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II1KËCTOIIÏ1 A.NX A BOK (MM ANUKKY, NO. H IllOI'ls tirst Tiiösday of eacli luonlli, W. G. Uoly, K. C; W. A. Tolcliard, Recorder. WASHTBMAWr ÜHAPTKU, N(. l, K A. M. Ments rlrst tfonday Mea tnonth. [mm Hunly, II. P.; Z. Roilth, Soi-retary. BUSINESS CARD8. CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common ('ortlns. Calis attented to Da; or NIlil. Kmbalmtng a ipeolalty. Stote room oa K. Washington streel. KesiUemOor. lilburty and Klflh. W. II. JVEKSO, 33ilE3III"IITilIIISl!"ril office: : Orer Bach & AbeI's Irv Good Store ¦atranca next to National Bank. IVILLIAM HERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER Haporltig, tílazínjí. Gilding, and Ofilciinirihie, am work or evefy decrlption dono In the boet tykiind warrant ud to give ttatlsfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St.f Anr, Arbor W. W & A. C XIC'IIOKS, Room Over Anu Arbor Savings Dank Masouic Temple Block. GAS or VITALIZED AIR Aitninietc'red for the paiiilcse eztractinn "f teeth; STATE STREET Merchant Tailoring Establisknt ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, UeabSik: [f you want a neal suit do n' order uniil you have seen .IOSEPH BEHRV, Merctiaat Tollor. Htnte street, AnD ArliOr Mich. You will (lii'l u very ñtie lioe of Eng. llsn Worsteds for I)r,.ss Sulis, Sna Sll Ril Newest Shades and Vaves in Sack Boltlogl and trowserings In st clc and samples to order from. Our long experlenee In ('uttlnt; enalïtes uh to glve you a neat and perfect fll, and Olothes made In flrst-elass order, at Loweal Living Prloes. Cali and see for yourse f. BespecjtCully yours, JOSBPH iiKUliY, Mi-rciiiuit TUr CET THE BST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held ior th; ynUetlOTl oi the pollcy hol il (TB. CHRISTIAN MACK bepresenU 'he followlnir flt-clai Cíimpnnlcs, o which one, tíW Etna, han tlOB paid ö,0UÜ,0OÜ tire 1 ocrti-ii in rtlxty-ttve yuar: iitna, of Hartford $ 9,193,64 t Franklin of l'hiladelpliia 3,1 l7i: Germania, N. Y 8,700,729 Germán Americau, N. Y 4,0öt96i IiOiulon Asíiiranop, Loadon . l,416,Tss Michijran V. & M., Detroit. . . 2W,60t. N. Y. Undcrwrit.Ts, N. V 2,59t,87i National, Hartforxl 1,774,605 l'httiiix, Brooklyn :,7.j9,0:!l Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid Polieies ssucd at the lowetlt rates ol premium. 1191tf LUMBER! LUMBEE! LÜMBER! lt yo contémplate bolldlnft, cali at FERDON LlllEl l.lll! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and jre our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own I-mubcr and gunruntee AERY LOW PRICES ?#"iivt us a cali and we will makc it to yiur interest, as our larg-e and well tfraded stock iully ustains our asscriion Telcphone Connections with Office. T. J. K.KKC11 Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GENERAL WSÜRANCB iGBNCYf OFFICE, Orer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HURÓN AND FOÜKTU STB., North British Insurance Co,, Of London and Edinburjj. ICupital, $13.000,000, Uold. Ontrolt Flre and Marine Insnrunce Co., Cash AsoetB $6OO,HHI. Sprlngfleid Ins. Co. or Massaclmsetts, Caeh Am:ii $1,800,000. Howard ÜM. Companj or New York, Caata Afeet .4:1,000,0(10. Ifftnltml Ins Co., Watertown, JÍ.T., Cash AfMti $1,400,000. Jwe:r.)berally Ad)mt1 nd Promptly Pld. nu I niVIU miilt TKI1L '" ¦¦W I I I Illfi iinrpithfmMtikrpUul GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREL neet cure, whcre 11 other rrmodii f all. ?_''lt'11'' for rmult. It acción i ïüi-e ai.rrr' nl eTlain, and a fvnuwuj euiwl me. Rfer to me at utj time." ... _ Bon. H. Lolt. ut. Paul. tiinn. '(if? ?""''i rtetotei to he.ltli bj (knus iithmi ¦ ¦L ..„. c„. ,. s%rssi rim az,


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