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Ann Arbor's Girl, M. D's

Ann Arbor's Girl, M. D's image
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Sitting at u lunch table yesterday itflcr noon in a Fort Street restaurant a man wlio ealled for a píate of liash was compelled to 1 isten to the followingantument: "Vee, they've gone and done It, I knew thcv woulii," said a flery-lookliijf middle¦ged man. "What's tliat?" asked his calmer fiïend. "Why, I see by the Tribune tliat tliere were about a dozen female doctors at Aun Arbor." 'I see no cause for alarm In tliat." "I suppoge not; you wouldn't sec any dangpr if a house was falling on you." "Well, expfcln yourself. I think a wonian wonld make a better doctor than a man." "That's wbere you make the greatest mistake of your life. Let me give yon a few pointers. In tlie first place those girls havt; gut to lócate somewhere, and maybe one of tlieui will get right in the same square as mv house. Well, some niglit ril come home with the menagerie, and Jane will sead for a doctor. Slie always does, and then if one of those 'female medies' would come wouldn't there be a circus? Yes, in short order. Supposing I had a chili. If one of those girls cante fooling around me, and fueling my pulse, don't you suppose I'd have a fever in about a minute? Then she'd give ine medicine for that when I had a chili and of course I'd lake it when the'd say 'please take it.' I btlieve I'd be in my grave In a week, and of COUrM I'd ask lier to cali again. '"I teil you these female doctors will never do. Supposin' I had palpitation of the heart, umi one of those sweet girl gradéate would come in to look at me. Well, tlie tirst thing she'd do atter smiling at me would be to plunip her pretty little white head down unto my nlght shirt, aml rnniim'iice to couut the beats of my heart. Now, you kuow just as well as I do tliat if a man's got a heart at all it's goin' to get la about forty extra beats a minute wliilt; slie's looking up ininto your eyes and oounting slowly and all the time ht;r hair getting cauglit in your buttons. Then she'M look serious and say your heart is doing doublé work and you are not long for tliis eai'th, and leave some medk-ine that's twice as strong as it ouglit to bc, and what can you do? I teil you those girl doctors will never do. They'll kill oft' half the men in town in a year. When a man wants a girl doctor at all ltl when he's well. It is a sbame to have them work for a diploma and then not get anything to do." "Oh, they'll get enough to do, don't worry." saiti the other man. "Petey, you know as well as I do that no woman will have a girl doctor when she can get a man, and do you tuppOM she'd let some chit of a fashionably dressed girl teil her hat t,o give the baby when she never had any of her own ? No, slr; yon can bet not. A girl expeots to get marrled some time, hut who would want a doctor forhlswife? No man in bis senses. When she didn't have any other patients, and she wouldn't she practice ou him. TeP hini to stmigliten lip bis cebro column and all that. Xü man eould stand it to have bis wife ealled U seven nights of the week to go out and viait patients aml stay all night. No, sir. It in ly read all riglit in the paper, but girl doctors are not the think they are cracked up to be.' Dr. Maclean's old office is being moved away to make a new residenee. There were 475 people tliat luit this station for Detroit on Monday. Kred Gakle has severed his connection with finn of J. T. Jacobs & Company. Monday has the reputation of being tbe longest day in the year - as well as one of the hottest. One of the workiiiginen on .1. T. Jucobs' new lioinc was overeóme by the heat yesterday, and had to quit. L. D. Wines, moves off the old house on the corner of N. Tliayer and Washington streets, and will have a new and large dwelling house ereeted [herrón. The regular semi-anniial statement of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, to be t'ound in another column, will be pflraied with much Interest by those who baye dealings with banks. The old M. E. church choir took tlieir annual excursión to Wliitniore Luke yesterday. The affair passed off without any.tbisg more startling tlian a coopto being immeised. E. S. Crawford will have charge of the Evtning News tent at Orchard I,ake duriug the eucampmeut, and will keep a register for all Aun Arbor people visiting the camp, and would be glad to have them put tuelr nautes tbereon. The boys who compone Co. A are on the anxious geut of expeetation for the good time to be liad at camp. They go next Tue8üay. Island Lake is