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"LitotyEiliiÖHorlJ." We learn from the American Coiumittee of the Statue of Liberty that the Granite Pedestal is ueiirly completed, and the work ofencting Bartholdi'sgreat statue will soon conunenee, and for this purpose a considerable amountofmoney isstlll required. The New York World Fund of $100,000 completes the Pedestal, butit is estimalcd that $40,000 is yet needed to pay for the iron fiutenings aud the erecof the Btatae, and for tliis tliey rely upoi) the snbscriptlons for the minlature Statiicitcs, whicii are being reoteved from all seotions of the country, the Commlttee pminpiiv fllllng all orders. The No. 1, or üiie Dollar Stntuette has found a place in tfaouaandi of hornet; the N'd. 2, or Plve Dollar tlze is fust galnliig In popuhirity.aiHl justly too. for it is a rt'ork of art and Well uoilli the inoney. To snpply a demand for aomething still Dner, the Commlttee bavejust oompleted a No. 8 Statnette, Bnely chased by hand, and by a patent proceM hcavily plated witli gilrer u hieh will not tarnUb or discolor, mouutsd n pon r beaiititul pluih base, and tuniished to Bubacribera at Ten Dollars eacb. 'rílese souvenirs are now belng dellvcred to all p.uts of the United States ou receipt of BubscripUon price. All remlttances should be addreesed to Richard Butler, Secretan-, 88 Mereer Street, New York. It is not pblloaopby tbal makea mei] flut rful, l)ut chccrfulnrss that makes iii'.'n phlloaopbera. - Slgnor Max. Genius llglits lts own fue, but it is conshintl collectinjj materluli to keep alive tbc llames. The city is iut'eslcil, OTei'flowIng with trampa. They are not only a nuis;ince dav timos t)iit a terror evenlngs, compl:iints coming in from all sections of the city. The city authorities are In a qnanilary ffbat to do about it. It doesu't do any good to arrest them, for the prosecutiiiíí officer wil] not allow them to be prosecuted, so to arrest only makes the "gentleman of leisure" more impudent and dangeroua. It is gettlng tobe a vcry serioua question. If the trampa keep on locreaUng In numbers aathey have for a few weekt pust, it aill be dangerous to be a citi.en of thla municipal! ty. A Creat Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cu red by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In the winter of 187D I was attacked wlth Scrofula In one of the most aggravatlug forms. At one time I had 110 loss than thlrteen largo abscesses over and around my neck and throat, continually exuding an affenitre maas of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost Intolerable to endure. It Is lmposslble to fully describe my suiTerinps, as the case was complleated with Chronie ('atarrh. After three years of misery, having been treated by three phyiiolani, 1 m mne than ever. Finally, on the reooamendatton of W. J. Huntlcy. (Irngfrist.of Loekport, I was induced to try ltood's .sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twelve bottles, within the last twelve montha. the scrofnloqg ernpttom tw ciiiirciy caaaed, and 1 1 abscesse have all dlMppeared.ezcept the unslghtlyscan whleh ;lro SJi'ïec Ing 'wnaUer by degrees, and beautifnlly eas.' I do DOt know wnat It rnay bavn done fot otbers, bnt I ilo know that in my cas.-. Hood's Sarsaparilla bas proTed an effective Bpeolflc Indeed. As an ovulcnoe of my graiitiide 1 send Uiese facta unsollcited, and r .1.1 teady to verliy the authentlotty oí tías cure, by personal corrpspondenoe with K:"í"w!ís':1iVv.niAi"KsA-lioBThls statement is conflrmed bj V. J. llunt!ey, druggtst, of Loekport, N.Y., WbocalUöw cure a great victory for Hood'i Sarsaparilla. BesdforbookglTlng tatémente otmaayoarM. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugglats. Si ; six for $6. Made only by C. 1. 1I0ÜD & CO., LoweU, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News