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The Olooioiirtfiirlno bi 1, w th nn nmemi ment toductn the tux on tho produot froni flve to twocentaa pouod, ni paaed- ïj ti 24- In the Senate on the aith Mr. Uuur re ported a nuiiilKi'iif retoed pension billa back frotíl the comuiltti11 with tho reoomim-nil i tion that seveial hv passed. Kesolutioiis o the constitutional conwution of l)ak"t: praylnjf toi - t clrai-Mi.n oi South linkni ¦ k stiiic, umi fur Territorial ffovernmeut fn North Dakota, were piweotad ..In tho House the Sraate aini'iiiliniMits to tho Kive anii Harhor bill wart consul irod The (Vin mlttee on Wayí and Hsaoi reponed an mrreeraent to the raflolul on provilínf lor the ad Journinent of Cnwrrcgi July The Payne election case wm takon up li the Senate on the Jlt, uiul a loiijf debate Dl the reportó followcd, General Lo)tan miikmtf au appeal aainst uny furlher InveM nul 01 of the caso. . . . lu the the Morrison ion current resoIntlOQ for the ndjoiirmncnt o CoU(f ri'88 OU Ju.IV L'8 WUS pilSíed- U. to .iii The Senuto uiiiciiilnwiis to the K ver aml Harbor bilt ere non coiicmed ti. umi tl mearan vu s,.iit to a oen rereace oomtn ttee At thi! cvuiiinir wss Int.i-Stutu l'm IIlfllT lllü VIW dl.SOUS8cHj. In tho Senate on the i.'rt tho ilay was oocu plril in ijiM'ii'tiMir the l'nvni' sleotlon me... Iti the House th principal bus.neHH wua re celvlnfr and leferiiiifr repons of oomntiMoM In ooininlttee ot tho whole leviinii' bill weit eonildered. Mil. Hoau's ri'sohitlon for an lnvestlrntior of the i'li-ction ol Senator l'iiyno was lost- ï to 44- In the Senato on the 234 Anevenlny sesslon wag held for tbe eooaideratloa of the Sundry Clvll Approprlntion blll. umi an amemlmont was tidopted apiroprlatlnr t'i, 000 for the more etlicient prost'cution and pun lahment of crime In l'tah In the House tlu Senate amendment to the OIootDarvarine bil ri'iliniiiK the tax on the product froin tlve to two cents wa poseed, and the mentiré wouli fro to the President. In the eyeuin Beveru pension bllls were passcd. DOMES7IC. Tui: Becrotary of the Treasury on the 19th called KOOU,Ü)0 of tlnee per cv.nt bonds, on wbich interest will ceaso September 1. Uukino a violent storm on the 10th Ive Indians were killed aud tea otliers were injured by lightmiiK onth lied Lake reservation in Minnesota. A BTOitM on the 30th at Pino Bluff, Wy. T., wrecked levei-al houses, blew down telegraph polos and washed out the track of tho Union Pacific. A nispATCH of the 2Oth from Orafton, Wis., says tbat a large meteor feil receutly ou a farm near that place. The meteor entered the ground for sonia distaace, and it was proposecl to dig to it and secure it. The BolleTille colliery at Monnt Carmel, Pa., suspended on the 20th, throwiug four hundred employés out of work. Tiik trial of Willie Sells, aged sixteen years, for the murder of bis pareutH, his sister and his brother, was begua on the 2üth at Erie, Kan. Tuk bench show of the Wisconsln Kenael Club opened at Müwuukee on tbe 2Uth with ii coÜeclioo of ilogs valued at $iOÜ,IXX). Ni:au Colunibiu, Tenn., on the '2t)th a special engiue ran into a Louisville & Nashville accommoflation train, ctuising the death of seven persons. P. W. CnASE, shoriff of Concordia parlsh, La., was on the 'Oth discovered to be a dcfiiulter for $'J7,000. 