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V.'HO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOCRAPHY OF TH53 OUNTRV, WILk 8EE BV EXAMININO THI8 MAP, THAV THJ fS - :- . ... - --r-frofeii TorthmKfó(klbert Lea VJ } C . flk jtiEigont'r'j L L I ÏT' O I si1;, CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. R'Y By rOTson of lta cutral posltlon, close relation to principal llnes East of Cliic i'-o and toua liiiej et torminal points Weet, Northwest aud Soutl. ., c:;t i3 the true lui.idl j-lüik In that transcontinental syatem which inviteí and fácil' itatcs travol nnd traffo in either direction between the Atlautic and Pnciflo. Tho Kook Ijland nai.i line and branches include ChlcaprOLJoliet, Ottawa, La Sill-V Peoría, Oonesoo, Moline and Bock leland. In Illinois; Davenport, Muscatüio, i ,u5htn,'ton, ï'airfiell, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West LibPrtyJowa City, Des ' ' "i:i :ay 1 .ïdifinola, WLitorset. Atlantic, Knoxviile, Audubcn, Harían, Guthr.'e C'cairo and Counoii Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, St. Joaeph, Cameron aud líAuaaa í'ity, la Misaoiui; Loavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albort ï oa, Ml ma&pOUa and St. Paul, in D.Iinnosota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreds oi -al :raioiliate cities, townu and villar-es. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Ouaranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to thoso who travel over it. ïta rcr dbed ii tliaroulily ballasted. lts track is of hoavy stueL I Irid(re3 aro solid utruoturoa of ui 511e and iron. lts rollinnr stock is perfect as êkill on iua];c i'.. It h'dj all Ui3 otvfety appliances that mechanical rt -íu:j han invi ntcd itnd CZ 'irlouvio prored ViUtablü. lts practical operation ia conserviitivo ïxri'l KiothodI itj i'ijciyliao strict and oxactin?. '-ho luxury oí it3 accominodatioiu ij unoqualed in tho unsurriassed in the worid. Ahïi HXPKEdS TKAINS between ChicaiïO and the lliver consist A : j.:ifotablo DAY COACHES, maipiiñoent PULLMAN PALACE l'ABLOlt and nLS2Pllf8 CABS, elegant DIN1NQ CAR9 providini? excellent ïuiLla, and -botw u Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansaa City--reutful BECL1NINQ CHAIK CAB3. tHS r AMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is C10 cliroct, XKVorite line between Chicairo and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Ovei' thij -jut col'.d Fost Exproes Trains run duily to tlio Lc:micr roberts, pioturevqua '. jc.-..itios and and flshintr fc-roundo of Iowa aud Minnesota, iho rich wli..:t ilolds and rtozíhíí londs of intor.or Dakota are reachcd via YTUtort .-.vii. j. ühprt doEirablo route, via Séneca and Kanknkoo, offerj superior iu .c - ¦ 1 nt ) to .. : rSMm betwoen Cincinnati, Indionapolia, Lafavotto ind Oouncil Bluifs, St. 'mi, Atchison, Leavenwortii, Kansas City, Minnoapoli3, St. Pai-J. cd intar1 ju kilat points. ..i classes of pttrons, eepecially families, 1 idius and clilldren, rooeivo froni oukir.U and employés of Bock Ialand trajia .. . r jspootful courtusy a. d ?tontion. '. . Ticicots, Mape, Folders - obtainable ut all ilnoipiil Vicktt Oiücus 1.: !U' 'Ju ... . otiiíe and Canada- or any deuired infonuaticm, adi'roea, R. R. CABLE, E. 3T. JOHN, reildmtand General Manager, Chicago, Generé Ticknt .... I Hncawe , ¦ ,.{, Chitaer


Ann Arbor Courier
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