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Scott's Emulsión of Pure Cod tAer II, witli HypoplionpHlte. In Contumption and Wasting Düeatêi, I)r. C W. Barrlnger, Pittsburxh, Pa., sav-: "I tliink your Emutalon "f Cod Liver 011 s a very fln preparation, and fillst a long feit want. It is verv uscfnl in oonrampÜOD mul wastinit dlsease," Th Persian Hcir's Apparent Humor. Mnssood Mirzü (Prinne Folicitou?), tbc Persiiin lu'ir apparaat, is short, stout man of :!T jraan. When talkinc to :i person he genarally elmtH lns lefl ey, whlch ItIvm a very hutnorriui axprewlon to liia countenanoe. Thii humorous expresilon is particuiarly iut ¦¦;iilc when be orders n man'i liuad to be ent off.- Detroit Free Press. Hucklpn's Árnica Salve. The Host Salvo in the world tor Cuta, Braisea, Sores, Ulcera, Salí ttheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Clmpped HLund, ChllhiHliia, Corns, and :il! skin Bruptifin?. and popltivciy curea Piles, or no pay ivquired. It Is guanui U'cd to iive perfect wttisliidion, or nioncv refiinded, Prioe SScents per box. For S:ilc by Blberbwái & Son. """TJaveTueetf l!)r Thomas' iücleotrlc üil for croup and cokl, mul dcUe it i posltive cure." Contribntcd by Wm. Ky, 570 Plymouth Ave., Búllalo, N. T.


Ann Arbor Courier
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