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NO FEE! I 1 EST1BLI8RKD i8si. ) Nier ril UNTIl BETTER ) DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block ' f7 =KV1 Th Regalar, Old-Establiíhed jLJa PHYSICIAJÏ & SUKGEON l8iULL AND 8UCCE88 YOUNGMEN.MIDDLE-AGEDMEN and all persons who by theírown acts of Impru dencenr Follyat any period of life havebrough upnn themselves, thc cvil effect followimj dosel' upon the heelt of tran sression of the law: of nature, shoutd consult the celebrated Pr.Clarke at once. RcmrmhertNervuui dlaeaaa(with or without dreams) or deblllty and loss of nerve power trcated sctentífically by new metnnds with never fmlinp success. Mm'U makes no difference what you have taken or who has f ailed to cure you. JfyT'.ie terrible pninnm of Syphiiia and al bad blood and sktn diaeasea, completelv cradicated without mercury, Rmainber that thisuno horrible dlaeaae, if ncglccted or impmpcrly ireatcd.curaeathc present and coming genei ;ition; ft?-AIl unnntnral discharge cured promptly v.ihi.ut hindrance to business. No experiments. ïtoth sexes consult confldnitlally. Agn and xperienoe Import imt. A writtn frnaranteo of cure given in cvery case undertuken. jjrSuflVrera from any chronic dlneaaewrite Histury and Symptoma of your case - plainly. Cases sulicitcd which others have íailed to cure. jr3Send two stamps for clebrated worka on Chronic, Nervoua and Delicate Distases. You have an exhauative aymptomutoloKT [y which to study your own case. Consult.ition, prrsonally or by letter, free. Consult the old Ioctor. Thouaantts cured. Offlcea and parlort private. You sec no one but the Doctor. Bcforc conüdtn your case consult DH. ( I,RKi;. A fnendly lcttrr or c.ill may save future suffering and fchame and add golden vears to lifc. Medicine, ent evervwhere secure from xposure. ilours, bto 8; üundays, 9 to 12. Addrcw, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch NOW IS THE TIME TO U8E JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PÜRIFYINGJHE BLOOD. It has been ín useforïöyoars ftnd has pro ved to be the best preparation In the Market for Slck Headache, Pain In the Sido or Back, Llver Complalnt, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsla, Piles, and an Bisoasos that arise frora a disorderod Llver or impuro blood. Tbousands of our best Teoplo tako it and glve it to their chlldron. Physielans prescribo it daily. Those who use It once reoommend it to others. It is made from Yellow Dook, Honduras Sarsaparilla,WildChorry,Stilllngrla,Dandellon, Sassafras, Wintergreen, and other well-known valuablo Roots and Herbs. It is strictly vegretablo, and cannot hurt the most delicate constltutlon. It is ono of the best medicines in uso for regnlating: the Bowels. It is sold by all responslble drugfflst at one dollar for aquart bottlo, or six for H vo dollars. Sample bottles 50 ets. f roe on receipt of prico. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. VrWhcn you have tried aü the Sarnaprilla, and have been ditappoinled, try Juhruton'i. Mortirn'e Sale. DKKAULT i.ivinu' been made in the ron - (lilioiis of a cerlaln imlenture of trt fitKfxecuteiï by Mlchael I'helan and S;u ih 'helan. his w i te, of the Vlllage of Dexter, Washlcnuw County and 8tnt of MTcblgaB, to l'uiriik CiiillHüher, of the Township ol Webüter. in aaid county aud state, bv&rlng iliite Ibe 13 1 1 li diiy of October, A. U. elghteen bnndred and seventj'-8even, and recorded in theolfiae of tlie Etoglaler tf DonJi tor sald county of Wttshtenaw, In l.lber 50 of Mortgae8, on i;uk' 1":. and y wlucli ilcfuult Uie power of wtlü conlalned in sjiid niortgage liuvlng become opt-ratlve, nnd no soit or pro c'ci ns at law or lu chancery hoving been Initltated to recover the amotint on said mortsageor the note a(Honipany lne the ame, uud tingre lieiiiKnowclalined tobfilueon suid iioteanil mortgage. tlie tara ol 8lx hundred and t"li;hty-lwo dollars and thlrty-etght cents lt882.