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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thtspowdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty, strniath and wlmlpxompuess. More economical llian The orcllnary kindg.and cannot he sokl In competltlon wlth the multiliule of low test, sliort weluht, slum or phosphate ppwden. Soldonlyln cana. Itoyal Ilakln" Powder Co,. 1OO Wall st.. N. Y. OIMI lBLOODHUMORSl HUMILIATiXO Ernptiont, Itching and Burnintr Sicin Tortures, Loathaumc Sores, and every ppecies of Itchlng, Scaly, Fimply, Inheritcd, Scrofuloüs, and ContatrtouB Diñasen of the Blood, bkln, anci Scalp, wttfa Lom of Ilair irom Idfanry to oíd age, are poflltlvoi? curcd by OtmcuKA the üTüñt Skín Cure, and Cuticura 8oap, an exqui.ite íkin beautiiier, extemally and CvnctTBA, Uíwoldvxnt, the New lllood Hurifler, internally COVERED W1TH SORES. I have been afllicted since last Maren with Skin (linease the doctors ailled Eczema. My tace waw covtrt-d wlth ncabs'arnl ¦ore, and the itchintí and bu mi n t; were almot unbearable. Seeing your CiTici'KA Kkmk.diks ho hiuhly recommended, I concluded to L'iv thcm atria!, uinc the Cuticura and the Cuticura Soap externally, and Kesolvent internally, lor fonr month. 1 cail tnycett cared, in gratitiide lor wbich I make thÍB public statement. MUS. CLARA A. FKEDEKICK, Broad Brook, Cunn. SCALP, FACE, EABS, AND JïECK. I was afllictert with Eczema on the Scalp, Face, Ears ant Neck, whlch the Dragaist, where I Rot your remedien, pronounced one of the wortt cases that had ruïne onder hli notice. Beadvlsed me to trv your ITiktiu Kkm kdies, and after flve dayti' une my ccalp and part of ray face were entui'ly cnxad, and 'I hope íu auotht r week to have my neck, em e, aud the other part of my face cnred. HEKMAN SLADB, 1Í0E. 4thSt., New York. ITCIHSO DISEASES CUKED. Cnticura standü at the hi'ad of lts claps, especially is uis the case with the Cuticura soap. Have had an unuguaHy yood eale thip eummer owinc to the prevalence of an aggravattd fnrm of Itch throuRh (time localities in the country, in whlch the Caticura remedies proved eatUfactory. W. L. HAKDIQG, Dkuooist. Union Town,Ky. CURE IN EVERY CASE. Your Cnticnra Remedies outni'M all other medicinen I keep for akln dUoMM. Mycustouier aud patientR pay thcy have effected a cure in every lnstance, where otber remedien have failed. H. W. BROCKWAY, M. D. Franklln Fallí, N. H. CÜTICÜRA REMEDIES, Are 8old by all DrugsiBts. Prlce: Cüticura, 50Cfs.; Kesolvent, 81.00; Soap, 25cts. Pottkr ürou iNn (iiKiicii, Co., boston, üand for "Ilow to Cure Skiu Diñasen." T5T7ATT1'1FY tne Complexion and Sïln by OLjíi. U UKini; the Cuticuua Soap. CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH. No single dineape baj entiiiled more suffrtrlntf or h&ntened the hrertkin? np f the conptltntlon then Cafarrh. The senau of smell, ol" tftft6 of sitit, of hearing, the human volee the mind - one or more, and aomettmei all.yteld to Un destructivo loflaence. The polnon it di-trihutes throunhout the "Vicm and hrcakt up thc niom rohunt of constitutions, Inored, becauee bnt little understood, by inost phyHiclans, Impotontly iKsalled by qnackt and charlatans, those snrtertnf? from it have little hopy to be relleved oí it this eide of the grave. It íe time, then, that fie popular treatment of this terrible di e e as e by remedies withln the reach of all paseed loto hands at once competent and tniniworthy. The new and hittnito untrled method apopted ty Dr. Sand'ord iu the proparation of hl liaalcal Cure has won the heai tv approval of thou tmnde. It is instantaneoaf in atTording relief in al. head cold, sneczini;. tmufillng and obstructed bn-athioji, and rapidly removes the moves oppres-1 Hive pymptums, clearing ihe head, sweetenmg the hre.itti, reetorin the Benees of smell, tante and hearing, and nentralizint: the con-i It ut ioiml tendency of the diesease towards the luDgs, llver and kidueys. Sandkord's Eadical Cttrk consiste of one bottleof the RaJMCAL CM'kk, and one box of Catharral Soia'knt, and one Impkoved Iniiai.ek; 00. Pottsb Druo and Chhemical Co., Boston. -W Zidney Faius. m And that weary, lifelese all-gone, senW H pfttiun ever prenent with thosc of In 1 ItL flumed 'kidney, wcak back and lolns, I l : i . 1 1 1 1 1 lt hl and sldep, overworked or worn onl by dieaKe, debllity or diBsipation ar relieved In one minute and (pi-edily cured liy thu Outlcnra Anli-I'aln IMaitter, a new, original, elegant and Infallible antidote to pain and inflauimatlon. At druiifiists 2Sc ÍVJ lor f 1.00: or postwe Tree ot Folter Ifruic and Chemical o., BoHton. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milk. The only prepamtion of TOD UTEB OIL that can bo taken reachly aad tolcrated for a long time and" "'"iirnT ro roNsnipnox, Slliltll l.( liS , I l.( 1IONS. A.NAKMIA, iliNKÏÏTm7)Tri.lI I. O!(;ilS AM TMHOAT At'. tK(TiOS_i.n-l all IHM'MI rilSOKDKBS OV rlMllllfN il i. ri:irr-lloa in Uw nsnUn. ln'si-ri!'-á umi i-u -"irs'-il liy llie boa l'hyalclan In thc oonntriM ';C Lhn world. FOR SAI1" "Y f-LL DRUGGISTS. ¦ riTTim Sc'n1 1"c'ntl postnKo, aml we 1 I I li'lli wlll iimllyou ƒ(¦ aroyal.vHlU ItI H I "llle. ¦nipl boï f RoodR I 1 1 1 ii. t wlll pul ymi In Hik way ¦¦" nf itim li ttiK mnrr rnoi'ti ;it once thnn anytliinii ! InAmtte BotlisazM of uil aña :m liv1 :! I""""' hiiiI work In ¦pare time orall Hip tlini'. lipllal not reqatred We wlll s(irt you. Immense pav ¦ara Ibr those who itartatouee. ti.nbon Cu., Portland, Malne. EVERY L!VE MERCHANT IN ANK VII1IIM!. Should advertiré in TüE COURIER, Cl CÍ DA DUVLml"'ri ""l"r" ICLClinArn I íobdpaj. wnwWai I furnlslii-a. Willu Vulriillui.' Bron., JanelvlUe, Wla.


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