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Tuf blll repeallng the Piw-smpt'on umi Tlnitier-Culliirc laws ws tuith.-r o ¦n-iüi-rcd in the Senatr on thr SM, hiui un amondmont ntr thr ncqiiisit.on of mOrSttuMO Hrrrsul drsert luiiil under one ownerhip was re.ieotrd . . . In tho Hou; tlio entlre srsslon w oooupted in dise isn me an araendmpDt to the lvii-ion htit whii m pcopofeO to ta lnCOtnel (or the pamout of pensions, but no Mc-t Li m wad tiikcn. NinO vetoed by tito Pretldi'iit ol' prlvuto pension l)tlln wen' raoeivsd. latte Senute on the MabUI was paiil to RtiuMid th! luws tor the ppeotk0 "f tcHni reUall. The 1)111 to repeal tlic Pre-eiuptton and Tmibm-Oulturi' lawn was further consUlt'ict], uinl WTM votoes of pr.vute pensión blils rt'ie.voil trom thp President In the House the entire 8-ssiou rus oocupled in further discusión of n amcndnunt tú thr Pension blll pmvWinir for u tux ou Inconies, bul no uct on was taken. Dtt.i.s wero passcd In the Sonóte on thr Itttt repriiliim the Proomptlon aud XlBbardilfr ure Ikws. and flxlng the atilitr es of thr Da trl 8tais district judfres Ht Uve tliou.iin1 dollars a yeur. Tho Fltz Johu l'ortrr blll wu pra Bented. ... In the Route the tune wtw ocrup rrl lu dlsousslnff the Sundry Clrll-Borvloe blll. The Cnmmltteo on Hulea Infornmlly settled upon July 15 a-i thr of flnul adiournmeut. I.n thr SrTintr on the 2"th, altor n lonsr lobato, the Fit?. John Portor blll. wh Db Iihc] prerlously passed tbe House, adopte Ibii vote of i to 1T. Thr blil nuthonzr thr 1 r.-sldent. tiy nd wlth tho adv er and uoMent of the Benatej toAppoiot General Tortor to tne posltlon of C'oloiA'i in tho army of tne Mme nade and rank held by hnu at tho tliue "I dlBnilHsul. and atithorios tho rriilrtit to p!are (iriui il Tortor on tli& n-tirrd list a-' to t]i At rr ulo: ho, howevrr. to poc6 re DO cDinpeiisat.on oi allo anco prior to bid nppolntment und i the act 'i ho blll to allnw tor tlio adlu-itment ol land trams made b f Conrresato aid m the oonstruotlotí of rullroads withtn thr Statr oi' ICiinaU andforthe forfclturo of unoarnoit lands was lepotted. Adjournrd to thr 8th....In tho House the var ons vrto meseitreK trun imtted bv the l'resldent werc cons.itrrod. mul callod'forth a gpiritol debat.. Tlir Bundry Civil bilí furthor d i#oaaeil DOMESTIC. A CAH-1.OAD f nne waterinelons from Southern Georgia (the flrst of th.' sèaaóu) arrived In Chicago on the iid, and nold readily at Reventy cents each. Tuk National Association of Saddlery and Harness Manufacturéis was organiz-d on the íM at I'iltsburgh, Pa., tlie object boing protection ngainst strikes. Tin; Iiish PartSamentary Kund Committee of New York hnd on thi Í3J raised HO. (Ml to send abrond. Govzrnor Wolf, of the Cbickasaw NaUoo, I. T., isaitfd a proclaoiiitinn on thu 'ild ordering the imm diate removal of uil cattle from the nation. Tuk photoi;raph rs of the UnitodStntw nnd Canada c ¦mmoncsd tbeir seventh annual convention on the 'üd at St Louis. A hail-storm early on the morniug of the Ud in th outhern portio.i of Eau ('Iniro Connty. "i-. s riou ly hijnrd cinps WBOdt ;id [K atr vino-i suffering sevarely. Tip: strike of drivers al Kinpoapolis rlo-od on tho 'üd th uso of teiits boing conceded, Tue dÍM-uv iy wiis nirt lo on tho il thit the pra 't ck of graru-ynr I insurnnce vas iu vii-uo in S 'w Hiiiiip-hiru, and that th coniDanioi hud boen swiudled out of lary ¦ Biims. Aftkk a striko Inatin!? four months tb1 BlpTe-iuoMeri uf Tr j, N. Y, returaed ti woifc on tli" 391 on tha niaiiiifacLnr r.' terms, Firt thomand oollaij-giri wjn ini.l l.cMi !,!!