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Wlth her he swing upon the gate, And views the mooii wlth rapture great ; Observe hls sweet oonWnted smlle - TUere U no buil dog wlüiln a mlle ! Seren bands of music July 3d. There are many sidewalks in the city that are a dlsgrace to the Corporation. Chief Sipley will have a half-doen or more extra pólice on duty Saturday, up to midniglit. The residen U about Hanuver Square complain tlmt the grasa has not been cut this year. Wbose business is it ? A mixed chorus of 75 voices from Sagiuaw mul B.iy City will iiitcml tlie great Baagerfcat to be held in this city in August. A new spring has been bought by the water works coinpany, on the Bird farm, and pipes laid t leail the same into the receiving basin. Word has been received that forty of the Ann Arbor Coinmundery of K. T's, can be aecommodited in good quarters at St. Louis, in September. There will be five trinmphal arches erected over our streets for the Saturday celebration, and 2000 feet of evergreen and oak rope will be used in decoratlon. The finest display of flreworks, without exception, over seen in Washtenaw county. Col. Di'im suya, la what the peopie will see here next Saturdny night. "Conseience in Government," will be the tlirnir of Dr. Ramsuy's discourse nt the M. B church next Sunday, a. mThe evenlug service will be held as usual. Tlie regular meeting of the council coming on Monday evening next, July 5th, i leiriil holiday, Mayor Kobison has decided to have it post poned DDtil 'l'uesday evening. Special train will leave Manchester Jul y3il, at 7:30 arriving at Ann Arbor at 9:50 a. m. HuturniDg leaves at 9 p. m., by wny of the T., A. A. & 'S. M.. whwh train goes through to Toledo. Vahtf!iiHW Lodfe No. 9, I. O. O. K , have decided to enlarde and reliirulsh their over J. T. Jacob & Co'g store. When completed it will be one of the flnest lodge rooms in the city. Neit Fr Iday night Washtenaw Lmlge No. 9, I. O. O. F., will install the following officers for ensuing term: N. O., H. C. Clark; V. G., O. D. Royall; R. S., C. H. Jones, Trensurer, H. T. Morton. Ladies of the W. C. T. ü. will serve dinner and lunch on July 3d, In rooms next to Lewis & Gibson's photograph gallery. Any donations of provislons or money from friends will be thankfully received. The early closing of the dry goods stores, which goes into effect after July 5th, is an arran;ement that is fnlly appreciated by the clerk9, and the merchanta will not be the losers thereby eittier. L. D. Munger the long distance champion of the United States, rode out from Detroit to Ann Arbor this ruorning in three hours and seven minutes. This is the best record yet for the 40 miles and it will be many a day before it is beateu. The Ure department held a meeting last Friday eveninjr, and resolved to make a grand display on the 3d. The peoplo will be thown the nl.itivi; advantageg of a hand engine. steamer, and water works as üre extinguUhers. The department thoush numbering but seventy-four men, is in prime condition, and Chief Sorg promises a good exhibition on'fcelebration day. Ann AiborCoiniiiandery K. T. observo.l öt. Johu's (tlie B iptiit) Diy last Thursday the 2Jtli ut Chelsea. They left the city on a special train reachlng Chelsea at about tt o'clock p. m., and returned at midiiiulit. Therc were 61 Sir Knights in line f rom th8 city and Ypsilanti, and they were accoinpmied by 23 ladies. The ceremony conslsted of observance of the ritual of Ann Arbor Comniandery for that occasion, Itev. Tlios. W. Mc Lean, of Ypsllanti officiating. The music rcndered for tlie service was fiirnished by a quattettc consisting of Mrs. H. Woodward, soprano ; Miss Clara Anderson, alto; i'. L. Mallory, tonor; D. C. Fait, basso; and John W. Bennett, organist. It was consldered one of the pleasinjf feature of the occasion. A new Industry on a suiall scale has been starttnl in a portion of Alber & Son's shop at tlie soutli landing of tlie Pontiac st. bridge over the Hurón river. A new " Palace Delivery Wagon " is made tticre by E. P. Lfltftrop & Sou, whicli bids fair to outstrlp all other delivery wagons, whether tur urocerief, milk, laundry, or almost anytliin else. It Is a beauty, conItnMted on a new and novel plun. There is a drop in the floor between the wheels that allowsaperson to stand upright without buinping hls head on the roof. In a Mtorin it chii be closed perfectly, like a house. It can ! turned around in a very short spac-, and possesses other advantages that mijflit ba enuiuerated. The wagoiih weigli trom 500 to tilMi 1 1 ¦ each, draw very easy, and are sold for about f125 each. It is nu indutttry tli.a bids fair to grow.


Ann Arbor Courier
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