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A South American Missionary

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The follow ing extracts are taken from a letter written by Lou B. Denuing, a aiissionary of the M. E. churcli, at work u Houth America. It wlll be remembered tb at the writer was here in tlie cily a year or so :iro, and spoke at the 11. K. churcl) at the time: April 3, 1886. "My work is all in Spanigh. Many times have I desirwl papers and lielps in the Sp.inish language. So far as I am aware but one child's paper is publisued lo the world, in the Spanish language, and that is the size of our conimon Commercial note paper we use for letter writing, one sheet. This is published at Montevideo, Uruguay, and contains little more than a reprint of the Inter-national Snnday School Lessons, with the briefe8t comment thereon. "I liare now two schools, one opened last year especially for the poor, and numbers but 30. This year this school has increased to 100 eniolled with an average attendance of over 80. We cali this school No. 2. "In No. ], the regular home school, we have GO. These are all pupils from the higher grades of society and all pay tuition. Indeed, in this Catholic country it is surprisiiijf that we have so many pupils, the priests ofteu warning their fuithful that the Anathemas of the chiuch ever rest upon all who patronize Protestant schools. Our city, Hosarlo has now a population of 50,000, an iucrease of over two-thirds within the past decade. The street car iiovv run past our door, briuginp our pupils to and fro. Our home school, No. 1, is not only the best located buildings in the city for our purposes, bilt it s also really the best achool rooms in the city, so that people who appreciate merit are patronizing our schools, much to the detriment of the parochial schools under ohurch (Catholic) supervisión. "Our Hoine School now has 22 rooms for household and school purposes combined. Our Home Household Dumbers 16. Bishop Fowler, wife and child (a boy of 14 years), visited us some three months since. Ue stald but two d:iys und those the two hotest of the senson, we thought. They seemed surprised nnd pleased, and even wondered how we had accomplished so much with the nioney alloted us for this location. Of course we were stlad to be so duly appreciated.'1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News