3 on Aknoi.k, seventy years of age, ponimitted suicide at Fort Wayue, Iud., on the 20th by sbooting. Tue business section of Madra, Cal., was swept away by flre on the 2Oth. Dukino a storm on the 'JÜth the house of Rasmus Dilletson, near Minden, Neb., was struck by lightning, Dilletson, his son and his ilnughter being killed. Thk Agricultural Department at Washitigtou ou the 3i)th roiorted a decline in the coodltiOQ of siring wheat from9S.5 in June to S3.3 at the present time, in consequence of drought aud high temperatura. TnE fli-st bale of cotton of the erop of lSb6 was received at the cotton-exchange in New York on the 21st. It was raised by Mi's. Uaussman, of Myersrille County, Tcx. Tue Mohawk rivor in New York was nearly dry on the 21st, and the people who live along its bunks were bauliug water from a distance for household purposes. In California peaches were selling on the 21st at eighty dollars a ton on the trees. Sevkxty-five head of cattle were killed a few dnys ago by the wreoking of a traiu near Port Moody, Ore. ïhey were en route to Chicago. The Soldim-s' Orphans' Homo at Knightstown, ind., was destroyed by flre on the 21st. the inmates all escaping. The loss to the Stato was i'.K),0(X). On tho Sist twunty thousand visitors were at Mihvauket! to attoml tho Bangerfest concerts, the ttrst of which was given in tbe ovening bofore a gathering of ton thousand people. The Natloual Conference of Charities aiul Correctious closed its sesgion at St. Paul ou tbe 'lst, and solectod Ornaba as tbe next pluce of meeting. H. H. Griles. of Wisconsin, was tentad President. Heavy rains in Southwoitrn Kansas bad on the Sist trrtvitly benofited erops. In somt placea tbo country hud Ixjen tlooded and bridaos bad beon waslinl aniiy. Tuk total values of tbe importa of mercbandise into tbe United Httito-i during tho twolve montbs ended June 30, lSíítí, were tO35.i3,tje, against 577,r,i7,:fci,i thu proceding twelvo montbs - an of $J7,728,877. Tho total values of exports during 18S0 were 1079,436,972, against iï-fcj, 184,75.1 the preceding twelve months- a decrease of Waj8S,788. lx tbo Anarchist trial at Chicago on tho 21st tho prosëcütlon plaood on the stand a Germán caipenter namod William Seliger, who gnïo sturtling details as to tbe manufacture of bombs in bis dwolling. and plainly unfolded to the public the plot to mulder policemen at the Uaymarket Af tri-eensburg, Ky., a few days ago Clem Bishop, aged seventy years. a baclcwoods doctor and preacher, married his ward Ketta Boston, wbose age is but nine years. Bishop obtained the marriage lieense by fraud. COMPI.AIXTS were still coming in on the 21st from pointe throughout the Northwest of the injury to grain by the long-continued dry weather. Corn was sufTering most. Tnn residenco of Alexander Roth, near Conewago, Pa., burned on the 22d, and two of his chiklren perished in the flamea. Mus. Pai.meu Ryam, of Clarendon, Pa., was on tbe SM robbed of $1,600, which she kept (ncoaled in a pot in her back yard. Samuel J.'o, for twenty-seven yeara treasurer of the Lowell (Maas) Bleaching Company, was on the 'Ï2d alleged tobe a defaulter to the amount of $200,000. Captain Lawtox's command on the 22d, surprisod (ïeronimo's camp on tbe Yobnghi river, in Sinoni. capturing a large qunntity of dried meat, ninuteen homes aud otber property. Tiik condition of wheat la Minnesota and Dnkota was en the 'íd said to be vory promlsing, notwithstanding tho recent drought Ar La Porto, Ind., on the 22d, whilo riding on Pine lake, Mra. Rose Btern and Frank Molloy were drowned. The young man was a son of the evangelist, Kiumii Molloy. Evidemce in the Anarchist cases at Chicago on the í-id showod a deep-laid plot to blow up the liiisiiii'Si part of tho city and throw bombs on the pólice f rora the housetops. Okneiial Gibbon-, commanding the Department of the Columbia, stated on the 'M that there was not the slightost foundation for the report of recent Indian outrages in the Cahspel country. Over flve hundrcd employés of the Americau Tube & Iron Cumpany at MiddUtown, Pa., struck on the "JJ for hiher wages. OH tho 22d Jonathan II. Kedd and W. P. Titorick, farmers living near Cambridge, O., quarreled over a dollar, and during the flacas Titerick killed Redd. The Pennsylvania tuhe-work. I Pittsburgh, on the 22d voluntaiily advanced