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ss Akihií !ojadbt, No iSmeetsflnt Tuesliiv of eann moulli, W. O. Doty. E. Ü. W. A. Polen ir li Recorder. W siii'kn' vv 'nvi'iKit, No. f, B fc. M.- Mtu ii - . t m .i.i.iiiv m-ii rnontb. [saac, il l'.; ¦ tUMrth, Heoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. 07 uve. :m:!ajrti:n CLOTH CASKETá, METALIC Mul Oommpn Cofflni. Oalli fitten ted t Da; or Nlght. KmlmlmliiK a gpeol&lty. Btoreroom on E. Wnsnlngton slteet. Resiileucu Cor. Liberty ml Klim. W. II. .IVkSO, 3Z lESilNTilTilIIISIITIL OKFICK : Orer Bul ft Afcel'l Dr 6ooi Store. Entraiiee n.'Xt to National Bank. uiijiah hebz, House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paper) ,l-, ;i rJ' :_¦. i l CMctafnln, and wurk ¦ ioa duiie In ihc bv&t i Ie, knd irarniDted t uiv Mtlsltetloa. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A. C. MCHOI.S, DE1TTISTS. Rooms Over Aun Arbor Smiuu-s Bank, KmobíC Temple Block. GASorVITALTZED AIR Admiiiistcri-d foi i ui. leiwe cll n I reetfa. .iosfi'ii BüKit , The rracti'al tailob m mm, or ihe late flnu oi V1NA A BBR' Y. his ].c;;ti'd h'8 plai1 or Imitar ti NO. 7 HURON STREET, Wil II A 11 l.L LINK )!'" Suitings and Trouserings, :n ; uuio f.ty to hl ¦¦'! vul newoM lliai II the; waiii OOD KIT IBBÏ m Ht REiSnA1 LE PRICBS, culi cn hira and ihey vUI be ion tu gat CET THE BEST FIREINSURAHCEI $29,000,000. Stcnriiy IwW "r ih -.-:.' ol [ha pollij CHRISTIA fsiaCK Beii-esenU h i eompHOtw, f wbicb . slone pald$5i,ÖUÜ,UÜ0tlr ¦ar? : xEtn.i, of Hanfórd D.192,644 Franklin ol Phlladelphia 8,118,718 Germam:i,-N. Y -, Ton. 7Jí Germán American, N. V 4,065,068 London A.Murancef London... 1.41 Michlnn F. A M., Detroit. .. N. V. ünderwrltero, X. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,503 Phcenlx, Brooklyti 3,750,036 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly puid. Policies ssued at the loweit nitcs ol premium. llllltf LÏJMBERI LI7MBER! LUMBER! lt yon contémplate bulMlnpr, chII l FERDON L; ik. Ïiij! Corner Fourlli aml Depol Sis., niul gt our figures tor all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our mui Lamber aiul guarautee AERY LOW PRICES J-(riTe us :i c:iü and wc will makc t to your lataroat. u our trgm and wt-li naded stock fully usuins our assertion l'eleplionc ConneUlon itli Ofiice. r.J. KüSCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GENERAL mum m OFFICE, Oyer Casner Rinsey's Grocery Store, OOR. RU KON AND PO0HT11 MS., North British Insurance Co., Of' London an.l Bdlnburg JCapital, (18.600,009, GoM. Detroit Klre and Marine liisiirinice Co., Catih AsBels f60D,"W'. Springfleld lus. ('o. r MasMicIniseKs, CaKh Aueta. ...$10000. Howard Ins. Compniiy f New Vork, CathAsi.:t8. ...$1,000000. Agriciilturnl Ins. Co., Wiitertown, X.Y., ('iwh A-H.'ts 1 00,000 Lo8eI.lherally Adjus'eri and l'romptiy Pald. ftQïUMfl CURED! hui i niviii i sihik u rn1V I I I III f! !';¦¦' Ihr m.t skr(li,.il GERMÁN ASTHWIA CURErlV'iL mout vii iiant att-ü k losurefi comfortable hIcí'I'' ineclM cuns wbera a!l other remedie fail. Vo wuiiin tor n-Hulin. IIh Hction im Iminctliaii-, dirert Hnd rrrlain, nnd curéis ?¦it ti il in all UÜKABI.ECAHK8 "It permKuemlj curvd tue. Kvfer to me kt ny time." BOU H. l'itt St J-nui, Minn. "I am enUrely rcitored to h'-alth br Qrmu Aithma Own." y,tO.n, Hnmttton. Ohto. Owman Aithm Curo lt all jou cl&im for iu It never ftwli ." Pr,. pon fingerUn, Gr-tnvilU, Ü. C. Uy phriieikD recommcude d Germán Aitlima ("ure. ït cttrwi M." ifr,. . . JVfrtr. Lundoudtrry, OM TkoitMndi üf . iur LetUn os file. A.k any droSKlit bont It. -'rmtm Aihnm ík F(,l(My all lriiK"JatöOc.auawi.or wnt bynuüToo recelpt oí Pnce. Tria] i a k.u-. (Vee to aiy lün-Kn for


Ann Arbor Courier
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