¦ sx wotíks. also retuiue 1 to duty at the old rste C ages. Anvici.s nf tha 1 1 say tUut in the Ticinity of Aloxa:idi-;a, La., tho p opl w 're nlmost ruinad by the roceut fluod, and luunv saw starvutiiMi staring th-ni in tho face. as the coru and cottoii oropt wore ruinad The Iosí of stucK wm also considerable TinxnEn and hnilstor:ii9 in the Uutchinson, Shnkopoo aud Winona -ection'i of UinneiOta on the M seriously injtired eropc 'ihe storm becunia a tórnalo a; llnU-hiiison, but no loss of life was re portqd. l'itnviDKNrF Pv. I., eelebratad the 2 )tb aniiiver-iiry of iti settlomönt on the 2M. In several towns noar Datroit, Mich., black dipbtbufiu bad becoine opldemic on the td. Childi u were tuken sick without warnlng thetr throata swillod, and in a few bourn they diod in grcat agony. As a roultof thj recont wholesale poioning at a picnic in Pottorsville, N. J„ by eating ice-cream iu which ai-Renichad been placed, slx persom were dyioj on the 23d, and physiciaui said that flfty other could not live. Tuk wJb ilesa e dry goods flnn of Riegel, Scott & C i. of Púiiiidelphia, failed on the Sul tor Os tho moinn? of the Ü8d Willlam Relaber. hÜhs ¦'!(.¦" kill.'d City MarahnlJohn Conrey at Detroit. Minn. Keiahor was taken from juil ut night, hauged tS a tree and ri i.llud with bullets. 1'. v i i i.i:' e 'Uli-shods at Ht Ix)uls were burned on 'J.ld, twenty-tive cows perishing fn the fl unes. Tns Laka Shro IvltchmsB in the vicinity of Chicago qu t wurlc on the 3d because eight non-uu.on m n Ware nut discharged. Mi M [n:Ji:r.. x of Calloway County, Ky.. who was hl t n by a Mud log elghty days n go, diod on tuo ii.l of hydrophobla. A fihr. foliowe.l by an explosión, dftstioyed tho works of tho American Forcite Powder Company at Hoputconf, N. J., the other af teruoon, entaiüng a loss of 100,ü00. Km: permanent disability occasioned by rheumatlstn coutracted in thoarmy, a pension of Í12.J31 was on tho SM paid to Napoleon McPhersun, resldiug in Lake County, Ind. Habvbbtixo comuionced in Virginia on tli ':(.l, and unprucedentedly largo cropsof A-heat aud fruit were betng gathured Tuk flrst faet fruit-trai ever sent from California to the East left Sacramento on the Uh. I' n isisted of fifteen cara. The Shaare Emets Bynagogue at St Louis on the 34th deposed Rabbi ü H. Sonneschein for abandoning Judalsm for Unitarianism. ueoroe fHiM.iPB. a pnsloner of the war of 1812, reslding at Oneida, N. Y., shot himself through the head on the -4th because of an impresslon that he was a burden to hl faraily. Heatt rain and hail on the 24th ruined flelds of wheat, corn and oats in the outhrn section of Macon County, 111. A boiler explodod in a mili near Atkins, Ark., on the 34th, killing threo men and fatally wounding two othei-s. In a hospital at Buffalo, In the case of a woman with a tumor in her tbroat an opening wa made into tue stomach ou the itth, throuh whiih food was passed dirpctly. to tho itth onlv tliron Jaron bad been secured for the trial of the Chicago Auurehtot, ont of ri men examinad. Tiir.iii: wns prnotioallj no change in the si.i.vM of .1. ¦ Uka Hbore& Michigan South rfl wltobman t Chtoago on tti MIU, No frslght ti mu, rere run on that ruad. Altohminu to the Jumo roMi't qí tho Dspartinent of Acricultiire the prospoct for tht) coming applx erop is mntnriiUly below an average outside of the Now Engaqd. and Middle States. Tuk New York Court of AppeaU decided on tbe Kth that licensed places of amusemout in New York City cnn not sell ales, winea or ipirltnoni llquors, etc, on any part of their premisen, even under a license issuvd by the excise commissioners. Tn f. intern al rnvenue collections for the flrst eleven months of the fiscal year endingJansSO, is.sti, aniountto107,l(H,43.', an iniToiise of $H,40-J,ïvW over the correspoading period last year. The Roane Iron Company of Chattanooga decided on the 25th to remodel ita extensiye works into a Bossemer eteel-rail mili nnd employ one thousaml men. The plant has been idle for flve years. Tmehe