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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlils powilemevir varíes. A marvel of pu rliy.slreniitli and wlolcomeness. More eco iiniiiii'iil than the ordlnary kinds, umi cannot be old In coiupetltlou witli the multitude o low te-il, Hhorl welght, aluin or phoKphiUt powdiTs. Snldonly In cutis. Koyal Kaklu-f P.twder '.. KMI Wall ut.. N. Y. From 115 Lis, lo 161 Us. To Ilic Cntieura Remedies I Owe My Health, My Hnppinesg, and My Life. A dy never pause tint t do nol tbluk and tp ak kindly ff the Culicura ke medie t Seven years aeol all of a du.en lunipg fortned on uiy neck raning In size from a cherry ptone to an oranje. The large onei wero frlshtfnl to look at, and painful to beur ; people tumed astde when they nu me, in dienst, and I wu ashimed to beon the utreet or ín society. I'hy-ician and their treatment aud all medicines Enilcd t ) do ny cood. In a ni jmeiit of dupair , triedthe CUTKJURA KKMBDIKS-ruflwa, the iirent skin cure, and Cuticitra Soap, aii exquisita Skin Beantifh-r, cxtortially, and Cntieara lifolret, tlienew Blood I'uriflcr. internally; tbc small lnmp8LHl cali them) radnally disappeared. and the larje oues broke, In about two weeks, difchargIdg lr;r quantities of matter, leaving two slight scars in my ceck to-day to teil the story of my sufferfn?. My weisht then was one hnndred and flitt-en plckly pounds ; It ie now one hnndred and eixty-one eolld, healthy ponnds, nnd my height is only five font five inchee. In my travel I praifted the Culicura Remedies, Nortb, South. Eint and West. Tol ullcura liemeilie.i I owt My JUallh. Mij titppknrst and My Life. A prominent New Tork DniL'u'i-t aaked me the other day, "Do yon mili OM tbs C'ituura Remedies you look to be in ) rh'ct health.'' My reply wiia, "1 do, and shall alwayp. I have ncvt-r knnw what sicknops is since I commcnced nsins; the Culicura Remedie:" Somctnne I mu lauhed at hy prairilu tbem to puoiile not acqaalntad wlth their merlU, bnt sooner or luter tliey will come to their sennes and belleve thi'xtmean thoix tint nse them, an doen hare hi. in I aavr tulii. Miy tb" time rom when tliere flmll Lx: Wr.'x Ciiicur,i Supply lloune in vary city in workJ, lor th nemcflt of laimaniiy, where the ('utirurá Remedies ?hall te Bold oríly, eo ihat there will be rart-ly a need of ever entering a dniL' store. M. HUSBANDS. 21U Fulton St. New York, N. Y. CunovitA Khmkdibb are a posltive care for eve:y form of Skin and Blood Dlsease, from Piin I les to Scroflla. öold everywhere. Cuticura,50 C'ts.; CiticubaSoap, '5 Cis.; Cuticuka iK). lreinred by the Pom Dki u and I Ki.MIi AL CO., BoStOQ."Hw to 'urr Skin DUeatMH. Tjmi'l.BS, Illacklii-ads. Skin Hlcini-hrn and Baby Jk tn llamnrfl, use Cuflcm Soup. Snoozing Catarrh.The diHtresalDg pneeL, uee.e, auee.e, the acrld watery dldiirgoe from the eyes and nose, the wintal iuiUinmation extondintr to the throat, the swelltng of tbe mucous lining, causln? choking pi'nsations, coagh, ringiD nolses in the head and splittin hendachee - how familiar these symptoms are lo thonsandg who suffer periódica! from head coUla or inüuenza, and wbo live la lgnorance of the fact that a single appllra ion of SANDFonn's Hadicai, Curk pur Catakrh will atford istantaneout relief. But thi treatment in caoe of simple ('farrh bnt a ramt Idin of what Uiis rcinvdy will do n the chrouic formsf where the hreathiiijr Is obrtrnctid hy choktng pntrid mucoat accumulations, he hearing enVctcd, sinetl and ta-ie i'unr. throat ilcerr.ted and hackine congh gradually fasteninf; iself npon tbe debiiitatea nystem. Then it ie nat the marvellou curatlve power of Sanord'ë Radical Cure manifeste ltnelf In tastantaneouB and ¦niteiiii relief. Uure begliis from the flrst application. It is rapld, radical, permanent, economical, nnd oafe. Samii-okd's Raiicai Curk consistí of one lottleof the Radical Cure, and one box of 'AÏIIAItRAL SOI.VKNT, and One IMI'ROVED MiAi.KK; prlce, tl.UO. Pottki Droo and CnnEJOtAL Co.. Boston. J ACHING BACKS. áJK Weak Backa, Pain, WeaknesB and In - SÁI tlimmatlon of the Kldney, Shooting 1 10LÜ Pafns throDh the Ioídb, Hip and 81de Vrrr Pains, Lack of StrenKth, and Actiylty tflleved In Ob Mínate and xpeedily urea ly tlie Cutlcura Antl-I'alu lMat-r. A new, original, elecaut and in fallible antidote to jaln and inflamatlon. Atdrn?lsU 25c.; five for 1.00; postage free, or ot Potter llrus and ll.llllinl O.. BOMtOn. SÖÖTTS" EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milk. The only prT)ratlon of COD MTKB Olí. tht cn le Uken readily and tolartd for a Ittag Urn ?Au"as''a "iTkiiFDT FOR fOXSüMPTIftff, SI KOU 1,01 S AKKK(TI0.S, i.VAKMIA, tíÜSHttl, lKr.ll,ITÏ, COKiHS AM TIIBOAT TFH.CTIONS, ml all WASTINti I)lS01tPt:BS"ÖF (Hll.HUKX it i m:irvlUin iii it rrolta. PreacHtxl and andoned ty tho bol Fhyalclana ü the countnes of the world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Mk Wr REATHI8TOR1 _K Outsollg all othir booka. Ilon. amwWtf J. s. wiseof Va.Barflj " Whoever Btf m H tfikrg it upt no matter vhitfur h u be Mr. Blaine's friend or eju-mj, Wt,JM u-ilt u, r, ,-j.ut it (touti utétil he p2 Bl 'tJ read the tchole." Hon. Al Ii n f ¦ Hav ' Tliurumii, says: "A flanste 4NS Baa% 'n "r P"litir,'il hintorv" fJm fcj ; Airents wunt'd on ((,jiiinlsLjÊ$UBi&m WÊm s1"" "r AHiirera, EVERY LIVE MERCHAN1 IN IW IIIIMHI Should advertise in THE COURIE K. THIS PAPER ES-S Newspapor AdvertUlng Boruau (10 Sprnoa Street) ,wlier ad Mfaaaa ÊgW%tg Ut uiiulo for It UilHaffff lUlllVa


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