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The Presbyterians of Salino lield a consecration service Jast Sunday. Theaddressof Arch Glover of Salino will be 8and Beach. liereafter. Saline is to have a new general store pened in the Davcnport block next wetk. Mrs. Knch.iel Savery died at her home n Webster, Judo 29th, of diseasc ot" the leart. Harvesting will be completed this week n most parta of the county, especially the southern towng. The annual Fanner's picnic of Washteaw county Is on the program for August lst, at Wliitmore Lake. O?o. Lindsey, of Saline township was tie firet man to harvest bis wheat in tliat ection, cutting the same last week Tuesay. ReT. D. L Murray, of the Presbytetian hiirch, formerly stationed at Saline bag ben re-installed by the Detroit Presbytery. The wool clip ia nearly all inarketed, some buy er ex pressing the belief thut not more tlian 10,000 pouiuls remain in the armen' hands. - Clielsea Echo. C. L. Blodjrett, principal of the Saline ichools, pubiished an open letter to the chool board of tbat place, in wbich Le makes soine excellent points and suggesions. Tb( North Lake man who visite Ann Arbor and pays ten cents per glass for emonade and geu poor stuit' at that, hould viait a better class of establishments. He gives himself away. The showen of last week, so entirely unexpected, did much good to the growing ropg, but ia the laiiguage of the farmer, twere death on hay,1' a largeramount béng dampened tban in several years previou.- Dexter Leader. George Morton liad his trial, last Friay, before Justice Webb, on the charge of tlireateiimp to shoot his father. The ro8ecutiog attorney conducted the case, ind he acored Morton pretty hard, for bis azy and disreputable habits. The pquire fave the prisoner the cholee of givin? $100 onda for good behavior, or aojourn for 60 aysin the county jail, and trom uecessky ie had to go to jaii. - Saline Observer. The Ypsilunti bonded wheat men, wlio were bllled to appear and stand trial in this village, the 28th, for obtaining notes umler false pretenses, failed to put in an appearance, to the sorrow and distrust of interested psrties. We understand that one of the wheat men went bail for th% appearance of the others, and the whole lot of them have skipped to more congenial, at least Bufar dimes, and are now bosporting themselves on Canada soil.- Saline Obaerver. The 14th annual reunión of the old 4th Michigan Infantry was held at Eaton Hapdis, June 22, 1886. The old 4th wa represented by nearly 100 veterans, most of; them accompanicd by their wlves among the list of those in attendnnce were the namea of several soldiers from Dexter and vicinity. A varied and enoyable program was carried out, consistJig of addreises, poems, music, banquet, toasts, etc. Officere for the ensuing year were elected, among wbom we notice the uauifs of Wm. H. Field, secierary, aid Wooster Blodgett, treasurer. On motion of Mr. Field, the next annnal re-union will be held at Ann Arbor. - Dexler Leader. The Ann Arbor Comtnandery, K. T., me here by special train last Thursday, 3t. John'g day, and held divine services appropriate to the occasion at the town ïall. They were met at the depot by the band, and the Chelsea brethren, nfter a arade about the otreets in tiill uniform hey repaired to the hall, where excellent ind impressive services were conducted by Rev. McLaine of Ypsilaiiti. After the exercises the brethren and their wives, most of whom were with them, partook of a banquet at the Hoae House, and returned home by the special train. waiting for them. They were a very fine lookinjr lot of men and made u gooü impression here. - Chelsea Echo. Under the pretence of discussing the "labor queution," several speakers were Vlonday nijrht' to promúlgate the most outrageous anarchicnl sentiment, and advocate the tlirowing dynamitebombs, and other incendiary measnrers. The friends of Knightsand Labor Unions.luivo stoutly disavowed any sympathy with anarchists, but every occasion is taken to nulify these iisavowals by word and deed, until all linesof distirjctlon b twten mere labor ag tators and anarchi.sts, are obliterated. Unlesa Labor Unions. and Knijiliig. can :lcar tlie meetings and dscussions of these [ncendlary elementa, they will fbrfeit n 1 lose all the support iind sympathy ol láW