Uie wages of one thousaud workinen ton per cent, dating back two weeks. Undkr the sanction of the few blacklaws yet remainiug on the )hio statntibooks the Springtield school board on the 22d decided that colored children sbould not attend public schools with white childreu any longer, but should go to a school of their own. The colored people wore indignant and excited. Wii.fred H. Hariier beat the world unicycle mile record at Rochester, N. Y., on the -Jd by ten seconds, making the dista nos in 3:51. Joseph Hendekson-, a clothing merchant at Butte. M. T., was killed with a snot-gun on the 33d by J. W. Moore, a Nevada miuer, who at once conimitted suicide. The niurderer claiined that Henderson owed him $30,000. Tiib Para Rubhor-Shoe Company of South Farmington, Mass., will shut down July 31 indeflnitely for repairs, throwing eleven hundred hands out of work. Tuk feeling in favor of private retaliation in tho ttshery dispute if the Oovornment failed to grant public retaliatory measures was increasing at Portland, Me., on the 23d. Hoo cholera was raging to an alarming extent in ltototourt and several other Virginia counties on the dd. Some cases had been reported of farmers losing ono hundred head in a week. The drought in Southern Kansas still continued on the 2.M. No rain had fallen for over a month, and farmera said that unless rain feil within three or four days they would lose their entire erop. Forty persons were poisoned by eating lee-cream at a church festival in Eastport, Me., on the evening of the 23d. No fatal cases wore reported. Edwin Hoole, of Chicago, the surviving member of the firm of Snider & Hoole, bookbindere and printers, made an assignment on the 23d. The assets were placed at $300,000. Stephbji Brodie, a New York boot-blaek, twenty three years old, jumped from the Brooklyn bridge at the center span on the 23d into the Kast river, a distance of 120 feet. Ue was flshed out apparently uninjured. The business failurea occurring during the se ven days ended on the23d numbered 160 for the United States and 34 for Canada, a total of 184, as compared with 1S3 the previous seven days. The numbor of f allures in the United States since January 1 is 5,971, against 6,881 in a like share of 1S85. Canada has had 091 this yoar, against S05 last year. JosEPn Jump was hanged on the 23d at Gallatin, Mo., for the murder of Willium C. Gladson, and Lincoln Sprole (white) and Calvin James (colored) were executed at Fort Smith. Ark., for murders eommitted in ludían Territory. There have been forty-six men hanged at Fort Smith since 1871. Rains prevailed on the 23d over the western part of Nebraska, insuring a threefourths erop of corn. A FiKB ou the 23d at Franklin, Pa., destroyed fourteen buildings, causing a loas of (140.0J0. PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. Tuk Democratie State convention of Indiana will be held at Indianapolis August 11. Captain H. C. Chestek, through whose beroism the members of the Hall Arctic expedition were saved, died on the 20th at Noank, Conn. Tu California Logislature met in extra seasion at Sacramento on the 2Oth. The President on the 2üth signed the bill tor the construction of a bridge across the trfississippi river at Dubuque, Ia. Ex-Conqressman A. T. MiLi.ER, of Vermont, died at Rutland on the 3Oth, aged eighty-two years. He had been a prominent lawyer and legislatcr in the State for flfty years. Thk nomination of Henry P. Honderson, of Michigan, to be Associate Justice of the ïupreme Court of Utah was sent to the Senat on the ;2Oth by the President. TnE Democrats of Georgia on the 2Oth nominated Thomas W. Gaines for Cougressman in the Fourth district and Henry A. Carleton in the Kight district. James F. Gordon, inventor and manu'acturer of reapers and binders, died at Rochester, N. Y., on