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Peninsular Saengerbund

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It Is only a short time oow until the date for the coming meeting of the Peninsular Saengerbund will arrive, the 16th, 17tli and 18th of August beinir the dates. Secretary John Wotzke and President Dr. C. Ueorg, informs us that everytliiug is working admirably. All committees are doing their utmost to accomplish the work laid out for them to do, and many of the citizens of the city are taking a lively interest d the muiter. OVKTl 300 VOIOE8. Up (o the present time the following Saenger Societies have signilied their intention to be present: Fraueochor, East Haelimw, 19 volees A rum b raueuclior. Hay City 15 ' Uermania, East Sagluaw, 28 " Concordia, Detroit, 24 " Veterauna, " 34 ('iMiistatier, " g Froeslnn, 24 " Uermaniu, " 24 " Harmonie, Jaokson, 24 " Arlondea WordeuB, Bay City, 16 Hederkrauz, I.uhsIiik, ui " Iteethoven, Ann Arbor, 1 " Cboral Union. U. ot M. 40 Lledertafel, Waterloo, Ont.. 30 " These will foot up 322, and there are some from other portions of tlie state that have not as yet fully decided to come. CARINO FOR OUESTS. The committee appointed by the Beethoven Society of this city, under whose auspices this festival is given, report a cordial response by the people of the city to their applications for room and board. Aecomniodatlons have alieady befu seeured for 400 singers, and the cloors of our houses will be thrown wide open to the guests coming to witness the event. Probably 110 city in the state can accoinmodate so many people as can Ann Arbor, considcrine population. Every other house, at least, in the city is built for the purpose of taking boarders, and so nearly every onc ha rooms to spare, while good boarding houses are plentiful. People taking rooms at private houses need have no fear of being subjeck'd to annoyances, for the houses are so constructed that roomers come and go when thcy choose the same as at a hotel. This is a city that cares for from 2,500 to 3,000 students and other transient people threequarters of the year, who are not here now, so that witli the hotels and private houses combined, it will take a erowd of 8,000 or 10,000 people to overflow the capacity of the accommodations to be found here. No one need stay awny on that account. Any peraon contemplatin attendiog the Saengerfest can be supplled with board and lodgings at reasonable rates by applying to Anton Eisele, chairman of the eommittee. ADVBRTISINl.. Secretary John Wotzke left yestcrday for Toledo to post the handsome bilis gotten out for the event, aud teil the people about the fest and the aceommodations here obtainable. From Toledo Mr. Wotzke goes to many portions of this state on the same errand. DKCOKATIONS. This part of the arrangements will be fine, it is expected. Among the buildings to be decorated are the court house, university hall, Beethoven hall, and all of the business portions of the city, if possible. Business men are asked to take an interest in this matter and help the committee in its labors. There will be four arches ererted on the four corners at the intersection of Main and Washington streets faclng each other and formtng a squwre. A. F. llangslerfer ivquests all of the people of the city inteiested in the succeis of the Saengerfest to docorate their places of business and residences upon that occasion. As chairman of the coinnuitee he hopes to have things look nice.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News