
Scoft's Emulsión of Pure Ood t:oii. wlth II) pop Ik ...'i lt. In Lung Troubles and Cholera Infuntum. Dr. VV. E. Riiisinn, Ilurtfor.l lm!, say.. "I thnl tícutt's Emulsión hu .¦xoellont reincdy in lung troubles, and es,eciitlly in Strumous eliililren mul a mr nlunble remeily in cliroiiic. stagi-s of Cllolera Intantum." Profcesnrs Ayrton and Pirry, the EnfHatl eltctricians, have accidental ly ob8ervcd tliat on nmftlganmtloii, or ooatlns with quicksilver, brass expands so tlmt'i? one side only is amalHinaled a hite ol brass becomet corred. Tliey Imayine tliat tliis ïuay bc the primary cnue ot 1 1 - plienomuna ot the Jupinese "magie mirnir," which has cust on the back a pattirn tliat is quite invisible on the polislied taco, vet Is niysterionly ilistinct it the patch of light U reflected by the mirror upon a creen. would a ff. et the thlnner para made by the pattern more Iban rest of the plate, ffivlng inirror the imperceptible nDeTeilliev tliat beoomet plainly apparenl In tbérêflvetid image. ______ 100 Doses One Dollar Is insppuruhly corinectcd vfchHood'aSarsu pari I la, nnd is true of no ol her medicine. Il is au unanswerable argument as U) Ilie strengt!) nnd economy, white tlniuannds ti-nly t is u)H'ri(ir liloKl-nirity inr nnd strengtheniiijr quallllef: A (itllr af i HoodN Btfmparllli eonhrim ioüüoni- nnd will i;i8t a nionth, while will wrage to last. not over a week. Henee, for economy, buy Hood'a Sarsapaiilla.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News