the 2Oth, aged fortyone years. In 1868 he put in the field the lrst self-bindur ever made. On the "JOth a mass couvention of tomperance Republicana was held at Indianapolis, Ind., the attendance from all parts of the State beinglarge. Rosolutions were adopted conderaniug the liquor trafile and declaring in favor of local option. Jubok John T. Nixon of the United States District Court of New Jersey, who recently became totally bliud, was on the Oth gradually regaining his eyesight. Captain John Quant, of New Orleans, aged ninety years, attended the Presilent's reception at Washington on the 21st. Captain Grant has shaken hands with very President of tbe United States. The President, accompanied by Secrearios Bayard and Whitney and Private Secretary Lamont, left Washington on the 21st for Albany, N. Y., to attend the bicentennial celebration. The Vermont Prohibitionists met in Stato convention at Middlebury on the 21st and put in nominatiou a full ticket with Prof. H. M. Seeley, of Middlebury Colloge, at the head for Governor. S. P. Rouxds, public printer at Washington, has purchased the plant of the Omaha JiejmlAiean for $100,000, and will take poasesRion in October. Thk Board of Aldermen of New York on the 'ilst adopted a resolution for a commission to report upon the feasibility of uuiting that city, Brooklyn, Yonkois, Long 1 Mand City and othor towns undor one municipal government. The Democrats of Vermont at thelr Stata convention at Montpelier on the 22d nominated 8. B. ShurtlolT, of Montpelier, for Oovernor, and P. M. Meidon, of Rutland, for Lietenant-Governor. Akter attending the bi-centennial celebration at Albany, N. Y., on the e veiling of the 22d the President and his party loft for Washington. Tur Hopublicans of ArkansHs met in State couvention at Little Koek on the 22d and nominated a full State ticket, witb Lafayotte üregg for Goveriior. Tuk Prohibitionists of the Second Kansas district on the 22d nominated T. O. Piekering for Congressraan. Wili.iam Huntek, Second Assistaut Secretary of State, expired at Washington on the 22d, aged eighty-one years. He had served continuously in the State Department for flfty-three years, having been appointod by President Amlrew Jackson. The Republicans of Imliana vill hold their Stato convention September 2. Tur Demócrata of the Fifth Ohio district on the 22d renominatud Georgo E. Seuey for Congressman. Wii.liam Look woon, the well-known veterau horsemun, feil dead on the 22d at Bulfalo, N. Y. The Democrats of the Socond district of Iowa on the 22d nominated Judge Walter I. Hayes for CongreKsman. The first anniversary of Ueneral Grant'n death occurred on the 23d. The Democrats and Greenbackera of tho Riglith Iowa district on the 2Sd nomiuated A. K. Anderson for Congressman. HiTcnisox, for over twenty years business agent for the American Board of Foreign Missions, was killed by a locomotivo in the Lowell depot at Boston on the 23d. Ho was sixty-two years of age. FOREIGN. Tattersall'8 mili at Haywood, Eng., enntaining thirty thousand spindles, was destroyed by fire on the 2Oth. Tue formal resignations of Mr. Gladstono and his eolleaguos of the Cabinet were on the 20th foi-warded to Queen Victoria, ou the Isle of Wight, by special messenger. The cholera in Italy was continually decreasing on the 20th in the worst districts and was stationary in the others. At a meeting hold on the 21st at Lima, Peru, it was resolved to petition the Government to expel the Jesuíta froni the country. Tke resignation of the Oladstone Cabinet was aecepted by Queen Victoria on the'ilst. llDMARK.uu.H heat and severo thunderstorms were on the 21st passing over England and France. The Dansette spinnery at Amentiores had been destroyed by lightiiing, eausinga loss of 12,500,000 francs. The cholera roturns from Italy on tba Jlst were as Collo wa: Brindisi, S new cases, 5 deaths; Venice, 2 new cases, 3 deaths; Fortuna, 1(1 new casus, 3 deaths; Latano. 