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Wallace Campbel[, lit. '86, goesto Colorado. Chauncey Wheeler, lit. '86, will teach mathematlcs in the academy at Ottawa, 111. H. A. Sober, lit. '86, has been appolnted principal of the schools at Michigan City, Ind. Warren B. Sexton, M. D., U. of M. '86, will lócate at Kansas City and hang out li is shiugle. That elegant $500 portrait of Prof. Ford was purchased by Ihe medical alumni, to be placed in tlie art gallery. Wm. E. Gladstone8entacard of thanks to Prof. Rogéis acknowledging the lution passed at the Home Rule meeting held in university hall. J. A. Otte, A. B., M. D., who graduated from the medical department this year. Iims deciilod to go to ('li i na, n a few weeks as a medical missinnary. D. J. Haff, lit. '86, will locate permanciiily in Kansas City, leaving for that place early in August. He will enter upon the practice of the law, and we believe that he will make for himself a wide place. Dr. W. Herdman left Ann Arbor last night for New York City, from wbence he , will Buil on Saturday for Antwerp. The Dr. expects to spend the mnjor portion of hissumint'i' in Enpland liainmjf addilional medie ,1 knowledxe, gong on to the continent for a short stay luier In tbe Slimmer. President Angell haring aailed for Europe, It U rumored that during hU stay in England he will offer to Rt. Hon. Wm. Ewart Gladstone the degree of LL. D., to be conferred by the U. of M. Of courae the honor will be accepted. The action of the regenta in securing Prof. Carhart, of Evanston, III., for our universlty looks ome ag though the time was approsching when the Unlversity of Michigan could reach out and brlng in the best material oí other institutions instead of being obllged to upply other leges as sho always has dono in the past There ought fo be a slight change in tbat respect. Prof. De Pont of the university, and A. A. Boyer, lit '86, left Monday night for an extended, wild, and perhaps perüous trip. They go to the Georgian bay, northeast of Lake Huron, from the upper shores of which they wlll, wlth the aid of canoes, lndian fruides, etc., malee their way cross the country to tbe Hudson's bay. On this trip they will "rough it" in earnest, camping out nlghts In the wood, tighting mosquitoe, wild animáis, etc. We expect both wlll become expert shots by the time they return to the classic snades of Ann Arbor. Tbe followlng from the Plint Globe speak well of the work our grand Universlty is doing : The addre. of Hou. Cubman K. Davis, 8t. Paul, Minnesota, at Commencement at Ann Arbor on the flret Instant, one of th most learoed and oholarly ever dellvered there, U an Ulnatratlon of what the Unlverlty u dolng for edocatlon and culture In the west Mr. Davl gradualed frora the Universlty leas than 80 year ago, and hls broad and comprehensivo cholarhlp Is due to the lnfluencea exnrted upon hlm during hl four year' oourae of itudy. To besure he has been a itudent durlng the lntervenlng year, al helt a boy man of afTalr, havlng a large practico as a lawyer and alio having beeu governor of the state and largely oonoerued In public matter generally. But hts U tlll what the Jnlversity enabled hlm to b. He and hundred of other men Uke hlm, oattered through the state and holding up the standard of edueatlon In lar ofl" land, are the evldenee of the Unlverslty' rlght to be and and an lnoontrovertable argument In favor of keeping It up to high water mark not ouly a a representatie of the beat American culture, but alao In favor of furnlsblng It wlth the necessary appllances for an universal educatlon. To allow the Universlty of Michigan to be erlppled In tny line of lts grcat work would mark the beginning of the deoadence of Michigan lt9ir The Regents of the Universlty very properly conferred upon Mr. Davls the degree of LL. D. A recent San José, Cal., papcr gires a long account of the death of M. C. Hall, by being washed overboard while on bis way to Australia recently to take charge of a sllver mine there. Mr. Hall was for some three years employed as a compositor on the Courier, frotn '69 to '73, and was familiarly known as "Mique," a name that waa given hlm by the boys at that time. After the death of hls mother here he went to New York City, remaining two years, then to California where he has since resided up to the time he started for Australia. He has a brother, Fred J. Hall, who Is bookkeeper for omiiu tros. at jacKson, alien., and leaves a young wife in San José to mourn his loss. He was 31 years of age. The San José paper of June 26th says this of hlm: He was marrled somethlng over a year ago to Min Belle McMaboa, a popular young lady ol tblg city, and he took her to Quada lupe. The marrlage was a pecDliarly happy oue, and lt la rare tbat such devotlon Is foaml au that whlch exlsted between thera. 8he wanted to accoapany hlm to Australia, but he lnslsted that she mui! he should aacertaln whether or nut the plaee to whlch be was golng we to her llklng. Two days before the news of hls death reaobed her she recelved from hlm a long letter wrltten by hlm at sea and poiited at Honolulú. Tutu let" ter came long after lts wrlter bad dled.