Whitmore Lake "doings."
Ed. Sumner and Will Henderson caught a (i 11). pickerel Saturday, and a line string uf' b;iss. Mr. nul Mrs. Pétenos were spending tho day here, Sunday. The prize has not been awarded to the champion fisher. It is n medal (leatlier) and Dr. Frothingham, Mr. Millen and J# J. Goodyear are all cluiiuing it. The tirst two on uumber caught, while Goodyear comes forward with the Iarge9t tisli. Barney Johnson says he Is yet to liear from and has now somethinj? on the string. There are about 50 stopping at the Clifton House among whom we see Dr. Frothingham and family, Mr. Chauncey Millen and wife, Mrs. Chas. Millen and sons, J. J. Goodyear and wife, B. Johnson, of Ann Arbor; Mr. T. W. and Ed. Ward with sister, Chicago; Mr. E. L. Smiili and family, Mr. Zeibee and family, Jacksnn; Mr. Forbes and family, Stockbridge; Mrs. Willard Babbitt and daughter, Ypsilanti; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Busteed, Detroit; and Mr. Crosby and family, of Plymouth. The Clilton House base-ball nine consista ot' Messrs. Foley, dude catcher; Geo. Frothingham, tired pitcher; Stewart Millen, kid short stop; Barney Johnson, old man Ist base, T. W. Ward (Chicasco) 2d base ; Goodyear, 3d base, D. F. Smith and Millen, tielders; Dr. Frothingham, umpire. Tilinga don't run right whcn Frank Zcibee Is not here. Foley combs his hair the most often ; Barney Johnson rests the most; T. W. Ward keeps his boota blacked the best: Goodyear is the tirst man in the morning; D. F. Hmith is the slimest man; Mr. Millen the quickest; Mr. F. Zeibee the best looking man, and these combined weights will sink the steamer. Dr. Breakey and family, and Dr. Kapp were out here Tuesday fightinz
Clifton House
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Dr. George E. Frothingham
Chauncey H. Millen