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POWOER Absolutely Pure. Thispowdernevcr varíes. A marvel r piirlty. strengt i mui wlmh'someiifKs. More eoo nomloal Ihau the ordlnary kinds, mul caí t be solil Iu oompetlUou wltli tbe inultitude of low test, short vel Klit, aluin or pliosnlmte powders. Suid pnly In oaos. Koyal Ilitklng l'clr Va.. 1M Wall st.. N. Y. jTÜTfLE SUFFERER Cleansed, Purified and Beantified by Cuticura Eemedies. It pioapure tO irive you thtl report oT tlie cure ui' uur linie l ratidctiiid iiy your CütiOD a Hkmkdiis. Wtu-u tx months 0I1Í Mu Je ft hand betran tu well aud Imcl every appi-arance of a large Imil. w ponlttced il, luit uil to nu purpose. Ahout monthe after K lx c.ime : nmnmg gore Soon other huivs formed. He tben had iwo of them n .ai li hand, and ;k nis blood becmne mtre and moro impare il lonk Wkh time for thctn to break ont. A aore c me on the chin, benenth the onder lip. wbtch wm ?ery otfmsivi. [lis hend ¦ soiiti feCftb, dfocbargtaff ¦ graat deal. Thie u ;- bil rem! 1 turn a 1 wntv-two moiith old, wheii I undertook ihe care of liim, hlg dq other havirg dlt-d wtien tic wan a more thn a yar old. of oonsmmption ( geruft] la of cotime). He cuald walk a linie, bui coulil not ei up It he feil down, and could noi move hen in bed, having no tiste oí hi hands. 1 itntnediau-ly cninmcm e l wilh the Cutícuica Hrmrimb?, nnine the Oüticuba and C'ütiei ra Soap treely, nd when h hni takon oüe bottle ol the Cuticura, hif head was completely cured, and he wan Improved in every va. W were very niuch encouraged and coltinued the use cf the Kemedies for a year and a half. ne eore alter anoiher nealed, a bouy matter forminp in each 011e of these flve deep ones just b6ltarfl healini:, inch woittd finally gr w luote and were taken nut ; ihea ihey would heul rapidly. One of tlu'-e nily txitie foriiiationc 1 ire-rveu. Alter tak ii ju a U zu una a h 11 bottlcs he wc completciy cored, and ]# now, at the aie of gix y arr, n atranv and healthy c: ilë. The gcar on bis bandH must alvvayi remain ; hit handi are ntioi k, tttuuti we once feared he would never be able to ' fv iht-m. All ihut phyëician did for him did him do ii"' d. All who saw the child betertiwifig Hm ' L'xi' uitA KkciuL8 and Me the child DOW coasldr It ü wondtriul cure If the above lacts ui aijy usc Ui ïu, you ure at ibetty to UCt' tlltÜl MUS. E s. Bl(Hiii May 9, 18S-Ï. lila E. Clay Hl., lïlooininKton, UI. TIn1 child was really iu VOfM cotidition than he aipeftreii to Krandmnther, who, beinj; wtth him every day, became accustomed to tht: rii-t:!--MAGüIK HuPPING. I'iticuka lÏEMKDiBi are mild evcrywh' n-. CmruHA, (he Kreat Skin Care, 60 t'is ; ClTTlCUBA Soap, au exqnlslte Bkln Buautifler,25 Cta,; i utituKA Hkkolvknt, the new Blood Pnririer. $1.00. Prepartd by the 1'ottkk Drlö an Chbmical C., Bobiou. St-iid loi Ho to Cure KWin DIseaseM " "TpLIN. Scaiy, Pimply and Oiiy Skin beautiI I Urlfled ty Cuticuka Soap. Catarrhaï Dangers. To br Trci'd Irom llie (lHiif;ers ui snfl'ocatlon whlle )ylni{doMi ; to breuthe Iruely, sleep soandly aiirt uudiulnrhed; to rise refresBed, heud cier, bruin active aud free trom pain or ache ; to kuow ttiut no polfolíouií, iutri(l maller dertles the breath and rot away Ihe delicate machintry of smell, Wsli' mili h-ariiiK ; lo R-W thht thi: sjftem doe not thronf;li ft voiua nd arterias, wuck op tlie poison thl iu ure to undtrinine und (lcstroy, if indeed a bfeulnic beyond all other human enjoyments. To purchttHe liniuunily from ouch a fate should be the obji'ctofali ulllicied. But ihose who have trled maiiy remedie and phyuicianê deapair of relief or cura. Santord's Uadical uure meets evory pbase of C'uttarrli, Iroiu a euoplo cold to the mout luatueouie and deeuuclive taea. Il is local and cousinuiioiml. Instant ín relievinu, permaneut in urmj.', ?afe, ecouomical and uevor failiut;. fcU_KJJt'uKis UAim al CUBE consiBls of one riottlBof the Kadicai. Curk, and one box ol l'UIIM.KAI. Sul.VK.NT, aud ono iMI'ROVKl) lMiAl.i:i;, all wrapped in one packafc'e, with treaiire :md directiuu, eold by all druglsu for f 1. POSZSB DltL'f. AND CllHKMICAL CO., ÜOÖton. ACHING MUSCLES. Krlirvrd in One Minute hy that ysP mw, oriííiiial, elegant aud mlallible antiM ir to (ain aud intlainatlon, the i.'iitlS#ÁlnrH Antl-I'aiu Planter. Noacue I 3tSl,ir pam, or braise or train, or cuiigh or Vrrr cpl ur riOhCUlar weakoeee but yleldw to itt ipeedy, ll-powuriul aud never-falling, pain alleviitlug properiiu At drnggnti 26c live lortl.UO: (irol l'ollrr Irus " Chemical o.. Montón. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Mille. The only prtpnl"H of fr MVEU OIL that can tío taken rewily i.ntl loleratod for a long tun Uydelkato.... „„. SI KOI I 1.01 S Al FM TIONS. ANAKMIA, tiKXnaTriTKÏÏii i iv , (on.ns am thkoat, r.ü'd all TIM1 IISIU1)KBS r ( llll.llltKN il is in:invllnu-i In In rnll. {¦rewrlbed aud snloiud )y tüo best PUyaician iu tlio countrii-a oL llu; world. FOR SALC BY ALL DBUGGISTS. J. .1 Ml - G. III. MAF.rt W Wr REATHIKTOBI tm F Outdolls all other booka. Hon. MHL Jl J. S. Wlwof Va.,Bays: " Whocvrr B[ jKaP Wf r'ti-j4 it uj, nu matter tcht ther ht 1 be Mr. Iiluine's frirnd or rnrmy, ¦LvJmJ wül nerrr i'itt it tltnvn vmil hf ¦DL '" rrnd the tihale." Hon. Allen " 1CTBB WÊB 9 Tliiirnian, sayfl: 'M cliunio HjH %& ín our pulttU-al hUttiry." ÉL eM ' Atfents wanted on cjmmll¦¦M slon or Rulary. Addreaa, A7w Jtrtithrrg, WSRük pevï" i ¦'. '.-, !.. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN AFTS AKHOK. Shóilld advertiré in TLjE COU IER,. tuic PAPER sïy sTw ? I tllO Hl bu KOWKLL COS NewBpnpiT A'lvcrtlBlng Buroau (10 8pruce B Iffflfftl tisiiiKroiitnictHiuuy NrW VI IKK


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