
Whut maltes the breath so fragrant, puref Wliut mnkes the rosy guras endure? Wliat maltes the t colli so pearly whlle ? Whai inaken the iiiouth adear delight? 'TIr SOZO ONT, that precloua boon Wiilch none can use too lote, too soon. It Is Ne?er Too Lato to cleansethe teeth, and tender the breath odoriferons with friígrant SOZODONT, but it is best to use this wnnderful VfjíetMble Elixir before the tceth beírin to M, nd the brenth to lose lts fresliness. All that i? good, generous, wise, light, - wliatevt-r I deliberatel y and fon-ver love In others and myself, - wlio or wlmt éould by ;iny posibilíty have ;iveii it to mo bul soinc one who iirst had it to (Tire! Tliisia not logic; this I mi mxíoih.- Or'¦vl-- ____ Ilrh, Prairie Mange, and Srratehe of every kind eured 11 thiity minuten, by Woodfont's Sunitary ÏMion. Use no oilier. 'l'liis ntvt-r frtllp. Sil(l by H. .1. liiown, dnigjrist, Ann Arbor. 1288-1340 Prlnct Louis f Kallenberg Is hii excellent printer, nml once wben hli slilj) reHcbcc] ii sinull port whcre nr out' whs cotiiK'tent to piim the (irogriims required for i dnncv 'ivcn hy the riffleer, the Prince cama ml undertook the work . Nevcr ncfrleet a cotistiputed condition of the IiohcI-, or ?erioii8 resultssurely follow, sikIi is piles, Inipure blood, aud many c mplalnts. Üurdock Blood Bittere.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News