at 7 p. in. The road hm nlso coinmenced running tralns from Owosso to Mt. Pleasant. If It hud not been for tlie obstinaoy of two or three me the rond between Lcland and Hinnbur bow would all be pmded. They have luid to condcinii the right of way. The Cliequainexoiis, scven in iiumber, wil] start Krklay moriiitig for Ashland, Wis.oneof the popular northcrn gumuier rwortB. Thia wil! make the fourth seaso.i this orgiinization lias been to the Superior regiou. They viill return In September. Elght military companies have acceptod I the iuvltation to help us celébrale next Siturday, and a lare number of O. A 1{. posts will also be present. '
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Cone Sperry