%) Notlce Is therefore hereby glven, t ï I :t t I K i i liwill triïcwiï m I I ! )-,,¦. ritri,nLiMil rn Saturduy, the 12th day of une. A. D. 188K, :ii ten o'clook In tbe forenooo of that day, by a sul. a: pulilic auctlon, to the highest bidder, t the Kast door of tlie Court Houce, In the city oi Arm Arbor, In tbe county aforexald, (ald ('on rl House, bel ijk the place for holding the Circuit Uourl Tor saiii couiily), of the tnorttaged premlse describid iu sul.l mortnugf, or so much thereof af may be nnvssarv toKiitlsfy the aiuouut of principal Hnd interest reinuinliiK unpuid apon suld mortgage wltli reuNonable corU and expenses, together wllh an attorney fee of iw-ni -Uv dollars; whlch premlse are descrlbl la suiil inortKUge as fotlowH. l)-wll : Bclng lot slx (B) in hlook three (S) in the VIIlage ol Dexter aibresald, accordiiiK to the recorded pint thereot, and boondèd norlMirly by the Michigan Central Kullnuul. Uated. March I8th. INSti. I'ATKICK ÖALI.AdHER, MoK'riAii v . E. 1). Kinsk, Att'y for Mortgagee, OM Sheriff 's Sale. Notlce Is hereby glven that hy vlrtue of a en tal ii wilt of Klerl KhcIiih iMoad ont of and luider theeul of the Circuit ('ourt. lor the iiMinty Of Waslitenaw, In favor of Hinry Bplegelberg plalntltr, and ftiiuinst Ihe goods. chattelx. lamls und lenemenU of Cari Sonllmnier, derendan t to me dlrectetl and dellve '(! I lid on the 21st day of April, A. I). 1MÍ6. se.ixa and levy upon uil of the rlglit lltle aiul luier est of the Huid Cari Schllminer in and to the followii'g descrtbed rral etitate, landH and premlsea, that is to say, all that certaln p ece or parecí oí land Hiluate lu the count' nj' Washlcimw aiul Slalc of Michigan, deaoribed as follows, to-wlt: The norlheiuit quarinr of Bectlon nlneteen ( 9) lownshlp one (I) south, ruime six (BJ eiu.t. In tbe towushlp ol Northlleld. County of Washtenaw and siat of Mlchluan.all of whlch I shall expone for Bale at tmbllc anctlon or vendue to the higliest bidder at the south front diKr of the court luuise, In City of Ann Arbor, In saiil counly (that belntc the place of holding the Circuit Court for thesald counly or Wnslitenaw), on the28th day of July.A. 1). 1SK6, at the limirof ten o'clock lu tue forenoou of sa Hl tluy. THOH. F. LEONARD, Deputy shprlir. Datei, Ann Arbor June, 16th, A. I. . thancery Sale. In pursuance anrt by vlrtue of a decrce of the Circuit Court for the counlynf Washtew In Chancery, Htate of Michigan, made and entered ou the tweuty-Dinth diiy of Doeemher, A. D. 1H85, In acertain causé therein pending, wherein Krank H. Ellls 'y Stephen il. KI Uk, h In guardián, and nest frleml is complainant, and Lester s. Pryer and Sarah M. Pryer are defeudants. Notlce Is herehy glven ihat 1 shall sell ut public auctiou or vtMidue to the highext bidder al the south tront door of courl house, in the cily of Anu Arbor In sald county aud Btate, on the iliir- lothdyof June, A. 1). 188, at 10 oV ck In Ibe forenoon of sald day, tüe equal umllvtded one-ball Interest of Lester 8 Pry. r, in all tlmt certuln plece or parcel of land siumte.1 in the towushlp of Ann Arbor, county of WuHluenaw nnu State of Michigan, knowu anddeRcrlbed as follows: The eaut half of Ihe Kutbwel aaarlar of sectlon three. and the west liiilt f the southeast quarter of sectlon three, towushlp uuiuber two Boutu of nuiL'f Hix i'iist Duied, May 10, lKm;. PATKICK McKHKNAN, Circuit ('ourt Commlssloner of Wasluenaw County, Michigan, s VHVKH A Knowltos, Solictors for Coraplalnants. rj8-(H ( liiincrry Sale. tule of Michigan, the Circuit court for the oounty of Waabteoaw, In i 'imncery. In the case thirein pendlnu, wliereln Mnrtba A. Snuth. Is t'oinplalnitiit, and Kmlly N. Sniilh Archlliald II. Siulih and Kinusley ralkin, KOardlantof ArchllmM H. Smlth are defendanla: In purNuance and by vlrtue of a decretal order mude In the above cause ou the fonrth day of May, A. U 18K6, I shall Bell at public auctlon to the hlghest bidder at the east front door of the Court house, In said connty. on the2Sth day of June nexl at ten o'clock in the forenoou, the followlug de¦orlbed lands and premises, to-wlt.: The wet half of the southeaal quarter. and the southwest quartur of the northeast quarter of ttecMou seven In iown one south of range s.v.n MUrt, contalnliiK one hundrcil and twenty acres of land. mort) or lesw, and belng In the towimhipof Salem. Waslitenaw county, MIchlKan. Dated, May lOth, 1880. KIIANK JOSI.YN, Circuit Court Commlssloner lu and for Washtenaw county. Michigan. Chari.bsJ. Hunt, Soll.iic.r fr Compluinaut. i2h in V'IJH II c„,l u-:. n-i, HtiK-.-nd UlJUiUUU Pekw o' ¦¦'¦"" "i inruu T 7 Tnlii'-. tlmi III r-turi jox In work tbat willat once hriDir tou n mon"v tii-r thiiu aiijtlniii; ilu t ii Am.riin A 1 1 hikiih the '2iK),lHK)in pren-ntK wliheneh hoi. AirintB winit'il eveiywhere, of elther ex. of all nirrai. lor all the time, ur nirc time oDly, ti work r r iif ut tliclr, i'i ii hume. FortuneH lor all workt-o líhaolblaly I Waorad. Üou't ilcluy. 11. Hali.ïti .t c' . l'orl land, Mnliie.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News