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If we could only have a glorious thunder shower! WhMl is bi injritig 78 @ 79 cent?, witli quiet market. ÜMpberrira are belug all ihrirelld up for want of rain. Rev. A. Ten Brook preached n the Milan Bapttet church last Sunday. II. G. Siitton will take the principaUblp of the fourth ward school next year. D. Argerbright has established a portable tin-type pallery east of the court 1 o iso on Fourth stieet. Fred W .1 U u;i admitted to the bar Saturday, July r, I. Good tor F red. We bellove he will inaUc a good Job out of it. A palnful stlllnen prradea tliose places aiul yenuea wbere the legend: "Board and Kooins," are hnng apon the outer wal Is. Couhln't scare up a quorum of eouncilmen at the common couiuil meeting last night, so another attempt will be made Saturday night. Chief Sipley reporti foor irrcsts durthe month of June. Tsvo guilly ; one no cause of action; one senicnce suspended on promise of better bebarior. All before Justice Frueaufl". The water works company will draw its first pay trom the city this month. rent commenotng trom Der. 7tta, 1880, and the pay running to Jnly lst, maklnfC in ill :i suni of $2.545. If it was not for the water works these days the streets of Ann Arbor would Ik iilinnsi Insufferable. This is oe of th times when the luxnry of a rood Mippl; of water is fulli' approciated Vlsltors to Ann Arbor nxt8aturday,bonU reiueiuler timl look oul lur pickpuckel.s. - Vl.-il uili Sem nel. So tar .is In-ar I from no resident of thi 'ity 1 -! nnythiDg here on the occ isioti n the eflthr.itioii. Tbs Goodrich Hoine whs throwu open to the public hist Tbursday, tliough all o tlie rooms wen Dut completad. Ii will be a neat, home-like, pleaaaut plaoe for the traveling (.ablio, and its locatlon is superb. A ntunerously tlgned petltlon wlll be presented to the council Satarday nlghl askinj for tlie opening of West Washington Street trova lts present terminus to tlie city limita. Tho recent boom In real estáte in that qiuirter calis Ibr tliis Wil! Watts 11 wrestle with tlie local columns of the Arjrus daring tlie editor'i absence on hl bridal trip. Wlll basjusl returned from his wedding Journey, and takinjí :ili tilines uto oónshleratlon the Argos ought to be ;i happ; papes iir the next leu Israes. Many of thoae wbodrlre, do no understand that the law ;ves the rijfht of uny to the pedestrian. A man or woman in croseln aftreet ;it ;i regular gtreet crossing is not obliged to look out for the man who is driving the team, but it is the contrary, and inanv il our readers should bear tliU in niind. Oyer on Madison street last Saturday the residente were very patriotie, and Uecorated their dvt'llnj,rs up in Une shape eJtpectinjí tlie grand procession to pass their doors if. they adyeitised to do. But alas, no procesión carne. It went on snotber street, preterring to surprise people who liad not gone to any trouble upon the occasion. The rUiton ta Ann Arbor celebrated the Fourth laai Satirrday, whlle last Monduv. lii'in t li tï legal hululiiy, ti great n amber of the Ann Arbor people went to Detroit to lmve snine fun. One entire row at tlic mornlng't game of ball were Ann Arboritei. And tliey twung their liats and ihoatad wltb the crowd (br the Detroits. Frank Clark, Wo. Butler and Geo. S Huir were rralgned befare Judge Joslyn Tnesday tbr higbway robbery, they beini; charged witli Mealiog 90 odd dollars from Oeo. Collins, recently. Clark plead gnilty and was remnnded to jtiil for sentciuc. Butler und Huflf plead not gnilty and vvirc rctiirned to jail, buil bein' flxad at 1,600 eaob. Hy-the-way the Detroit pressgive one of thcir detectives credit for arrcstiii Uutler and IIufT at I'ontiac last Krid.iy. That Is nu error on thcir párt. ai they were both nrrested bv Sheriff Walsh of this place. It is our pleasure to announce the marriage this afternoon :it 4 o'ctock, of Mrs. '. Beakea, the new proprietor of the Arijiis. to Miss Anna Beakes, the only child of the late Judge Hiram J. Beakes. The ceremony II take place at the residence of the bride's mother on S. Fifth st., Rev. S. ICi'i ofBdatlng. The affalr il a modes! one, only a few Intímate friends and nlutives beinjr invited. The eoaple will have for the cast on the eveniiig train, and wfll re absent a couple of weeks, rldtlng severa! tammer recorta. To say tlnit the foad wishes of the brethren of the prest gu with our ncw friend anl liis bride wonld lie "tlruwiiijr t mild," as the expreuion roea, and it is thelr liope tlmt each of the liuiidrtd eyes of the Argus muy beam with delifilit and hnpplness for niaiiv years to come, with Mr. Ueakes in its editorial chair. i Haylng la all dono t tho county farm and harvest commenced. It will decrease the city funds iiearly $¦1.000 to pay its bilis for June. 1'. McKenmn sold hls place of six acres out on Miller ave., in the township for 91,100, Christian Schlenker was married lut last Sunday to Mis Bertha Hoehm, by Rev. H. P. Beleer. The foundation for the new M. C. depot is complited, and the stone masonry has been commenced. There are sevcral patdies of burdoek on the public streets that ought to be cut down and burncd up before the seed is MMtterad bro;ulcast. The city orders will not be ready for distribution until next Mondiy mornitiir, as the council will not meet to allow them until Saturday evening. There were several china which feil several inches each when the ninth Inning of the Detroit-New