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Ch-rry Week. This is cherry week, the prettiest hik] mout poetlc of the sinall tiuit8 liow brlng in its prime: Slnce Vlr({ll'8 day the poet pipe Of cherry red and clicrrv rlpe, Of ci.erry rlbboim, cherry pipK, Aud tst of all- of cherry 11 pH. - Plilliidelpliln News. Consumption Cured. An old phygician, retired froni praotloe, having had placed in his liands hy an Ka-t Indiii missiotiary the formula ot a simule vegetable remedy for the speedv nnd permaaent cure of Consumption, -Bronchitis, 'Cntarrh, Asthina and all throatand Liinjr Al&ction, aUo a positiveand radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Ncrvous Complahits, after havinf? tetted its wonderful curatlye powers in tlmusands of cases, lias feit it his duty to mfike it known to lmsufferiiiii fellows! Actuatecl ly tlii.raotive and a desire to relieve human sufferinjf, I will gend free of cliartre, to all who desire It, this recipe, in Germán, French or Enjflish, with full dlrecHone for preparing and using. Sent by mail hy addreiging with stamp, naminji this paper. VV. A. Noyes, 14 Powers ülock. Kocliester, N. Y. 127O-I3-22. " Mrs. Dnsenbeiry. herr's an instance of inventive jrenitis for you ! is i lock on exhlbltion at tliê Kn-iult CryaUl Pul ace whieh dmits of more ihree million i'iiMiliiu.'iiiiiiit. ' "That doesn't surprise me, my deur. There must be ulmost as m:uiy coinbinations in the lock of our front door, judiring by tlie time you spend fambling over It wlien you come lióme from " Plilladefphia Cali. The Yerüict Unanlmous. W. D. Buit, druirist, Bipnis, lod., testillas: "I can ri-comineud Electric Bitters as tlie very bjst retnedy. Every boltta sold ha Ten relief in evory case. Une nuin took six bottlea, and was curod of Klicuinati-in of lOyears standing " llnrr. drugïist, Bellville, Oliio. fllrins: ''The best uell Ing medicina I have ver handled in my 20 yearsexperience, I E Uit iic Bitters" Thoiisands of otlicru liave ndded tbcir testiniony, so tbnt Ilis verdict is uintnlcoua tbitC Elcctrio Uittcr.i do OMreatl illMHWt f the Livor, Kiducve nr bluod. Only ahalf dollar o bottle at Kbei baeli's drui itore, TELECRAPHY1-611"'11'1"11 ¦ fuinUbml Wiltu VuluntUiu Biot,., JauoHvllU, Wk


Ann Arbor Courier
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