were 188 boftneu failures in the United State during tht seven days ended on the SAh, aguinat Imö the prerious seven days. The strike of nailers which bas been in progress throughout the Uuited States for the past year was ended at Pittsburgh on tho '."th by the adoption of compromise scale. Gkoroe B. Davis was executed on tho 'J5th at Seale. Ala., for the raurder of Arehio Reevos, and Kobert UiUard and James Emmet, both colored, were hanged at GreenTille, Miss., for murder. Port Dkposit, Md., suflfered from a disastrous lire on the 25th. Tbe striking Lako Xhore switchmen at Chicago derailed a nuinbor of freijfht cara on the i)th and delayed passenger-traius. The pólice had to resort to their clubs to preTeut greater damags. Joux E. O'Svi.i.ivan, a Catholic priest of Camillii9, N. Y., was on the 25th sentenced to eleven yearo In Auburn prison for an assaulton a girl at the parsonage. A coi.LisiON of l!uiiin;ton fruight traint on the iöth near Choster, In., caused the death of four laborers in a catioose. lx Illinois the harvpst of winter wbeat was nearly flnished on thi -5tb. The yield would be large. The ten-müe bicyclerace for the National championship, ran at Detroit on the 25th, was won by H. N. Van Bicklen, of Chicago, in 86:87. A wnro and rain-storm in Lenawre County, Mich., on tbe - 5th leveled buildings and feuces and ruined orchards and crops. Beveral persons were reported injured. A FiHE on the 25tb at Peoria, 111., originating in an oil storehouse, deítroyed the brick freight depot of the Pekin road and thirty cara. The losses aggregated ?250,000. On the 25th four men who participated in the late Bouthwestern rallroad strike were found guilty at Pui-sous, Kan., of conspiracy and were senteneed to pay $100 fine and costa each aud serve thirty days' imprisonraent. Ah nerolit tbat feil into a pond near St Regla Falla, N. Y., a few days ago was so hot that many fish wer killed, and the water bubbled with sUam for some time after. PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. Moses A. Dow, thefounder of the Waverly Afagazint, did in Boston on the 22d, leaving $2,000,000, which he had aecumulated in thirty-flve years as a publisher. The Republican Committe decided at Abordeen on the 22d to hold the Dakota Territorial conventiou at Yankton, September 82. The Democrats of the Seventeenth Illinois aistrict un tbe 22d nominatsd Judge Edward Lane for Congrassman. The Delaware Prohibltiouists mot in Btate convention at Duver on the 23J and nominated James R. Hoffacker for Goveruor and Richard M. C'ooper for Congressman. Tue Goveroor of Louisianahas approved of a bilí for the bettur ob.errauce of öuuday. It will take effect at the commeueeniriit of 18S7. Sam Jomks and Sam Sraall, the Georgia Evaugelists, closod their two weeks' revival meetings in Iiidianapolis, Iud., on th 23d, their exbortations resulting In the conversión of twelve bundied persons. The Ureenbackers met in convention on the JM at Meadville, Pa., and nominated John Ilull for Congresaman. The Democrats of the Twelfth Illinois district on the Od nominated George A. Anderson for Congresiman. The Attorney-Lreneral on the 23d received the resignation of Sumner Howard as Chief Justice of the Suprome Court of Arizona. Henhv Ohdibdovk, author of numerooi historical works, died suddenly of beartdisease on the 3d at Jamaica, I I., aged eighty-three years. Thkhe were two hundred and flfty df legates in the Illinois Prohibition conrention wbich commenced at Suringfleld on the 23d. Jluoe STAXi.rr Matthews, of tho United States Suprome Court, wns married in New York on the 23d to Mrs. Mary K. Thenker, of Cleveland, O. The Alnbama Reublican State conventiou mot on tuo2ad at Montgomery, hutdeclined to nomínate a ticket, investiug the Executive Committee