7 new cases, 8 deaths; Cordigoro, S new cases, 2 deatü ; Triest, ü nw cases, 3 deaths; Fiume, 5 now cases, 3 deaths; Ostuna 2 new cases, 1 death. The French Keputilicans havo organized a committee for the propogation of republican principies among the people of France and the extirpation of royalism. A TF.uimti.K explosión of fire-damp occurred on tiie 23d at the King Ludwig mine near Essen, tfermany. Twelro miners werp killed and many others were woundod. In Trieste, Italy, six new cases of cholera and foor 'louths were reported on the 23d and in Fiume three cases and one death. It was stated on the 23d that 150 persons bad pertshed of hunger on the Newfoundland and Labrador coas ts, and tliat 2 501) were at present sufïering from lack of food. Government relief had boen asked for. Mkxicax troops and Taqui Indian fougbt a battle near Medaño on the 2Hd, the Mexicans losing ten men killed and twenty wounded. Forty of tho savages were slain and twenty taken prisonors, who were immediately shot. LATER NEWS. At twenty-six leading clearing-housea in the United States theexchanges during the week endod on tbe 24th aggregated $801,018,838, against 840,408,177 tho previoug week. As compared with the correspouding week of 18S5, the increase amounts to 4.1 per cent. South Carolina Demócrata will hold thoir State convention August 4. Choi.eua returns on the '5th from Italy wore: Brindisi, 4 new cases, 2üeaths; Fontna, 4 new cases, 2 duaths; San Vito, 9 new casos, 2 deaths; Bologna, 3 new cases, 2 deaths. Secuetauy Ba yard, in a report on the 24th to the President on the Canadian flshery troubles, said that an wnioaWe adjustment would be arrived at shortly. T. L. O'Meara was on the 24th nominated for Congressmau by the Knights of Labor in the Socond Iowa district. The standing of the National Loagu base-ball clubs at tho close of the wook ended on the üith waa as follows : Detroit, games won, 51; lost, H. Chicago, wou. 4'J; lost, 15. New York, won, 42; lot, 21. Philadolphia, won, 36; lost, 23. Boston, won, 25; lost, 37. Bt Louis, won, 20; lost. 46. Kansas City, wou. 14; lost, 45. Wahiut;ton, won, 11; lost, 47. MM, C. IL Jaynes, of Chicaso, was knockod down on Michigan avenue, near the Leiand Hotel, about eight o'clock on the evening of the 25th, and robbed of a hand-sachel coutaining (,IXX) worth of diamonds and jowelry and $478 in ruouey. Thb total collections of internal revenue for the last fiscal year were Í11O,J2,S45, an increase ovor the previous year of $4 - i, m A DisPATcu of the 24th aunounces that a refreshing raiu had fallen in all sections of Arkansas, aftor a drought of six weeks, insuring good crops of eorn and cotton. A heavy rain, acconipanied by a severe wind-storiu, visited portions of Michigan on the 25th. The forest flres were eutiroly queru-hed. Iv the vicinity of Larimore, D. T., a hail and wind-storm on the 'Mth destroyed a church and othor buildings, and ruined the erops in a telt four miles wide. The loss of gruu uear Portland was estiinated al $ 5 ,000. Ueoiíqi E. Adams was renominated for Cougressinan on the Ith by the Kopublicans oí the Fourth Illinois district. In the United States Sonate on the 24th a resolution to inquire iuto the violation of rights of American fishingandmerchanl vessels in Canadian waters was adopted. The Sundry Civil bilí was disciuwed, and at tho eveuiug session the measnre waa passed, with n amendtnsnt requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to issue silret cortificates of 1, 2 and $5. In the Hons til Naval Appropriation bilí amounting to (fl,i3S,000, and tho Sundry Civil Appropriatiuu bilí were passud.


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