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Michigan Central The Niágara Falls (Route. Central Mtaudartl Timp. Time tahie takinR effect May 30ih, 1885. CHICAGO TO DRTUOIT. 11_ Ü l_ i Á.V. i.. 1'. P. M. P. M. P. M. A.B. Chicago. .Lt. 650 900 3 80 400 815 955 Michigan City! 918 11 11 517 632 10 18 1302 Nlles '1038 1215 614 750 1114 1 a0 Kalama... 14 n 150 7 23 w :15 803 6 46 Battle Créele. 108 2 27 8 01 130 3 50 7.11 ' '& 2M) Marehall f Ly t 55 3 j0 8 22 j s8 4 17 7 67 Albion 420 382 88 28 4 40 8 .TackBon 310 4 23 8 15 8 15 5 25 915 GrnsíUke.... 337 5 47 9 84 Chelsea 358 608 9 53 Deiter 4 13 6 24 10U7 Ann Arbor.... 4 33 530 1000 4 35 B 40 10 VB Ynsilanti 4 50 5 15 10 21 .... 4 52 55 10 40 WayneJnnc. 515 605 5 15 7 17 1108 IVtmli....Ar. 600 645111 60C 8 0U 6 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. M I I = O - o o. S iL S .TATIoNe. ti Sf AS Mit U S ow OW L M 1a. m. A.M l'.M p M. P.M. P.M Detroit.... I.T. 700 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 915.... WayneJnnc. 7 40 968 208 4 45 8 40 955 Ypeilanti .... 8 0110 12 2 20 5 12 905 1021 AnnArbor... 81f.lO2r 234 580 928 1038 Dextcr 835 5 50 955 Chelee 848 605 100 OranoLake... 10 27 1039 Jacki-on 985 1130 332 7 15lO55 12 08 ..„. MarKhall 1038 1445 4 22 822 1155 104 ..... Battle Crcek.. 11 03 105 4 40 852 1422 130 a.m. Kalamnz.Ki... 1154 1 50 515 45 112 4 3K 4 45 Nilea 147 342 635 1803 4 1 6 40 MIchlKanClly 3 10 4 80 7 32.... 435 540 808 Chicago... Ar. 5 45 M 40 9 80 ] 7 00 8 05 10 20 DKTKoiT TO büptalo.- Standard Time. ".Ifi-á.-gf . ëi J . STAT.ONS. liliZï& SE S P. M. P. M. A. X. i. M. i'troit ...Lv 7 4" 11 íi ó (1 H 10 12 0f p.m t.ThomaeAr 11 10 2 40 10 00 9 45 3 40 A. X. T. M. oronto...Ar 9 05 6 25 'ttawa. pmütó 4 38 lontreal 10 00 8 08 uebt'c 4tir, . a m t.Thomas,Lv 1115: 2 40 1 00 9 ,y, X 11 i'aterlord.... 12 3l 3 Í9 3 0-1 111X5(11 Velland 153 5 17 5 12 IS 64 8 27 'lis View 5 45 129 6 55 r. Fallí. Oí t. 2 22 I 48 1 8.) 6 58 iii-p'n B dge. 2 35 j 5 &; 180,7 10 . BüypALO To dktkoit- Hiandard Time. ol 5K IJS g 5 ! O'S STATIONS. lg l% 5 „ -G. A. M. P. 'hiladel'a.Xv 9 00 P.M -. 8 J0 ew Yurk... 10 30 6 00 9 .5 J.wton 8 M 3 00 7 X) Aoce-'tiT... 00 40 8 ÍS Sprlni:aeli. . 11 35 6 05 10 p Mhany... ¦ 3 OOpm II) 05 3 16a jtlca lS3Sim 5 15 iynicupe. 7 4(1 2 00 7 Ü ïochectcr.... 't -5 4 U0 1000 Buffalo .. Ar 12 15 5 50 12 15p n. ir. A. M. Buffalo. ...I.v 11 )pm 5 45 l 05 00 11 85 M. Kli.N V. ...n.u iusu'ii 1381 6 43 1 38 N. Fsllx.Ont. 12 51 7 (KI 1Í66 Fallo Vi.w 7 OS 105 Weiland 1 l.'i 7 & I 7 10 10 15 1 33 3t.TbomAr 4 10 9 55 11 15 1 10 4 35 yuehec. Lv 2 30 10 00 Montnal 10 00 Dtiawa 11 ¦ lï 23 roronti., 10 1 05 St.Thomm.Lv 4 15 10 00 2 55 1 15 4 45 Detr.iit... Ar S05iMH l oópm 7 :) 5 20 8 4ö t Stop onl} t lel i II' pMMDJt' rx. { Stops only on eK-inili". O. W. KUGOLK8, H. W. HAYKS, G.P.JkT. Agent Aüt.. Ann Arbor. Cblcaüo. To edo, Ann Arbor Sc Xortli Michigan Railnay. TIME SCHEDULB. Totake effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, June 27th, 1886. (Southern División.) Truiu rno by Standard Time. OING NÜKTU. UOimí SUUTH 4 a i ¦ '8 - - "=¦ ; s. stations. S. ¦a '-a gza . m. I A. LeiiïC Arrlvf .w;r.ii. f, ,o 7 05 Toledo 9 SOS 00 5 06! 