the place agaiu, and authorities ttfg that preparatiuu8 were liever more thorough. Mr S. E. Higjrins, lit, '85, prin cipal of the Midland schoolt, was married yesterday morning at 8 o'elock, to Miss Nora Bullis, nl the residence of the bride's parents, Krv. Mr. 8underl:iiid official in;;. The couple rook the eTeiilig train tor the wet. Thomas L. Hewitt erected a lemonade stand at the corner of Main street on lluron, and the city autlioiities made him tear the same down on the plea that it obstiucted the street. As others were allowed to reinaln on the streets Mr. Hewitt thinks au injustire waa done hfm, He lost money on tliat day when he would have pude money bad he heen allowed to keep hi staud. He timhtr says that some outside pan ie were allowed to use the very place he had and they obstructed the streets more than he possiblyjcould have done. All thU he sets lort ti in a pctition to the OQUDOll and asks that body to tnake good liU loss. He is a poor man and the ioss was a serious one for him. And still the ptftl to bother nmn keep inerensinjj. LUten to tuis ÍYoni the Dtnidee Reporter: "A DBW species of insect has mude its iippoiininot' among the wheat lields of tliis vioinity, bein; a small black bttf ahotit the size of a flea. It cutg the stalks of the gniin near the ground. We were shown the fore-part ot' the week several sluiks of grain whtch hud been out by these insects, the ent being as square and smoolh as though done with a kuife, and the üttle inset'te were inside the 8talks. The tields of jrain beinff so nearly ripe It is thouglit that not much harin c:in be done this season." A runaway team belonging to a city butcher suiled up Muin street yesterday foreuoou, turned ou Ann, tlien ou Detroit, and iitially bronght up suddeulike, iujuring only tlieir harneas. Two or three liorses "bunched" tlieir ruuaways last Friday p. ui., injuiing Mis. I. N. Payue, wüo was visitiug at Dr. Darling's, and bruising Kvart H. Scott somewliat. The buggies were sadly demoral ized. A lif, 'SO, went on tu one oi' the buildings ou Main street Saturd.iy niglit to witness the üieworks, and though sitting on the cornice of tlie roof dropped ütt to sleep. Wheu he awoke about 11 o'clock tlie íiieworks were all out aud llie street eoinparatively clear oí people. He felt happy to thiuk that he was tbere though. lt muy be of interest to those who so kindly coiitributed to the Wonian's Cliristiiin Temperauce Union entvrprha on July 3d to kuow tliat tlie ladies cleared $101.05, $100 of which is to be added to the building íuud. The laches wish to expresa tlieir thanks to Meísrs. Bcal and James for the gratuitous uae of the room and also to the maiiy frleilda who lidt-d them. A country editor needs more than a brainy ability to write to nutke a suecess of a country newspaper. He must labor dny and night, accept everybody's advice and do as he pleases, or rather hs lie can, and in accordunce with his best judgiih'di. If he altempts to picase every reader lie will ";et left," and the public wül ride him down with whip and ipnr, The only safe plan s to "liew to the line and let the chips fall where they will." -Ex. An extreinely sad accident occurred at Scio village last Friday afternoon, that resulted in the deatli of two estimable young men. Frederick and Daniel Koch, brothers, went in bathing in the afternoon, and being unaccuatomed to iwtmming got beyond their depths and were both drowned. Frederick was a raarrled man, 27 years of age, and leaves a wife and lour small children. Daniel was 24 years old and single. Thy llved about one mile south of t In; villnge, were steady, ijuiot boys, and held in the hlghestestccm by neijihbora. Louis N. Minnic, who was burned to dmtb at Port Huron Saturday erenlng, by the accidental burning up of the fire worln, was a son-in-law of Mrs. Jones, of tlie 5th ward, and bad many friends in this city, who will sorrow to liear o( his uiitiinely and horrible death. His wife, who bas a large circle of relatives and friends in Arm Arbor, will receive their deepest fympiithy. It is singular how fatalities ding to sorne families. An older sister of Mrs. Minnie was calld upon to beur a nhnilar altiictlon sonie 15 or 20 years slnce, her husband, George Millen of this city, being literally roasted alive in the mail car of whkh he was inessenger between Detroit and Port IIuron. A colusión occurred and a red hot stove was thrown arross his body in such a way that he could not release hlmself and so he sutfered in horrible arorjy ' til deatb. carne a welcome messenger to hls relief.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News