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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF TH!S COUNTRY, WILi. SEC BY CXAMININC THI8 MAP, THAT THE ftj . ¦__ . ... . . r - ?t: il i Bé% iSSBS b i N s f ƒ si )?(pTHñlLtpLSKAN8A8 Ct- f ij, ma-M, ca,.ir', cxto."1 L ; - _¦ ¦-&'¦¦+& CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reascm of its central posltlon, close relation to principal Unes East of Chicr.TO niid contiuuoií3 linea at terminal pointa West, Northwest and ui t!i9 ouly truo nïiddlo-liiik in that transcontinental system which invites and lacil' itates travol and ti-aC'c in either direction between the Atlantic and Paciflc. Tho Rock laland main line and branches include Chica(io,,loliet, Otlava, La Sollc. Pooria, Oeneseo, Moline and Kook Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatino Washington, Fairfleld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty, lowa City, Des iioines, lndianola, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audtibon, Harían, Guthris C'fcitro and Councll Bluffs, in lowa; Gallatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Cameronand Kanjas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albeit ut, Ilinnoapolis and St. Paul, ín Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreas of -il ji'inediate cities, towns and villages. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. Itq lordbed i3 thoroufflüy ballastod. lts track is of heavy steel. 1 bridoes tra -olid btrustur oof i.tone andiron. It8 rollinf? stock ia perfect as lmnnm skill can i.,iM." it. It has all tho Gafety appliances that mechanical jeniua has i' . -itod.ujid f xnnrienca proved valuable. lts practical operation is consorvuHv n and metuodi té diacipline strict and exactinp. The luxury of it3 passongrur accommoualiuü.) ia anequalod ia the West - unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPRESS TRAINS between Chicago and the Missouri Rivev consist rf comfortable DAY COACHES, maimiflceut PULLMAN PALACE PAKLOK and SiEEPJNG CARS, elegant DINING CARS providincr oxcollnnt mcals, and - Detween Chicago, St. Josoph, Atchison and Kansas City -restful KiSCLXNINQ CHAIH CARa. THS rAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho direct, rvorite line between Chicag-o and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over thiJ r jutö sol'd Faiit Express Traína run daily to the summer resorts, picturuuquo 1-caiitiös and huntinir and fisliinar frrounda of lown ad Minnasota. Tho ricn whojt liolds and lauda of interior Dakota are reacheel yin. Wi, er v. :.. A short desirablo route, via Séneca andKankakeo, offers superior hulrooT ent3 to travelera between Cincinnati, Indianapolia, Lafayetto and Coim. 1 1 lnfc . St. Jojrph, Atchisoii, Leavenworth, " City, Müineapoli3, St. ?l.u1 and mtcimodiata points. All classes of patrón, especially families, ladios and childrsn, roceive froiu oSlcialj and employés of Rock Island traína protootlan, rüspoctíul B i kiiitily attention. Foi" Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainable at al', principui Tickot Oülceij ui th ' United States and Canada- or any desirod iuformaticu, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, resident and General Manager, Chicago, General Ticket and P.issen-rr AiráfiT. niilcaz1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News