7 14 Manhiiltan .Tnnct'n 9 26 4 65 5 IS 7 2! Alexis .lunctiun 9 16 4 47 5 21 7 86 Uawthor . 9 10 4 40 518 7 4 Samiiria 9 00 4 30 6 41 K OU Lu il. 8 47 4 W 5 46 8 15 Monroc JmicIioD 8 42 4 14 5 54 8 30 Dumtee 8 30; 4 04 8 01 8 37 Mcou 8 26 4 üü 06 8 4H 8 20 S 54 6 16 8 59 Milan.lnnciion 8 09 3 45 6 2l' 9 0!) Milan 8 06 S 41 f, 29 ( 22 i raDin 7 52 S SO 44 9 32 Pitt.-lH'kl Jui.ctlon 7 40 8 2 7 iio 9 50 nn Arbor ¦7S0 10 W L lan i 7 12 2 50 7 :v 10 30 Wontrn 7 08 2 40 ; i,, in 45 Somh LjOB ____??.? Connection: At Tolido, wlth ra11nad dlTergdk' at Manhattan JonrtlOB, wlth Whecllng A ake Krle K. R.; al Ali-xi .hinctlon, wiih M. C. i. K., L. S. & M. S Ry. nnd K. A 1'. M. R. K.; t tfonroe JuDctlim, wlth L. S. & M. 8. Ry.; at Donlef, with U S. M. S. Ry.. M. Jt O. Ky.; at Milan runctton. with Walnuh, St. Looi A Paclflc Ry.; it Pitiplleld.with L. . A M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor vlth Michigan Central R. R.. and at South Lyon wlth Detroit, Lanslne A Northern R. R., and Vlicb. A. L. Div. of Orand TruDk Ky. Train 6 and 8 muf hetwwn Detroit and Toledo, lally excent SiimUv. vin Milan Jnnctlon ; No. 8 iriivcs at Detroit 1Í00 uoon. No. aieaves Detroit U 2:35 p. m. FlaK siatlons. + Daily, except Sandys. 1 do Dot slop, II. #. ASHLKY, General Sapt. W. H. BKNNE IT. Ocu'l. Phüji. Aki nt. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL-, $50,000. OrganUed ander the General Banking Lw of this State, the utockholdorg an indlvMnally liable for au addltlonal amount eqnal to the tok held by them.therebycreatinK a Guarantec Fund for the benefit of Depoit"rii of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest ia allowed on all Savlnei Depoflt of one dollar and upwardr, accordine to the rule of the Dank and interest compounded 8cml-annnall. Ksney to Loan on onlncumbered real eíUte and other ood securlty. DIUECTOKS : CHRI8TIAN MACK. Wm. D. ARRIMAN, W W WINES DANIEL I1ISCOCK, WÍLLÍAM DKDBBL. WIIIAKU B. SMITH. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICERS: C.MACE.Pn,. WNS, ,-Pre.. "líÑSURAÑOE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OK A.W. HAMILTON Offlce, No. 2, Kirst Klixir. Uainilton Block. PartlesdesiriiiK to Imy or Wil K.mI KsUte will flnd It to thelr aUvimtJige to oall on me. I represant 15 lirst-.-biss Ptüi Insuraiice Com,Kini,s. l,;ivinKa'"íi?reK'lU'l''ll'Urt'verí30'' 1100,000. EUieaLov. Lapw lïbanüly adJuHted and promptlv pald. I also Issue I.lfe n,l li.v.stni.nt P.illcleH In th.'N.w V..rk Mutual UWb I tistinince Compatiy ssrils. S.V.,000. Acoldent lusmiiH-... M hv V'"lv l''el" wrlttpn for th.-in iirTnivcli-r' ( -..pon InMirance TU-k.ts ísmu-,1 al Uam rat.s In the Acolfniiii I a. in. 10 12 . Ud I 1 I " ALEX. W HAMILTON, H.iMiilion Block. nrnnv nnvrO fruit packages, BERRY BOXES; -" -' '' 11'-""'-1 1 '!E'¦ D U V ¦ U I CCIky C.,Beitn H.rlwr, Mlth. U HO IX U I U


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News