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The Third Party Cat

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The Argus of last week Iets the prolubition cut out of the democratie bax in great shape. Hear it: The prohlbltionl8ts are very active and very enthuslastlc. The party claims the accesslou of many prominent men In olher 8tales and no doubt, Is increaslng In numbers hirc. The party is deterrained to put full lukt Is In the field thls fall, the squirmlng of roany republicans under thls sad state ol thlngs Is very amuslng. It look as If lt would be hard work for that truly gocnl party to dodge the Issue thls time. Face the music boys. Vote with the democrats who have always opposed symptuary leglslation on principie or vote with the prohlbltlonists. 'f here is no mlddle ground. The prohlbltlonists mean business and wlll tolérale no dodging or squirmlng. It is only a question of time when the G. O. P. oes to pleces and when the happy day comes the sincere and earnest temperance men, who compose a majorlty of the party, wlll go to the prolilbitlonists and these republicans who bolleve tliat the government has no rlght to dictntc to men what they shall eat, drink or wear wlll come to the democracy where they belong. Then we shall know where candldates stand and men can vote in accordance with thelr convlctlons. Speed the day ! How do temperance people who are sincere n their belief - not paid hirelingB - like that sort of t:ilk? It Is true of courac, and dlvtüges the real inwiminess of the third party niovemeut as a grand schenie (urged on by democratie politicians and paid for by democratie money) to defeat the republican party. It is not Uie liquor inti-rests the prohibitionists are liglitiiifr but the rei)ublican party. The Public Leader, the organ oi the Mtoon men of this state, and the Center, the Prohibition organ of the state, both advocate the saiue ideas and use al most identical language. Both bclieve in destroyiiijr the republican party to build up the deraocracy. And we tra pleused to sce our neighbor come out aud acknowlcde the corn so frankly. The Argus aiinouuces tlint it will surprise its readers this week by bringing out i congressional cnnilidate. Krom quetttoniagi taoog our democratie political euemies and tricnds we are iuclined to believe tliat the Argus has all of its haodnd eyi pou the Hon. Chas. 8. Gregory, of Dexter, gentleman wtao h:is represen teil tliis district u the lefrislature and repreMnted it well, trom a dem„ oermtic Btandpoiiit, and who i-s pcmeMaa ot the neeessary barrel to bolatet lip a candidftte'a ofaHDoe witb the proliibitioutata in tba district. If ever a welcouie raio feil upon tbis eartli it was tlieshowerof Monday morniug. A bartfelt "thank God" went up trom tlii' Upt erf inaiiy a person as Uie rain drops carue patteriiiij dowu upon the parched eartli.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News