
PROPOSALS_WAlTKU ! Senletl blds will be received bytheSIreet Coinniiltee of the city of Ann Arbor, up U July 8th for the tearing down and removal of the building on Detroit street known as theO'Nell property. Tlie rlght to rejectuuy any and all blds Is reserved. TH03. KEARNS, Chalrman Street Com. Ann Aiibr, Juno 30tli, 1886. WOULD YOU KNOW THE BELIEF or LIBERAL CHRÏSTIANS? Suchas Channlng, Iheodore Parker, Longfellow. Charlea Bannier, Peter c'oopor umi others. Send your name and addresa Ú) P. O. Hox 1X10, Ann Arbor, aud you min recclve free, pamphlit, scrmnna and other Uniturlan llterature presenting the fuith n! Llb ral Ct.rlstians. ur- u. inrUTO WANTPFI on. scott'8 LH IV ICU buiuul Electno fllil l.lCorsetS. Sunplafrce to Ihose beiMfcll 1 W rominif agpntr. No Hrt, qulck sales. 'J'errltory (f ven, aaliNfactiou ftuaraDtaed. Addreaa UR.SCOTT.842 Broadway St.,N.Y. SÜMMËR SCHOOL! MR. C. B. CADY, PIANO, CHORAL MUSIC and HARMONY. MR. O. B. CADY, VOICE CULTURE and SINGING. MR. F. L. YORK, PIANO, ORGAN, HARMONY, SPKC1AL TKK.M OF EIQHT WKKKS ItKQINNIfJa THURSDAY, JULY lOth, GHEAT BEDUCIION IN TUITION. FOR TERMS APPLY TO ANY OF THE TEACHERS ABOVE NAMl'.lL 1802-1300.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News