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John AI. Parker spent Suuday n Toledo. C. 8. Fall took .1 trip to Jackson Alonday. E. D. Trowbridge is recupcrating at Ctwrlevoix. J. C. Knowlton and wlfeare visiting in Rockford, III. Harry Devlln, of Jackson, is rlaltlngjat Wlll Hatch's. EImer 15eal leaves to morrow to visit friends in Flint. Mios Emlly Gundert is visiting her cousiu at Mt. Clemeng. Prof. H. W. Hogers returm-d from Múflalo, N. Y., Tuesday. Aire. Dunster and daughters left tliia a. m. for Hanover, N. H. Prof. M. E. Cooley has returned from Fairport, New York. J. Z. Batten of Philadclphia.will spend Sunday wlül C. 8. Jlillen. Mis. E. E. Beal wlll visit her parentg 11 Dexter for a few days. Prof. C. W. Belser ig home from Carthage, III., for the suramer. Editor Chamberlain, of the Register, has been 011 the stick list tiiis week. Mrs. J. E Corbin, of Detroit, is a guest at Capt. J. H. Palmer'a 011 Jeflerson st. Airs. Meder, of Port Crescent, is visltlne her father, P. Dignan, of the 6th ward. i, o. r. waus lett Monday a. ni., for a Tew week's visit in Holly, Flint, etc. Mr. and Mrs.'A. L. Noble wentto Petoskey last night for a few week's vacation. Will Becker diiln't like the outlook at Toledo, and has gone to Jackson to live. Miss May Keeler returned Friday last from a vislt to her sister in Grand Rapids. Oeo. P. Stauch will interview the lions of Wyandotte for the reinainder of this week. Col. B. F. Wheeler, of Adrián, was n the city yesterday on his way home from camp. Mrs. Frank E. Perkics, of Lincoln, Neb , is vlsiting her parents.Mr. and Mrs. 11 Krause. Frcd. F.Wallace, of Chatanooga, Tenn is visiting his father in Saline, and friends in this city. Masters Lewie and Harry Pond returEed from a pleagant vsit with friends In Flint to-day. Rev. Fr. Fierle is ipendlng a few days at Milwaukee, Wis., attending the reunión of h is class. Mr. Morse, of Alpen is visiting his family for a few weeks, corner William and Fourth sts. Mrs. A. B. Wood and Miss Eliza Ladd went to Charlevoix last Thursday evening for the summer. E. B. Hall spends half of his time in Toledo, superintending the bulldlngt being erected there by his fnther. Wm. Mnynard, of Chicago, lias been visitinghis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Maynard. during the week. Mrs. J. K. Stanley went to Ann Arbor last Saturday for a two weeks visit with relatives - Stockbridge Sun. Jas. L. Stone, Ed. Eberbach and C. S. Fall and ladies returned from camp at Sirawberry lake last Saturday. Miss Joan Kempf, who has been teaching at Sault Ste. Marie the past year, is home for the summer vacation. Prof. Carhart was in town Monday.and has taken the house on Church street, formerly occupied by Mr. Randolph. Frank T. McHenry, of Cleveland, law class of '70, was n the city over Sunday for the fust time since his graduation. Miss Emma Smith ol Ypsilanti, is visiling Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Harrison of this city. They spent Sunday at Whitmore. T. A. Stoddard, or thls city, M. D. 'M6, left Monday for Nova Scotia, where he will lócate, and practlce his profession. Dr. Arthur L. Worden anddaughter, of Des Moines, Iowa, are in 'the city, on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cha?. H. Wordfn. Sam Langsdorf went to St. Louis, Ho., Monday evening, for a two week's vaoatioD. Some attractions way down there, probably. B. L. D'Ooge bas been reappointed instructor in Latin at $900; and Arthur W. Burnett reappointed instructor in English and Germán, at $900. Hugh Laughlin, a former Ann Arbor boy, now a Fowlerville merchant, has been vlstting hls old home, on Lawrence st., during the week. Mr. McKnight, Register of üeeds of County Gray, Ontario, Can., was in the city Friday, on nis way home from a vlsit to Wm. Curlett, of Dexter. Mr. N. P. Keitb, of Detroit, is visiting relatives and f rienda in the city. Slie will go to Dexter ts-morrow to rcmnin i few days with N. Keith and family. Mra. Fred. H. Belser andchildren, went to Detroit yesterday for a two week's visit with her sister. Mrs. Stephen Pratt. That's why Fred. looks so glum now-a-days. Prof. B. E. Nlchols leaves to-night for Saratoga, N. Y., and while absent will bathe once more in the limpid waters of Oneida lake, where he was wont to bathe when a boy. Charles Fred. Lutz, who officiates as fi reman at the Courier office, rejoices over the advent of a daughter at his home yesterday morning. He smiles a broad smile of happiness thereat. Mrs. V. H. French starts to-morrow for New York, accompanied by her three cbildreo, Ilubert, Florence and Oulda. She will visit in New York city and Utica before going to lier future home at Reedaburg, Wis. Theop. Schraid, nowa prosperousdniggist of Chicago, 111., arrived in Ann Arbor last evening to visit old friends and relatlves. His wlfe, who has been vislting here for sorne weeks will accompany him home. Prof. Wm. E. Robison, at one time the terror of bad boys in the eranimar schools of this city, at present teaching in Detroit, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. F. Nichols on N. Ingalls st., during the week, accompanied byhis wife and son. Frank C.Wagner, who has been tendered a $1,200 position in the patent office at Washington, is at present in Boston, having a good situation there in the eraploy of the Thompson-Heuston Electric ijight Co. It Is not certain yet that lic will accept the governmeut position. To day those who are to attend the Grand Army meeting at San Francisco leave Ann Arbor, on their journey. The company going from here consists of Maj. Wm. C. Stevens and wife, Col. H. S. Dean and daughter Lizzie, Prof. B. W. Cheevcr and wife, Prof. T. J. Wramplemeler, Prof. Otis 8. Johnson, nll of Ann Arbor: CaptT.V. Qiiackenbush and wife, of Superior; Gapt. Wm. A. Weatherhend, of South Lyon; Thos. Featherly, of Hamburg, nd J. D. Williams, of Ann Arbor town.


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