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ftOC W L roval ïsa'jïï ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU powdernever varice. A marre! of pui it y, si reimt ii and u h'iMMh-ii-ss. More eoo uomloal tnan th oidlnary klnda,and can nol beeold Iu oompetlttOD with the multltude of low test, ahon welfcht, aluin or phoapbate powders. Soldonly in oans. Koyiil llnklitir Ponder Co.. 1O Wall si.. N. V. Q K I N " I OIXI! IBLOODHUMORSl HlMILlATiNG Erspttufli, [tchtng uiid Hurnip 9 tin r ¦ ¦ t, rad ïvery npectw of ttcbfiur, Scaiy, '' imjiiy. [ober It td 8c o aloas, ai of tbe lltood. ttkln, imri EM fj.r num iu (kui y to old age, are positiva cm b Cd iouba tbc '41 un t Skin l'uiv, Ülld CüTKWRH MlU'.HM RXgafeira ki i nu: . i rit cra, ltüi(invjLNT, ili. w Bl ' ar rti-r. Intcroalty COYERED W1TH SORFS. I have twen affiicted sinro asi Mucb wjihi Skin iliauAtu Üifl !¦ Ct i illed Btz ui. My lace was imvt' l wlth ("Cb and ore. Rtid the m b'.ng and bufinu werv slmnrt m beara1 te. ïeelitg your CÜTICURA tiBMBDXKS BU bfiíblj recOIB" in.'; ei. 1 coi.claded to ifivu tbeui h, u-ii.u' incan nul ibo Unticnra Soap extemally. and BMOiveill iiih-ii tliy, 'or foor morilla, i rail my-eli 'cnrori, iu graiitudu for whlcb l mak tbi public etttt n MKS. CLARA A. F..EDKKICK, Broad Brouk, Cono. 8CJLLP, FACE, EA1ÏS, AM M1CK. [ v affllctad wiiii Ki'." na on the Bcalp, Face, B d ¦¦¦:, which tln' Lrui-t, whera 1 aot vuil' nnidi ¦-, proiUHlDOed oí o uf tht iront ranes thut hd mu . uuiti r ú notice. lltartvised me f u yoor i'nií-i'iiA ElKVBDiKa, and aiiur flve ilrty- ni-' ray pca'n and p'irr of iny fácewereanttrel) caNti.aud 1 hope Ín n'iotii r wM-k to have ray lieck eti s, and lli': ntlier mrt ni inv fue enred. BBRM N 8LADE, 11 E IthSt., N.'w Vork. ITCHIX; MSIUSES (UI1ED. Cnticaia stanüf .ti th h ad of ít c].i. c.a i', ; ih c.i'e Ith tlie Caticoraaoap. l'uvt had nu unaaBftlly ifood mW iliii mnmv iíwIdíi: to ti:o pi id f'im ol thronifti som tocaMtiea Ín Hu? coantry, Ín which tbe Catlcant reaiedlea proT! :it: acto-y. ¦V. L. HAH tQQ, Dhuogist. Qnlon T.nvn, Ky. CURE IX EVEIÍY CASE. TonrCntlrnra Reme lie oatell all other medldl en I k'-cji for nkiii ti i.-r:i-r-. My (llH'OKitíri and patteute m) lhy hT Bffected i core la Tcry laatanco. wIhtc ütbLM ruiii'ili'-H haví' IíhI' t. II '. BRUCKU A Y. M. D. Kr:liikliu Kalls, N. II. CUTICUBA HEMEDIES, Are Sold hy all Dnie!.-its. Prlee : Cotictih. 80C'b.; Riaoi-TiNT, 11.00: Soir, SScta. I'ottek Hura Ni) l'iin' ical Co.. UOftoii. Si-nd for "How toCurckiQ Dlaoaai i ' 77 A TTlIFY the Complexión md Sln by líillíiU lis"-1 Ihe ('i ricriiA .uw. CONSTITUTIONAL CÁTÁRRH. No iluta dlaeaae bu enlalled mora totting n haateñed the breiklng ut of the conítltuUon then Cuiarrh. The aenat "i mi 11, ui latte, Ol right, "I heanng, the I: ornan voloa tha tufnd oneo more, and aometlma all. yteM to ! deatroetWe i Ou ence. The polann it rtlatrlbatue i ¦ pyatem and rtalcn tip the taoai rnhuat uf cu hiuutii.n-, [troorod, t hule, lij inoBi pii slcianp, imi, lently maatied bj qatcka and chrla!an ihoae aoBtir uu from It lvi iltt'e ,,,,. to I ¦ lloví ri he gnn I It ilm, tien, thii I ¦ ikiuIi croaimÉni ! ibis Icrrlbli BBMjdlcB wlthlo the rench of all paamid into hunda il ¦ ¦ coepeol and i;utwulhy Thfl oew '" ' hiili.-itu uutri'd meth'td Hpopfed y Dr. n d ord in the prepanulon "i hi" Sadleal ''¦ baa uu üie heait approvaJ f tho" Muda. It in lntanuineon In atfonltuK leliel i" 1head cold, Beealng, xiiulUiut; and .'hsiructid breatblng, and r.tpniiy remove the moví ¦ oí pie i -tr aymptoma, clearing the head, aweeienlnfl the bre-th, rettturtBg the venaea ol miiit, late and hearing, aud nealraliziii' ilm conatlltttlonal tendencyof the diieaae Lowards the laaga, Urer and SaHDFOBD'S BlkDICAL CüBB 0ODtltl "f Olie boitl oi Radical Ockb, nd ene hm ol CATHABBAL, and OOe I.MruiiVKU iNiiAi.Ktt ; prlce, $1.00. POTTEK ÏJROO AND CUIIKMICAL Co., liO8t'n 91 Kidney Pains. rt And iliat weary, llfeleaa all-gonejaenf IU Katinn ever present wlth thoe ot In l.flitui-,1 kiilneys, Tik hack and lnlns, I Jk achlng hipa and aldea, ovcrworked r w.rn oot bydlaeane, rteblllry h dlaaipation ar ré-M.-v.'il in ¦ mliiatu and apeedlly cnred b] tl, iitlmra Ati-Pln, a new orlïlnal, elegant an.i Infalltble ntldot to pain and loBammatlon. Ai druiglati Z8c.; nve for f 1.00: nrpoatacert t Potter lrue anl Chemleal o.. Boni SCÖTT'Y EMESIDM OF PURE GOD IJVER OIL And Hypsphosphïtes af Urne & Soda Almost as Palctableas Milk. Thoonly ' : UVKR OIT, that oanbe taken tolemtcd for a loug time RÍTRi Tl "- _ Í liIJ."A' (;t:' T 5 ; CTJi i É % ;niit(iA'f af. " iTtlSOBDEM OT j , ¦ 1 1 ; nsqttiu , ... SS l'hyalciana ¦¦ ' ¦ r)l1FCRiiA- f _L ORUGGISTS. Sawing Made Easy. M0SABCH UGHTHIHG SAWma MACHINI JH A SENT OLT BOMASCH HF0. CO., CAETENTESVI1LE, Ut.


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