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Business Men's Association

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A meeting of the Business Meti's Assoclation was held in the council room last Wednesday evening, with N. J. Kyer as chuirman and Q. F. Allmendinger, seeretary. The name of 109 business men were reported as having joined the association. The followlus ofticers were elected for the ensulug year. President- H. S. Dean. Vlce-presldent- T. J. Keech. Kecordlug Secrelary- O. E. Hlscock. Treasurer- Cnrlstlan Mack. Board of DlrectorB- w. F. Breakey, N. J. Kyer, J. E. Deal aud K. Klltredge. Tliefollowlngonstitutloii wasadopted: 1. Tbla associatlon shall be k iiown as "The Business Men's Asnoclatlon uf tbe City ol Ann Arbor." 2. oinrct.- TIn' obji'ctM mul purposes of thls assoclutlou Bhall be to advance the material prosperlty, to promotö the business tn terestn, encourage manufactures, lacrease transportu tl m facllltles, to acqulre for lts menibers a a more accurate knowledge of all matlors affectlng the public welfare, to glve hearlv tone to public neutlinent and social lnlercourse. 3. MembtrsMp.- Any person ldentlfled wlth or inlerested lu mercantlle, manufacturlng or otber business Interest ( the city, may become a meuiber of thls assoclatlon, upon recelvlnga two-Uilrds vote of the meinbers present and votlng at any regular meeting, Klgulng the constltutlon and paylng admts¦lon fee of 2.U0. 4. iiffli-rm. - lis offlcers shall conslst of a president, vlce-presldent, recordlng secretary, correspondlng secretary aud treasurer, to be elected annually, and a board of nlue dlrectors conslstlngof the afore named offlcers and four other meinbers of the assoclatlon. ono of whom hhitll be elected for oue year, one for two years, one for three years and one for four yeara. 5. All of these offlcers shall be elected by ballot, at the regular annugl meeting of the menibers, to be held at the time of the regular montlily meeting lti the montli of July. 6. These offlcers shall perform suoli dutius as shall be directed by the by-laws of the associatlon. 7. The regular annual dues of the assoclatlon shall beti.UO to be patd at the ürst regular meetliiK In ach ilsral year. Any persou lu arrears for dues more than slz months sliall recelve 30 days notlceof the fact, whlch belng unheeded, hls name shall bedropped from the rolls. 8. Quorum of Membert. -Twenty members shull constltute a quorum. 9. A quorum of Board of dlrectors, shall conslst of a majorlty of the Board. 10. Regular meetings wlll be held once a raonth, on the 3d Tueaday of each month, al the rooms of the associatlon, at 8 o'clock p. in . from June to 8eptember, In the remalnlug months of the year al 7:30 o'clock p. m Special meeting may be called by the board of dlrectors, by notice In the city paper or by postal card to members. 11. The constltution and by-laws of thls ansoclatlon may be changed by a two-thlrd vote of membera present at any regular meetings, du notice havlng been glven at the previous meeting, or by a notice to each member ol the changes proposed.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News