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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILi. 8EE BY EXAIWININC THI8 MAP, THAT TH )lfeÉfelA8Yv3Sr 'E&uXjC. j 'i ; "CHÏCACO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By refisoii of lts central position, close relation to principal Iine3 East of Chicafro and continuous linea at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwost in Uio only trae middlo-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facil' itates travel and tiafnc in either direction between the Atlantic and Pacific. Tho Rock Island xnain line and branches include Chicaf?o,Joliet, Ottawa, Lo S-!lle, Pporia, Genesr-o, Moline and Koek Island, in Illinois; Havenport, Muecí.tine, Washington, Fairfiold, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa. West Liberty Jowa City, Des lUoines, lndianola. Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harían, Guthvie Centro and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Cameron a-.-.d Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansa3; Albert I-ea, Ilmneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Diikota, and hundrods of .-iternjodiato cities, towns and villajes. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Gtiarivntccs Speed, Comfort and Safety to thoss who travfcl over it. Its't'o: ñhod ia thoroiifrhly ballasted. lts track is of huavy steel. It bridpres nvn t jid ctructuroa of btone and iron. lts rolling atock is perfect as human iho it. It has all the safety appliances that niechanical srCiiiuj has invf nted nntl cxpericiLr-e proycd valuable. lts practical operation ia conservativo arul metliod(jnl- its disciplino strict and cxactinp. 'Iho luxury of its passender acconiniocin Uons ij uncquolüd m tho West unsurpossod in the wovid. ALL EXPRESS TKAINS between Chicago and the Missouri Biver cons'bt it ccrru'ortablo DA Y COACHES, mamificeut PULLMAN PALACE PABLOH and SLJCEPINO CAB3, elesrant DINING CAB.S providintf excellent nioiil;;, and - betweon Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City-'-resUul KECLININGCHAIB CARa. THE r AMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho direct, favorito line between Chicap-o and Miiuieapolis and St. Paul. Over tilia i ute solid Fast Expreas Tnúna run daüy to tho summer resorts, picturestjue 1 j.ilities and huntin and fishin? p:rouiid3 of Iowa and Minnesota. V hc ich whoat fields and prazins lands of interior Dakora aro reached via W A short desirablo route, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superir íílÍ'.i :ucntJ to travelers between Cincinnati, Indianapolir., Lafayette and Couneil E' ff , ft. Joseph, Atchisoii, Leuvenworth, Kansas Cityt Minnoapolis, St. Püul oad intormocliate points. All classes of patrons, espocially families, lidio.-; and children, roccive irojü omcialj and employés of Bock Island traína protocf ion, rospoctful courtcsy kindly attention. lror Tickets, Mapa, Folders - obtainablo ui all principal Ticket Gíiiuc. i United Stateu and Canada- or ajiy desired inforznation, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHM. resldont and General Manager, Chicago. Ticket nmi Pi M


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News