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The Ypsilanti races oecur Aug. 10-13. There is a new bridge across Mili creek at JSutes' mili, ueur Dcxtcr. County pomologieal meeting Saturday p. in., at the court house, in Anu Arbor. Mis? Fannie L. Gwiuner, of Ann Ar bor ia in Chelsea each Tuestlay to giv uiusic lesisons. The ropublicans of Webster township wil] hold their caneus to-morrow, u 5th, at 7 p. m. The deraocrats of Scio hold a caiicus a the Dexter opera house, S.iturday even ing, August 7th. The Huron river is lower at present Mr. Clark Cornweli informs us, than i was ever bofore known to le - Ypsllan tian. Jas. Davenport of Webster and Mis Julia A. Sterling, of Ann Arbor, were marrled at Dexter July 2iitli, by Judiïc Craue. Wm. Tuomey niet with a bad acciden last Friday ; a colt which he was harnessing kicking him, dislocating the ankle.- Dexter Leader. Thefamilvof Phelps and relativos 70 n number, went up to the likes one da ast week. A very enjoyablc time is re ported.- Dexter Leader, On Monday Mrs. Oeo. Davison receiv ed trom the Mucnbees, a check tor $1,000 on thelife of her liusbaml, who died only seventeen days befoie.- Chelsea Herald. Editor Holmes of Chelsea Herald having beeu at the helm one year, gives u flew ery description of that "year's work, an noyances and frults. Muy he live to en joy many more, Those nterested in stablishlng a fair a Chelsea are busy at the prelimiuaries We are sorry to havo the county po dl yided np in this respect. Iu nnion there is Btrength. In dfcuuion there is failure usnally in all. We have heard the rumor of a wedding in this vlcinity, the bride being of the rip age of 86, &nd the groom n g;iy and festivo youth of sixty. But we are not preparec to vouch for the trutli of the rumor. - Ypsilanti Sentlnel. The carap-fire given by the Salino G. A R. post last Wednesday cvening was a grand success. Speeches wcre made b Capt. Allen, S. W. Burroughs. and oth ere, listcned to by about 2,000 pcoplc There were 12G old soldiers in line. 5. M. Barker, of Silver'Creek, Xebraska wa9 in town Monday, looking up two ca loads of fine wool bucks to ship west. L D. Lovewell is assisting liim in buying and those who liave such stock to sell wil do well to see him- South Lyon Picket. Mrs. Dr. Ritter and Miss Mamie Mur doek gave the members ol their Sundaj school classes n picnic at Phelps' grove lus Thursday. About twenty children wer present and thoroughly enjoyed thera selves until darkness warned thum bome - Dexter Leader. Track laylng lias commenced between Leeland and Hamburg. There is yet con siderable grading to be done at Hamburg before the iron can be laid. It's quite probable, at the rate the short link ha progressed, but little trafile will be done on tliat route this fall.- South Lyon Ex celsior. You could almost hang your hat on Theodore Stlerle's eyes, the other mom ing, when he carne to open up Parsons store, on account of fluding a ladder stand ing in front and leading to the open windows in the second story, which had negligently been left open. The ladder was placed in its position by jokera.- Saline Obscrver. Fred Wimble burned out a bumble bee's nest on James Harris' farm Suiulay, and neglecting to put it entirely out, two stacks of hay and some other articles were consnmed thereby.- Pinckney Dispatch Well, Wimble wül let the bumble bees alone af ter this probably. He ought to liave known better In the first place than to destroy these very useful insects. Here's another caution foi the farmers Farmers who have been in the habit o drawing potato vines to their barnyards, to be worked up into manure, had bettei omit the practice this year, especially in places where the potato rot has been prev ilent. The rot is undoubtedly producet ty a fungus growth which originates in '.he leaf, and carrying this to the manure !ieap is the most certain mode of spreading it over the farm. Miss Aggie Klein has in her possession some relies. She has a prayer book print ed in 1740 by George Cotta, a reader pnnted in 1789 and agramraar printed in 1833. The ürst named is entirely Germán, the other two Germán and English. There also in the fainily a large Bible 120 years of age, and all of the books are as good as when bound. But the best joke of all is, hat Aggie can read them just is well as f they were all English.- Stockbridge 5un. A few weeks ago the Enterprise apoke of a carpet bug which the Adrián Times claimed was giving the ladies of that city mich tronble. The Times now furnishes the following: Mrs. J. C. McKenzie has recelved from friends in Vermont a receipt for the destruction of the carpet bug, as follows : To two ox. each of camphor ;um, borax, saltietre and scotch snuit', add our drachms pulverized hops, mix and prinkle under the carpet, next to the aste board, with perforated tin box, or epper box. When a man starts out lisuing, his obect is to catch fish. The first thing he ooki for is bait; if he cau't get minnows he goes for rrubs, but if he linds them caree, he will search for "devil catchers" foiling tn this, will look for grasshoppers or small frogs; there may be a scarcity of all these and then he falls back on the or linary but old reliable angleworm. So it s with a village, people may batch up all cinds of schemes to capture uianufactories, lut the best bait isharmony, coupled with 'a long pull. a strong pull aud a pull alogether" spirit, and without it nothing au bc accouiplished. - Manchester Enter)rise. The ï psilantian starts a new line of tems tlius: "Among its other desirable )osse88Íous,Yp8Ílaiiti lays claim toa model 'ounjc man. He was bom here, and here ïas his whole life been pent. He is trictly températe, spends not 75 cents for liings other than necesities during the ourse of a year; (is industrlous and aithful; ho never atteuds.entertninmenta f any kind, not even chureh sociuls; oes not use tobáceo in any form; attends hurch on Sunday ; is about 30 years of ge, a bachelor, and votes the republican leket. lf any other Michigan town can resent a young man with more virtues nd less fault8, we will be glad to note the iet We are tired of glving publiclty to ie wlcked ana depraved members ofsolety, and desire to cali attention to the act tuat tlie upright aml virtumis are not f ten heard trom."