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C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agen oy tn theelty. EstubMtthed over a q nart er of a een Ui ry ago. Representini; Ihe following rtrst-clasR rómpanles, wltli over #00, 000,000 Capital an.l AtMtS. HOME ins co., of Niw York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., óf New Vork. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRAHD INS. CO., of Pulladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Lomton. UVBRPOOL.LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Bostou. Rateo Low as the Lowost. Lomm Liberally Adjusted aml promptly 1'aid. C. H. MII.LEN. 11 IM """¦¦ moncy than at aiiythlmrul by tak 11 11 ing an ageDCy lorlli ¦ DMI "fl'in )ook II 11 '""¦ Blonert uoceod gtn4ly, None ml1 IhU Terni fnc IIaí.t.ktt Book Co.. Portland, Matne. TTT1T ror worKiUL' neopliv Sene! 10 crnla rl n I ri)yal, viiluulile hx 01 poodt I (hut will put yon il. ihc vvav of mttb Ii more monxy ia ifuwmyi than you ver thnught poH-iti at nnv biutneei. Capi UI nol reanlMd. Yon can tit homo und work I ep re tune onlr, ur all th ¦ tlm. All o I botk pcxee, of all agf, grandlv BacC6a9fQl. SOcttüti to $5 easily earned t-veninir. # '1'haT all who want work mav 'est the banlOMt, w m i-t' ihin nparallel"d off: Toall who are ii"t wall Mtlaftedwa wil] send $1 to pay for the tronbla of writlng Qt. Fnll particnlan. dlrcctionp, 'te, wnt Tree. lBmfl&e MT olutaly are fnr all wh'i fUH itooce, umi delay. Stinsun A Ufl , ï irtHmd, Mnlnp. Threshing Machinery ! I Hin stiil agent for the ÏUI'KAI.O l'ITTS, NICHOI.S, SIIKI'AUI) 4 tos, ui.l Ut'TON 4 CU'S TlireshlnK Mitchinery, the ()sln)rnf A Oo'l Bteel Kiaine Uiiulcr. Ihe GeDUloe IHillurd Hay Tedder, the Kalnmuzno Spring Tooth Harrow, (Jraln Drllls. (irund 1 irtour aml Klylug Dutcïlitnan Sulkey F'lows, the Tlgflr aml other kinds of sul'kt-y Hay Raleas, Hay Kucks. All kludsof Field and Qarden Peaa. Any qnnntlty of liee' Seedii, from the Ijvrge Mangle U'urlel down tn the Uanitialilt-, Dlrty Dead Beat, Thl Dead Beat, nedi FlHinliiK ai n poiDl beyond any poaalbla chance of Germinal lou. ,. M. ROGERS. SUBSCRIBE for the COURlM


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News