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The whortleberry erop is reported verv large this year. Saline's village marshal is ready to receive the Corporation taxes. Postmaster Cook of Dexter bas got for nimself a new dater for letters, etc. Ypcilanti iiululged in a little one-horse celebration, on Moiiday.- Saline ObservUobert Sleator of Dexter and Miss Elizabeth J. Tucker of Ann Arbor were uiarried in this city July 3d. Sam Jones says : " If there is anythine as base as heil its base ball." That must be one of Sam's " base hits."- Dexter Leader. Jos. Reese for $30 to him in hand paid bythecommon councilof Dexter, painted the band stand, park fence, wind mili and derrick- red- two coats. The gathering of water lillies is now all the rage among the young people, pome eren coming froin is far as Ann Arbor for them.- Dexter Leader. Among the certificatesgranted to teachers by the state board of education at their meeting last Friday p. m was one tor Miss Fanny Gray, Ypsilanti. The Saline graduating class sent to Ann Arbor for their commencement printlng, and thfiii got wrathy because the Obseryer didn t write their exercises up in bishape! K Saline lodge, I. O. O. F., installed its new officers for theensuing term on Monday evening, viz.: N. G., Arthur Brown V. G., Henry Collum ; sec'y, J H. Flslr treas., L. L. Kilby.- Observer. The Presbyterian cliurch is receiving a new roof. this is the flrst time, if we do not mistake, that it lias been re-shingled since its erection, ome tliirtv years ago. That is a good long ufe for a 'pine roof"- Ypsilaoti Sentinel. Mr. Robert Lambieanci family leave for the sea shore next week Tiie-day, to bf gone about two montlit. They eicpect t be at Old Orcliard Bcacli for the first month.after thitinthe White Mouutains -Ypsilanti Sentinel. A man living in Dpxter towmbfp Washtenaw county, is said to be one of Xapo leon"s soldiers. His full name is Jnhn Geeter, and he is said to bf 116 years old. He is haleaml hearty in.! fml ,lf reminiscences.- Howell Republlcan. The state board of education are at a dead lock upon the selectinu of a principal for the state Norm il school at Ypsihuiti, the members being eqiially divided between Prof. D. Putiiam, uowacting principal, and Prof. J. M. B Sill, of Detroit. Gibson the Ann Arbor artist informs uthat on account of his increasing busines? at Northville he is about to lócate a permanent gallery there with one of the best artista in the state in charge. He also hopes soon to do the same by South Lvon. - Picket. The editor of the South Lyon Picket owns up the case in good style : "The damplmols are not all deaii yét. Several 8hareholder8 In the Logansport, Ind. lottery, or Barnett Art Association are kicking themselvea this week. Ye scribe was onu of the suckers this trip." The superintendent of oublic instruction has decided thatthe institule for Livingston county shall be he'd at Howell during the week beginning Aug. 2. Supt. Geo. Barns has been appointed instructor and H. R. Pattensrill, of Lansing, will also acf as instructor.- Brighton Citizen. There are a great many side-walks in Chelsea, that are a disfrace to the corporation, and which are in great need of being repaired. Will our tovvn " dds " see to them. - Echo. Just come down to Ann Arbor, Bro. Echo, if yon want to see some bad sidewalks. Our city is full of them. Mrs. David Brownfell froma tree while picking cherries, Monday, dislocating lier nght shoulder and breaking one rib. Dr Wood, of Ann Arbor, was cnlled and set the fracture and she is now doing ag well as could be expected, although she is a great sufferer from pain.- South Lvon Picket. The Cricket game Monday between Ypsilanti and Toledo, resulted in a victory tor the former. During the game a Toledo player, while batting, wasstruck with the ball on the side of the head, and was unable to resume play during the game. His Rhinfenders were on the wron end Ypsilanti Sentinel. Farmers, you must clean your wheat, and keep the tagsout of your fleeces, and put the beu apptes in the middle of the barrel, and flll the berry boxes full; then buy land piaster for Paris green, and compete with wagon grease in selling buttcr; If you don't you won't meet the merehant and manufacturarla heaven.- Leider. Dr. VaughHn's recent discoveries in relation to possible poiaouous germs in milk is not expected to injure the ice cream trade. There are some duties that musí be fulfilled even in the face of danger, and that of the young men to furnlsh in summer the equivalent in ice cream of the value of hardcoal and kerosene consumed in bis behalf during the previous winter evening isone f them. Boat rldes may also apply to payiflg the debt, but tlu'v are not accepted as full value received.- Ypsilantian. Miss Permelia Vandeburg of Sharon was on Friday last rennited to her mother after a eepxriiiion of fifteen years. Mrs. Vandeburg became sepurated from her daughter in 1871, and had sinoe been unable to trace her. The daughter learnlng recently that her motlier was alive set out to find her, and it was only after miich Inquiry at Ann Arbor and in Chelsea thai she learned where her mother was living. At the meeting the jov of both was eqnally great. The young lady, now 17 years old, will henceforth make her home with her mother. The agrlcultural department is landing out large qunntities of the cgg of the silk worm. These e,o n little pacfcagerf bv mail to all parts of the country. Ir has been satistactorily demonstrated that the leafof the osage orange as gooil silk as the mulberry and thatthe wormwill feed upon it aml thrivc. The department is in receipt of letters from girls in different parts of the country saying that they have made froin ÍJO In $100 by nilsIng silk in this way. Th dep'nrtmeDt be lleves this muy become an important dis covery - Chelsea Echo. A Clare county farmer says he has rid bil t;inn of that very tmuülesoine weed the Canada tliistle, and he wants his fellow farmers to have the benefit of liis experteace in that particular. On a patch of fnlly an acre he had tried various plans to kill the thistles l.m without success until three years ago hen jut befora they blOMOmed, h covereil the thistles witii sttaw. This worked well, and being repealed the tWO lUOOMdlnE years evei thistle was killed. He will pay $T for evry thistle that can be found on the patch. This iscertalnly worth trying.- Pinckney Diapatch. The North Lake cor. of the Dexter Leader is responsible for thls very strange (iftrue) story : " Wonderful !- A young inan came home frotn the third, and next , day found 10 cents loose in bis pocket. The only case heard of yet." ' Hide and Seek ¦ parties are receiving mnch attention from a nnmber of our young ladles and gentlemen at present. The amusement is the same oíd game, familiar in memory to all, perhaps, out it is now dignified by being utilized as a pastime by a much older set than formerly engaged in it. The d8tnctive features of " htde and wek," however, are retained. lhe girlsteartheirdressesandget "ruad" in the oíd familiar manner, frnces fall down as of yore, trees are even harder to climb, dogs are as fierce and unreasonable and contente of coal-skuttles produces the eame effect,and the otherincidents andaccidents that formerly entered into the game again reappear, we are informed.-


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News