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Estáte r J. Miiriii Clark. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa?hteiiaw. 69. AtaaesBlon of the ProbateCourt for theCounty of Waehtenaw, holden at ihe Probate Ornee, íd "the city of Ann Arbor, ou ednejMay, ihe 30th day of Juni-, tn me year one thousand elght hundred and eij?hty-Hii. Present, Wllliam D Harriman, J udL''1 or Probate. Id the matter of the estáte or J. Maria ( 1 irk, deceaned. On rcmliui; and üllng the petition, duly verifled, of A. J. Waterman, praylng that a certaln Instrument nnwon Ule In l&Uruurt purportInf to be a du y amhui tlcaied copy of llielast wil) and testament of said decoased, may I e admití d to probate, and that ttald copy of -ttid wlll may be allowed, flled, und recorded In thia court a the laat will nul textameiit 01 aaid dec'-ased. and th tt !¦" erii] adniinttratlen wllh the wlll annex d mar be granted to A. J. Waterman, peiitioner aforeaaia. Thereapon ït Is orderert. that Mouday, the 3d day of Aat'Uwt next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. be aeslgned for the hearing of sald petitloc and Ihat the devlaee, legatem, and helm at luw of satd deceated, and all oiher perKona lntereuted in sald estáte, are .requlred to appear at a Heeslon of said court, iw-n to be holdun at the Probate office, in the city of Aun Arbnc, and how caune, if any the re be, why the prayer of the petitloner should not be granted. And lt is furthcr ordered, that iiaid petltionur Kive notlce to thepcreons intereeted in Baid estáte, of the pendency of sald petition, and the hearing thereof. by cauaing'a copy of thts order to be pabtished in 77le Anrt Arbor Couritr, a ne-wspaper printed and circulated in Baid county. three nucceasive weeks prevlou to gald day ol hearing. (A trut' copy.) WILLIAM D. HARUIMAN, Indi;e of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probt Retlster. 1306-1809 A clereymaii who preached in a prison a Suuclay or two since, begiin Iiistligconist in the usual traditional way thu$: "I am fflad, my frienti', to see so uiuny of you liere i lu nioriiiDg," Brace lp. You are feeling depressed, your nppetite is poor, you are bothered witli Hciidache, you are tidgetv, nervous, and generalij' outof sorts, and want to brnct up; Brace up, but not with simulante, spring medicines, or bitter?, wliich have for Ihelr busis very cheiip, bad whisky, and wbleh stimulute you for an liour, itnd then leave you In worst conditlon CtSan before. What you want is an alterative that will puiify your bloot), start liealthy action of Liver and Kidney, restore your vitality, and eive renewed health and strenj;th. Sticb a medicine you will find iu Electric Bitters, ut only 50 cents a bottle, at Eberbach & Son 's drug atore. "Our month-old baby has cut its lst 2th, " wrote a young fatlier to bil bachelor lrother. "That tooth in," wrote back the bachelor. 8ÜB80BIBB FOH The Aun Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News