with full powers in the matter. The President on the 34th sent to Congres8 tweuty-nine messages votoing that many special pension lills. O the 24th the Repuhlicans of the Twelfth Indiana aistrict nominated Captain James B. White for Congressman, the Prohibitionists oL the Thirteenth Illinois District nominated Rev. U. M. Bowder; the Democrats of the Kif leeuth Ohio district renomiuatod Beriah Wilklns, and A. C. Thompson (Rep.) was renomiuated in tbe Twelfth ühio district. P. T. Baumm telegraphed frora Bridgeport, Conn., to New York on the Wth in reforence to a rumor of hls death that he was aliTe and as well as he ever vu E.-Phesiikxt Artih-r left New York on the 24th for New London, Conn. In reply to a question Dr. Peters said that hls patiënt was progressing favorably and without doubt would be beneflted by a changa of air. The Illinois Prohibitionists in State convention at SpiiuKlleld on the U'tth nominated Henry W. Austin. of Ouk Park. for State Treanurer; and Fruí. U. Z. Gilman, of Quiney, for Superintendent of Public Instiuetion. The platform adopted declares that the manufacture, importation, trunsportation and sale of intoxleating everastes ought to be prohibited; asserts that piohibition to be effoctive should be national in scope; deploros the desecration of the Sabbath ; argues that the suppression of th liquor trafHc will solre the question of convict labor, and demand thut the people of Illinois be grantod an opiiortunity of votin? on the quostion of a 1:1 tifit i !iiil prohibitory anioodmeut Tim PoitmMt Ganara! on th S4th f OTOTed twentynine railway poutitl clerli-i, mostlyin thu Wust. for alki;ed oonsplracy to hamper tho gervioo. Tui! evangelista Ham Jones and Sam Small coinmencod a series ( meeting on the 24th at Red Ruck, Mina. The Indinuapolis Smhte! hos been purchased by J. W. Craig, of Toledo, O., for elght thousand dollars. Thf Supreme Court of the District of Coluinbia has decided that tha Indlans are foreigners, and lian qunshed an iudictment harging fraud agaiust the Cherukeea on the ground that they are a foreign nation. Proratneot members of Congress iay the only way to settle the question is to pass a law dissoWinit tribal relations aiul declarIng the Indians citizons of the United Sta tos. The Republican State ExecutiTe Committee of Keutucky decided on the 25th to nomínate candidatos in evory Congressional district. The President on the 25th vetoed thirty more pension bilis. Tuk Uaited States Senate Elections Committee decided on the 25th to report ad. Tersely to any investigation of the chargei of bribery in connection wlth the electlon of Senator l'ayne, of Ohio. A ffoMAN uanied Jordán, said to hare been oTer one hundrad and eieren years of age, died on the Lth at Wiota, Ia. JrixiN Ki-i.i.KitTONon the 25th siihmltted to tho National House Committee on War Claims a brief on the bill now pending before tbat committe which ho claimed would ald in securing the paymentof som portion at least of the Confedérate debt. FOREIGN. A pire on the Ülst at Hamburg, Germnny, swept nwny the sugar and cotton warehouse of Paul Jacobs, valued at t'S),000. A winowEit in Dublin on the 22d recovered live huudred dollars f mm a girl who had jilted hira. An asaociation of Anarchiste, fifty in nuinher, was discovered on tl -j.M at Huil, a luiuber settlemont acros tin river at Ot tuwa. (Int. Their oath liinds thom to burn kil! and destroy. Wii.son, Pattrusov & Co. 