York game was announced yesterday evening. The largest Fourth of July this year in the history of the county. It commenced last Friday night and dldn't eeem to be thoroiighly completed lut night. The celebration at Chelsea last Saturday ni a grand suceess, we understand. There was a big crowd, and everything went off in splendid shape . Chelsea is always notedf.T its tip-top nianner of doing thiie!. anv wav. The Bonl of Health complain that people who are directed to clean op their premises neglect so to do, and that the general health of the pliblic is being seriously jeopardized by their neglect. It is a question that eñects the entiie public and deserves prompt attention. The residents near the corner of N. Main and Felch Street want a srasoliue lamp awful bad, and J. E. Harkins offers to fnrnlsh the post f the city will pay for the lighting. The Pontinc Street folks ought to have at least two gasoline posts al8(i - or else the city ought to light the whole towu wlth electricity. E. Baur, secretary announces that the potnological meeting on the 3d was adjourned to meet Saturday, the lOth. Topics: report of Committee on Transportation on freight, exhihit of fruit and flowers ot the season and of fruit packages, old and hw rarietlet of raspberries and fruit prospects. The local scribe of this paper saw more dmnken men In Detroit last Monday in walking from the city hall to the Woodward Ave. ferry, than he has seen In Ann Arbor for two years, and he was in this city last Saturday, too. It must be remembered that Monday was the lejïal boliday and all saloons were closed (?) W. H. Freuch, of this city, formerly of the tirm of Cornwells A; Frencli, whose mili burned a year or so ago, has entered into partnership with a firm at Heedsburfr, Wis., and will take hold of a very large woolcn factory there, probalily one of the largest In the west. He will remove there at once wlth hi t'amily and oommenoe pemtlon. John Burnett, the man who is n jail trom Milán mi a chargs of murder, was arraigoed before Judge Joaljrn last Toed.iy Dii two iniints, One for "assault with intent to kill," the olher for "assmilt wlth iiitent to do jreat boIüy harni less than morder.11 He plead notguilty to both charles. A propositlon for bail ugreed to iud continued for one week. The gaaollne street lighting bida will be opiind .Salnrday eveniug ¦ It 8 to be hoped that the new contract will cali for the liühtiug of the lamps on ilark nights regRrdleat of what anybody's gas Calendar or moon aluianac may say. What the people want ia light on dark nights nuil tlicy OUght to be willing to pay a reasonable coiupensation thtiefor, and we believe they are. The attractions down to "the city" (Detroit), la#t Monday called forth a great oruwd, but the stores there were all closed, (peanut and lemonade stands excepted), 60 that the merchants of the metropoli protited not at all by the country ptople's ducats. But the baseball associiition, ciicu?, museums, ferries, street ca.-s, etc, took in the $l'g and nicklea at un astoniBhlng rate. G. F. Allmendinger says lie lias traveled abont the county considenibly, and lluds the wheat erop excellent. It is not as heavy as some years, but the heads are all well filled and the berry plump. He thinks the quantity will not reach the yield of a few vears past but the quality will be superior. Another peculiar fact he notes is that when inquiring of farmers vho come to the mlll aboui the wbeat cnip the answer invariably comes: "The erop I tbink will be poor, though mine Is excellent." So it can be put down as a fact that in this county there will be no (allure in the wheat erop. A paity of celebrators bought out all of Burleson's tire works last Monday nighr, hlred a back, put thetn therein, aud proposed to drive about the city and paint it fire red from the hack. But just as they were about to start on Main street, south, the fiieworks got ignited ¦ome way and didn't wait for the celebrators to "boss" the affair. The boys stHinped lor all tliey were wortli a few minutes, but the pyroteehnics were too much for thein, and tlie marnier In which they hastened theraselves out of that natk was more ainusing to spectators tlian to the gentlemen themselves. The hack was driven to a hydrant and the the finally extingnished. This occurred at about 12 o'clock mldnight, and lookerg on report the display a an exceptionally brilliant one. New coats, pants, bats, etc, are now worn by several of the party. It was one of the events of the fourth. Sheriff Walsh witli Chief of Pólice Slpey and Detective Imus, made an important arrest last Saturday in Sexton's saloon. It ippears that one T. J. Walker is wanted at Soccoro, New Mexico, for inurderiug a man there, and that from $1,000 to $3,000 (exact amount not nown) is oflèred (br his apprehension. The man nrrested had appeared here tbout a iiKintli (tJTO, and Sheriff Walsh noted hit dcsciiption. Ha called liime!f a cowboy, and left at the saloon a winchester rifle and a belt containing a nuinjer of revolvers, knives, etc. All at once ie disappeared, but coming in to celeirate Saturday he was at once spotted. A gentleman from New Mexico stopping n the city ident itir-d hiin as being the man wanted, and the arrest was innde Phe prlsoner said his name was Jones whenarrested, ind ever since he has mainained a stolid silence, saying nothing. A dispatch from Sheriff Iiussell of Soccoro, equests Walker's detention until he arives.