's naval stores at Montreal were destroyed by flre a fow dnys ago, cauiing a loos of $100,000. Tin: French Sonate on the &M passed tbs bilí for th expulsión of thi) Prinoea. The stoamer Cachapolo on a recent voyage frcun Valparaíso to Coquimbo en OMintered heavy weather, and in a panio wbich ooooired slx passengere were lost overboard. Tuk floods were inereasing on tho 2Jd In Silesia, Bohemia and Hungury. Soma deatbN were reported and the damago as enormous. The Midlotbian Con-eivative9 decide! on the 23d not to contest the district against Mr. Gliulstone at tho coming election. In an inWTiew on tht 'ÏVl Hon. Peter Mitchell, First Canadian Mini itor of Fisheries, said tbat the ie ut scizuros ol Amorican flshing vejsels were ill-advised and without warrant. Bt the capsizing of a ferry-bost on the i'Vl in the Sazawa rirer. ti Bohemia, twonty-tlve persons were drowiied. TilE French Governmput on the 23d Usued a decree Imnislii.ig tlie Princos from the republio. Anothkk of Pusteur's patients, an elevon-year-old Freucu girl, diod of hydiobobia on the 'Mth. The expelled Couut of Paris left Frunce on the 34th for Euglaud. The BonapartUtd nlll reside in Switzerland. Foktv pr-rsons erisheii in a miuo explosión on the 'JSth at Rohamp, Flanee. The British Purnament was on the L'5th Corwally pr trogaei by y.ieeu Victoria. The ekicti' aa nill bo held during the flrst half of July. I'm.ix Br.Ai iiHY, for ninc yeai-K mnyor of Montreal, met hls death on tbu 2tb by paralygis. LATErt NEWS. , liiOK David DaYII (lle.l al hfü'homn In Blüi.iuiii.-ioii 11!, at -iix un tlu tnorülujt of the 'AJth. Mr. Darla . boru in Cooil County, M i., M ,i,i 9. 1-il.j md in UWbaatuaa a rosid.jut of BI mm n ;ton. In 1M7 be was u weinber ui the CoifAltdtional cniivo'.itiiMi: la IÍOÍ Pi-esidoiif Lincoln appointud uim Ajoolat Justiua of the Supreme Court ot the önite 1 Stut ts, whioh place he rninaj in 1-srr, liavuig boen olet-tud a Unitad States Seiiator. After the death of President Oaiiiold Judja Davia was ehosen President of the Senato, In which position he was virtually VicePresident of the United St.itos. He retirad from political life in 1SSI. Au estáte of over two million dollars is lefttohis wilow and son aad daughtr. Over flfty of the striking switolimen on the Lalce Shoro road at Chicago were rr8ted on the 26th for inciting riot. In attemptiug to address the electora of West Inlin , 'ton, Eng., on the 26th agalnst hom rulo Richard Chumborlaln wus silenced and coranelled to escapa from the hall by a rear door. Advicks of the 2Rth report the killing of flve Mexicun wood-cuoppers by Indiuns near the San Aut;U8tine mine. in Mexico. At twenty-six leadln cloarin-hoiH ¦ ii the United State-s the axohitDg4 dunn the weelc ended on th 2rtth aggrosat j 1 916,9r2,136, against $919,510,411 tho pidTiou week. Aa compared with the corresponding week of 165, tüj mcieusa amountd to 35.0 per cent Sbven British soldiers huve been killed and twonty-threo wouuded in recjut üghU Dakoits ín Bui-mah. Thb Prohibitionidts in Pennsylvania on the aith nominatud Wiilium II Brickel for Congressman in the Becond district and Thomas U. Habe in the Twenty-third district Bv the capsizing of a sail-boat on the 27th in the bay at Proridenco, R I., Mrs. E. ö. Farmer and her dauguter, William Biayton and the two children of C W. Girsch were all drowned. hile attempting to driTe ncross tho track at Lafayette, Ind., on the 2üth, on a wagon-load of corn, Alexandar Miller, an apred and wealihy farmer, and tris wife were killed by a fast train. Up to the 3lth üfty-one persons had been killed in the Chilian election riots. öenor Baluiaoeda, tho candidato of the Liberal party, wa9 elected President of the Republic. Thb standing of the National League base-ball clubs at the close of the weok euded on the 26th was as follows: Detroit (games won), 84; Chicago, 31; New York, a; Phlladelphia, 21; Boston, 14; St. Louis, 14; Kanaas City, 9; Washington, 7. Tiik United States Seuate was not in session on the 28th. In the House the time was oceupied in furtbor couaidering th Sundry Civil bilL


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